Scene ideas

From Drunkenmurder

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(Chapter 4: Conclusion: Scene 4-03-1: The Funeral)
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''Roy locks the door, and takes a step back, his plan having succeeded. However, in stepping back, he forgets that there's a wall shelf right behind him, and he painfully bumps his head into the corner of the shelf, causing him to drop the key into the trash bin and stagger to the ground, besides his bed, where he loses consciousness. The screen goes black (music stops at the same time).''<br>
''Roy locks the door, and takes a step back, his plan having succeeded. However, in stepping back, he forgets that there's a wall shelf right behind him, and he painfully bumps his head into the corner of the shelf, causing him to drop the key into the trash bin and stagger to the ground, besides his bed, where he loses consciousness. The screen goes black (music stops at the same time).''<br>
The trial is wrapped up and Roy is sentenced to X years of jail for the murder of Emma Fields. Roy has received his just punishment for something he never meant to do, and can barely remember doing...
The trial is wrapped up and Roy is sentenced to X years of jail for the murder of Emma Fields. Roy has received his just punishment for something he never meant to do, and can barely remember doing...
==[[Scene 4-03-1: The Funeral]]==
* Time: Unknown, after the story
* Characters: Roy
* CGs: [[Emma's coffin]]
* BGs: None
* BGM: [[Funeral music]]
Writing style is completely different for this scene. This scene's description will not be story-like, like the other descriptions, but purely descriptive as it can't be explained well in any other way.<br>
Make sure to read the CG and music description before the scene description, as they are vital to the atmosphere of this scene.<br>
There is no narrative. The actual scene is not described at all, however the situation becomes very clear from the CG, the dialogue and the music.<br>
The scene takes place at Emma's funeral, and there will be all kinds of regular funeral dialogue (it should sound a bit dramatic, to make the reader ;_; at Emma's death). This dialogue is alternated with Roy's monologue, where he gives his thoughts on Emma's death (like, a couple of lines of dialogue until the speaker is finished talking, followed by a couple lines of Roy monologue, followed by a couple lines of dialogue, etc). Roy thinks about how much he loved Emma, and the good times they had together, how much she meant for him, how much she helped him, how she loved him more than he deserved, and how he could never be good enough for her, and again how much he loved her. The funeral then ends with the burial service, and the people at the burial say their last farewells. With the same CG still on the screen and the music still playing, the credits slowly appear on the screen one at a time. After the credits, the story concludes with Roy's final farewells displayed somewhere at the bottom or so of the CG: "Farewell, my beloved Emma." (or something dramatic like that.) Clicking after that makes the music fade out slowly and returns the reader to the title screen.

Current revision as of 20:08, 16 September 2009

Dump your scene ideas here. If you have an alternative idea of how a scene should go (same scene, but a bit different), change the '1' in the scene number to '2' (or 3, if there are already 2, etc). BGs, CGs and BGMs in italic would be a nice addition, but can be left out if it's too much trouble.


Chapter 1: Confusion

Scene 1-01-1: Good morning

  • Time: Saturday morning
  • Characters: Roy
  • BGs: Dorm room (cluttered with beer bottles version)
  • CGs: None
  • BGM: None

The protagonist wakes up on the floor with a headache. The room he's in seems strangely familiar, but he doesn't recognize it. He notices that he's on the floor even though there's a bed there and that there are empty beer bottles scattered across the floor, and concludes that he must have been so drunk that he passed out the last night. He can't remember anything, can't think clearly, and is still half-asleep, so he decides to take a shower.

Scene 1-02-1: Nothing better to do

  • Time: Saturday morning/afternoon
  • Characters: Roy
  • BGs: Dorm room (cluttered with beer bottles version)
  • CGs: None
  • BGM: Dorm music

After having taken a shower, the protagonist's headache isn't nearly as bad anymore, but he still doesn't remember anything. He looks around in the room, and sees various things: mostly trivial stuff such as a TV, a computer, magazines, etc, but also a watch and a calendar. The watch says it's 11:04 AM on March 13th. The calendar shows that March 13th is a Saturday (if you want to know, Saturday 13 March would most likely make the year 2010). He can't really remember anything important he has to do, so he just passes the time by reading the magazines in his room.

Scene 1-03-1: Cleaning up

  • Time: Saturday evening
  • Characters: Roy
  • BGs: Dorm room (cluttered with beer bottles version, normal version)
  • CGs: None
  • BGM: Dorm music

The protagonist has just finished dinner (random microwave dinner he found in his refrigerator). He still can't remember anything, but at least his headache's gone. Having nothing better to do, he decides to clean up his room a bit - maybe the room in its original state will help him recover his memories. While cleaning up, though, he realizes it's a bit odd. There's lots of empty beer bottles, but he feels like he's someone who barely ever drinks. He shrugs, thinking it's probably just his amnesia screwing with his mind. By the end of the evening, he still hasn't recovered his memories, and goes to sleep.

Chapter 2: Identity

Scene 2-01-1: Who am I?

The protagonist wakes up. Something's wrong. Even after a full day, his memories still haven't returned. What happened to him for his memories to disappear like that? When will he recover his memories again? What will happen if he still hasn't recovered his memories in time for work, school, or whatever he is supposed to do tomorrow? The protagonist ponders these things for a while.

After pondering for a while, he decides that if his memories will not automatically return to him, he will have to remember them by himself. He looks around, investigating random things around him, looking for clues about who he is. He soon finds a stack of textbooks. It seems he's doing some sort of education, but he can't say for sure what kind of education. Looking around some more, he finds his wallet. There he finally finds really useful information - his ID card. He learns his name is Roy Miller, and he is 20 years old. Although he's not entirely sure of it, he is probably a college student or something like that. That would mean he can probably contact classmates to find out more. But first - breakfast. Or lunch, as it's already past 12 PM.

Scene 2-02-1: Naturally, I knows the hacker

Lunch is now over, and it's time for Roy to somehow contact one of his classmates. Of course, it doesn't take long for him to see his computer (you can't miss it), and he starts it be presented by a default login screen. The name field is already filled in, so he clicks find out his computer is passworded. (Music starts.) He tries entering his name as password, his user name, his last name, names of various magazines he's found in his dorm room, anything - to no avail. After some irritation (hitting the keyboard, shouting at the PC, you know), he finds, right besides his PC, the easier alternative: his cell phone. (Music stops.) It isn't on yet, so he turns it on..."Please enter PIN code." (Music starts again.) Of course, he enters three random codes and gets his phone blocked: "Please enter PUK code." He then realizes he cannot contact any of his classmates, laughs nervously for a bit, and proceeds to think how stupid it is that he has such tight security on everything, which now causes even him to not be able to access anything.

Scene 2-03-1: Nothing and a locked closet

Another microwave dinner. This one's probably the last, though, as there's no more food in his refrigerator. Oh well. Roy eats the microwave dinner, although he is kind of wondering what he should eat tomorrow. By the time he finishes his dinner, he realizes that either a) he's a lazy fucktard who usually eats only microwave dinners or b) he should have some other kind of food somewhere in his dorm room. If the latter option is true, then he'll be able to find some food for tomorrow somewhere in his dorm room. Come to think of it - he didn't check all drawers yet, nor that big closet in his room. That closet must be where he stores his food. Roys walks up to the door, tries to open it, and...(music starts)'s locked. He needs a key to open it. Computer security is one thing, but he even locks the closet he stores his food in?? Weird as it may be, he starts looking for the key, which should be somewhere in the room.

After a while, it's getting late. He still hasn't found the key, and hasn't recovered a bit of his memory. He goes to sleep, not knowing what he should actually be doing tomorrow. Oh well, if he's not going to school, then that means he has plenty of time to buy food, even if he doesn't immediately know where the stores are located.

Scene 2-04-1: Detour

Roy gets up. It seems to be late in the morning. Still no memories, although he does remember he ran out of food yesterday. He grabs his coat, checks his wallet to see if he has enough money, and sets off to buy some food.

...which turns out to be more difficult than expected. Although he vaguely remembers some places, he can't find his way to the nearest supermarket, and the road signs are more confusing than helpful. After a while, he does finally find a supermarket. Right before going inside, he is greeted by a person he vaguely remembers, but he can't tell who it is. The person comments that it's unusual for Roy to use this supermarket instead of the one close to his dorm. The person seems to be in a hurry, though, and by the time Roy realizes he might be able to ask this person about his school, he's already speeding away on his moped. Roy sighs as his best chance at learning what school he goes to fades from view. He then goes inside, buys some more microwave dinners (perhaps he really is that lazy?) and heads back to his dorm. Fortunately, his memory seems pretty good, and he's able to remember how he got here, and that way he manages to get back to his dorm. 'The way he got here' was quite a detour, though, and by the time he reaches his dorm it's already evening.

Scene 2-05-1: Phone call

While eating his dinner, Roy thinks about how he could find out what school he goes to. While he's thinking about that, his phone rings. He doesn't make the same mistake twice, and immediately realizes that ask whoever is calling him about his identity. He quickly picks up the phone. The caller says he's David. ...David? "David who?" David says his full name, and asks if's speaking with Roy Miller, and after confirmation, he explains to Roy that he and Emma didn't bring the stuff for the school project today, and asks why they weren't at school today. Roy explains that he's lost his memories, and can't remember anything. David thinks Roy is screwing with him at first, but eventually Roy asks him what school he goes to. David realizes Roy isn't kidding, and after a short silence, he says he'll show him to school tomorrow morning. He'll be waiting in front of Roy's dorm tomorrow at 8 AM. Nothing important happens after the phone call, and Roy eventually sets his alarm clock to 7 AM and goes to sleep.

Chapter 3: School

Scene 3-01-1: A trip down memory lane

Roy wakes up from the sound of an alarm clock. Roy wonders why he'd have set an alarm clock, but then he remembers: he would meet this David guy, who's supposedly his best friend, outside of his dorm at 8 AM. He takes a shower, eats breakfast, and eventually leaves his dorm around 8 AM. There's a guy outside of his dorm, but Roy hesitates a bit before approaching him. While Roy is still hesitating, David notices him and greets him. Roy asks him if he's 'David', and David is kind of disappointed that he's even forgotten what he looks like, but it makes him understand Roy really doesn't remember anything. They walk to college while discussing various things: how much Roy can remember, what may have caused him to forget (David mentions it's odd, as Roy rarely ever drinks, and even then, he doesn't drink much) and what school he goes to (seems Roy and David are majoring the same subject). When they've almost reached the college, David says Emma was also absent yesterday, and asks if Roy's heard anything from Emma about it. However, Roy doesn't even know who Emma is. David says Emma is Roy's girlfriend...but they've got to hurry, their lecture is about to start. Roy and David go inside.

Scene 3-F01-1: Memorizing the lane

Roy is talking to someone (David). The person he's talking to is surprised that that even though it's already his first day at that college, Roy doesn't know the way to college. At that point, present Roy (not the one in the flashback) remembers how that was when he first met him. On his first day of college, he had printed out a route from an online route planner, confident that he'd find the way with that. It seems he was wrong, and ended up asking someone where it was. The person Roy's talking to says he's actually going in the same direction, as it's also his first day of college. They decide to walk to college together. While walking, the person Roy asked for directions introduces himself as David Green, and Roy does the same. They walk to college while discussing various things: where they live (it seems they don't live all that far away from eachother), what they'll be majoring (they're majoring the same subject), and how their lives were back in high school (neither Roy nor David found it very interesting, Roy never had any friends but was semi-friendly with everyone (which he doesn't mind) while David was semi-good friends with everyone but didn't have any true friends, Roy fails at getting a girlfriend even though he does want one while David hasn't had a girlfriend since he was young because he just doesn't want one yet even though he could probably easily pick up a chick). David asks if Roy knows the way now, and Roy finds out that they've arrived already. However, he was so caught up in the conversation that he didn't really memorize the way to college. David facepalms, then looks at his watch to see they haven't got much time left. Roy and David hurry inside.

Scene 3-02-1: Lunch with something missing

It's lunch break and Roy and David are eating their lunch in the college's cafeteria. During lunch, David explains to Roy that they're working on their term paper, and Roy is supposed to do some research for it. Roy explains that it might be a bit difficult, as he can't use his computer. When David asks why he can't use it, Roy tells him he can't remember any passwords, was unable to log into his PC, and got his phone blocked.

The lunch continues in silence. Roy keeps looking around, feeling that something seems odd. As his eyes meet David's for the nth time, David asks 'What?', and Roy explains to him that it feels like something's missing. David knows what's missing: Emma, who usually eats with them, is still absent.

Lunch break ends and David says he'll come to Roy's dorm tonight to see how Roy and Emma's research has been going so far. Roy and David leave the cafeteria for their next class.

Scene 3-03-1: The girl in the drawer

Roy and David walk towards Roy's dorm (this time with Roy making sure he'll memorize the way). They chat a bit about how it all seems familiar, yet unfamiliar to Roy. They eventually reach Roy's dorm and go inside.

Once inside, David immediately notices a small stack of papers - the results of Roy and Emma's research for the term paper so far. David skims through it a bit, and concludes that Roy is actually on schedule for once - he remarks that it's probably because he's working together with Emma, as she wouldn't let him slack off. Roy says he still can't remember anything of Emma, not even her face. As a response, David looks like he just realized something for a bit, then pulls open the drawer of Roy's computer desk, telling Roy to look inside. Roy is a bit confused at first, but looks inside the drawer - to find a picture of Emma smiling back at him. David explains to him that Roy would sometimes open his drawer randomly while working, look inside, then close it again, which also confused David at first, until he found out Roy had put a picture of Emma in the drawer. David jokingly asks whether the picture motivates him by inspiring him to work hard, or whether the picture motivates him by making him think how Emma would respond if he'd see him slacking off. Roy and David keep talking about Emma, as Roy now starts to remember things about her.

Scene 3-F02-1: First meeting

It's kind of busy in the school cafeteria. Roy and David sit across from eachother at one end of a table in the cafeteria, eating their lunch. Since they're not talking about anything, Roy starts looking around a bit. He soon notices a girl (Emma) eating alone at the other end of the table. Roy thinks she's kind of pretty. Come to think of it, hasn't he seen her before? Right, she was also one of the first year students - in fact, if he remembers correctly, she's majoring the same subject as him. The girl notices that Roy is staring at her, stops eating, and asks 'What?'. Roy explains that he was looking at her because he thinks he's seen her before, and asks if it's correct that she's also majoring the same subject as Roy. The girl confirms that's correct, and asks Roy if he likes staring at girls who major the same subject as him. However, contrary her expectations, Roy simply answers 'What if I do?'. The girl is interested by the unexpected response, and responds asking 'What if I don't like being stared at?', to which Roy responds that she'd just need to tell him to stop staring. The girl tells him to stop staring.

A couple of minutes pass without Roy looking at the girl even once. The girl finally speaks up, saying Roy really stopped staring at her. Roy replies that it only makes sense, as she told him to stop staring. The girl tells him to put his hand on the table. Roy immediately puts his hand on the table without even questioning why he should do that. When the girl asks why he does exactly what she told him to do, Roy replies 'Why not?'. The girl says that lunch break is almost over, and they've got a lecture after that, and tells Roy to sit next to her during that lecture. After that, she leaves the cafeteria.

The first lecture, Roy didn't have the guts to just go sit next to her, half-afraid it was just a joke and she wouldn't want him to sit next to her. After that, she asked him why he didn't sit next to her during the lecture, and told him to sit next to her next time. And from that point on, he would sit next to her every time. That was how he got to know the girl, Emma Fields.

Scene 3-04-1: The amazing microwave cook

Roy tells David he's starting to remember Emma. They chat for a bit, when Roy decides it's time for lunch. He tells David how he now only eats microwave dinners as he's forgotten how to cook, to which David responds Roy hasn't forggoten how to cook. Roy is confused, until David makes it more clear: Roy has never once in his life cooked dinner. He doesn't know how to cook. It turns out he's been living off microwave dinners ever since he got into college, and had been hiding it until recently because he was ashamed of being unable to do such a simple thing. Eventually Emma half-forced it out of him, which pissed Roy off at first - until she promised she'll teach him how to cook. Roy now remembers - Emma was a bit forceful, but that was actually very helpful to him. If it wasn't for Emma, he'd probably live off microwave dinners for the rest of college, maybe even for the rest of his life. Concluding that Roy and Emma are doing fine with the research for the term paper, David goes home.

Roy eats dinner (microwave dinner, of course), reads some magazines/does other useless things and goes to sleep.

Scene 3-05-1: Wake up

  • Time: Wednesday morning
  • Characters: Roy, Emma
  • CGs: None
  • BGs: Dorm room
  • BGM: None

(Screen starts completely black)
Emma tells Roy that they're going to take a break. Although Roy doesn't mind breaks at all, it was Emma who told Roy that they'd have to keep working hard until they've finished it. They're almost done, so they'll just need to finish it, then they can take a break. Emma says Roy should really take a break, otherwise he might overwork himself. Roy replies that they can't leave it as it is right now, but Emma says that even if they were to leave it like this, it would barely look any different than when they completely finish the part they're working on. Eventually Roy gives up and takes a break. Although he did kind of want to take a break, he also wants to finish it...why can't Emma just leave him working for some more time? As Roy sits down, thinking that, he hears a strange beeping noise. He looks around, looking for the source. Although he's unable to find it, he does remember that sound: it's his alarm clock.

(Dorm room BG appears)
Roy wakes up and thinks for a while. Was that a real memory or just something his mind made up? Even if it was something made up, how did he remember Emma's personality so vividly? It must be that his memory is coming back. Well, whatever the case, there's still college today. Roy prepares to leave (eating breakfast etc) and walks to college.

Scene 3-06-1: Two-player card game

It's lunch break again and Roy and David are eating their lunch in the college's cafeteria again. Emma is still absent. Roy takes something out of his bag and puts it on the table. It's a deck of playing cards. Roy says he remembers the rules. David doesn't say anything, but just picks up the deck and starts dealing the cards. They start playing the card game President.

After a while, the game gets boring fast, which seems kind of odd to Roy - haven't they been playing this game nearly every lunch break so far? Now the game is really boring for some reason, and he can fully predict what cards his opponent has. It's a pure luck game. David notices Roy has finally noticed it, and explains why the game is so boring; this game requires at least 3 players. Yes, they play this almost every lunch break - the three of them, Roy, David and Emma. They talk about Emma while Roy is putting away the cards, and neither of them have heard anything from Emma yet. Roy's getting kind of worried. Lunch break ends, and Roy and David leave the cafeteria for their next class.

Scene 3-F03-1: Three-player card game

Roy puts a couple of cards on the table, and declares he's out of cards, so he's the President. David quickly follows, putting down the last of his cards. This makes Emma the Janitor, as she's the only one who still has cards left. She sulks a bit and picks up the cards and shuffles them. Emma deals the cards, saying she can't believe she's even losing to David today, to which David responds he doesn't ALWAYS get the low cards. Emma jokingly suggests Roy should give her an Ace (the highest card) instead of his lowest card so she can win for once. After passing her Ace to Roy, she picks up the card Roy discarded - an Ace. Emma looks at Roy for a second, wondering why the hell he would do such a disadvantageous thing, but Roy only smiles. She shakes her head and just continues playing. Emma is the first to lose all of her cards, and seems rather triumphant about it. After Roy has also discarded his last cards, David picks up the cards, letting out a half-sulking, half-amused 'Pfff...cheaters', to which Emma responds he's just jealous.

They would always play this game during lunch breaks, unless one of them had something important to do at that time. Roy thinks back to that, wondering when he can play like that again.

Scene 3-07-1: Blackout

(music doesn't play at start)

Roy and David are walking home together. After a bit of silence, David speaks up, asking if Roy's memory is coming back yet. Roy replies that although he has regained some memories, at this rate it'll take ages for him to get his memory back. David wonders just what could have caused Roy's blackout. Roy says it's because he drank too much, and his floor was littered with beer bottles. David says it's not like Roy to drink at all, let alone drink so much that it causes memory loss. Then, suddenly, David stops walking.

(Investigation music plays)

David realizes something's wrong. Roy couldn't have lost his memory because of the alcohol, it couldn't have been a blackout...because blackouts don't make you lose past memories. Alcohol can disable the brain's ability to transfer short-term memories to the long-term memory. So, if Roy had a blackout, he would only lose the memories of a period of time after he started drinking, and any memories before that should be completely fine. Roy says it can't not have been the blackout; how else could it be explained that he was sleeping on the floor, and his room was littered with beer bottles? David tells him to try to think about what else it could've been, but Roy hasn't got a clue - it all seemed like a blackout, it couldn't have been anything else.

Eventually Roy and David reach an intersection, and have to go different ways from there. Roy walks the rest of the way back to his dorm alone, wondering what could've caused his amnesia if it wasn't a blackout.

Scene 3-08-1: Boredom

  • Time: Wednesday evening
  • Characters: Roy
  • CGs: None
  • BGs: Dorm room
  • BGMs: None

After eating (microwave) dinner, Roy is bored. As he still can't remember much, he can't do anything useful for his studies. Being unable to remember his password also rules out the possiblity of using the computer, and he got his phone blocked, so that wouldn't work either. He picks up and reads a magazine, but gets bored quickly. Doesn't he have any hobbies? As he looks at the magazine he was just reading, it seems he does have a hobby - gaming. However...he doesn't have any consoles or handhelds, so that must mean he's a PC gamer - and, of course, he can't actually use his PC. Being bored out of his mind, he decides to just call it a day. As he goes to sleep, he thinks he should get a hobby.

Scene 3-F04-1: Hobby

"You should get a hobby." Roy and Emma are in Roy's dorm room, both not really doing anything, just wasting time reading magazines. Roy replies he does have a hobby, he's a gamer. Emma says he should get a hobby he can enjoy with someone else, like a sport or something. That way they wouldn't be bored like this. Roy asks if Emma doesn't like doing nothing together like this. Emma can't really deny liking situations like this, but it would still be more fun to do something together. Roy asks why Emma can't pick up a sport if it's a problem for her, but Emma says she's too busy. Roy says she can't be too busy if she's wasting time like this, but Emma more or less ignores this argument as she can't really refute it. After some silence, Emma speaks up, saying she's decided. Starting tomorrow, they're going to play tennis together. Roy simply responds "Tennis, huh?", and thinks it'll probably be a fun change of pace, like always whenever Emma drags him into something.

Scene 3-09-1: Because you don't wake up

(scene starts with a black background, with no music playing)

Roy hears some noise. It sounds like someone's in his room. He hears a slightly irritated voice, asking him if he's still sleeping. He recognizes it - it's Emma's voice. Roy responds that he wants to sleep. Emma keeps trying to wake Roy up, saying he has to be on time today, but Roy refuses to get up. Emma keeps trying to wake him up in an increasingly forceful manner, until she eventually just kicks Roy to wake him up.

  • Dorm room BG appears

Roy jumps up, and suddenly Emma's gone. That kick just now doesn't hurt either. It seems it was another dream, or a memory. Roy can't really see the difference between the two anyways. Then he starts wondering why he had exactly that dream...he feels that Emma would only wake him up like that if he were really...late. He looks at his alarm clock...

  • Fun music plays

..and sees he totally overslept. If he doesn't hurry a lot, he'll be late. Roy quickly prepares to leave and runs to college.

Scene 3-10-1: Worry

It's lunch break again. David thinks Roy looks worried and asks him what's up. Roy says they still haven't heard anything from Emma. He hasn't even seen her since he's lost his memory. David realizes that Roy indeed hasn't seen Emma even a single time after his memory loss, so he can probably barely even remember her. David says this and tells Roy about how he and Emma seemed like a perfect couple, how well they fit eachother, and says the two probably never even had an argument, that's how well they get along with eachother. Roy reminiscinces a bit and does remember something like having an argument with Emma (the argument from chapter 4). Roy eventually replies that it's not that he just wants to meet her, he's just worried about Emma. He can remember Emma just fine; for some reason, most of the memories that come back are about him and Emma being together. David laughs and says he could kind of have expected that even after losing his memory he thinks of almost nothing but Emma. But Roy has a point being worried; Emma hasn't shown up for 4 days straight, without any kind of notice or anything like it. David proposes they get her address from the college administration people and try visiting her dorm room after school. Roy agrees and they leave the cafeteria to get the address.

Scene 3-11-1: Nobody home

(scene starts without music)

Roy and David are walking through the town. David has some kind of idea of where to go, but Roy is just clueless and is just following David. They eventually reach a dorm: Emma's dorm. They find Emma's room number and Roy rings the door bell.

(Investigation music plays)

However, there is no response. Roy gets flustered, she doesn't show up at school and she isn't home either. David replies that she's probably just out for a bit, but Roy can't just accept that. Something's wrong. It just can't be right. David tries to calm Roy down, saying she'll probably just be at school tomorrow like nothing's happened - it wouldn't be the first time she forgot to mention something important like being absent. Roy replies that she does at times forget trivial things, but being absent for four days without any word - even she wouldn't forget to mention she'd be absent for over half a week.

Roy and David walk back home in silence. When they eventually reach the usual intersection where they split up, David says Roy will surely see her again soon. Roy hopes so, but he's very worried that it might not go like that. When he gets back in his dorm room, he eats (microwave) dinner. After eating dinner, he's worrying so much that he just feels like shit, and decides to go to sleep early.

Chapter 4: Conclusion

Scene 4-01-1: Memories

(scene starts without music)

Roy wakes up. He feels like shit, but doesn't feel like he can fall asleep again. He checks the clock: 5 AM, two hours before he usually wakes up. He thinks back to why he went to bed so damn early yesterday, and is again reminded of Emma. Roy sits on the chair near his desk, and pulls open the drawer to look at her picture again. He takes the picture out of the drawer, but in doing so, notices that there's something else in the drawer: Under Emma's picture, there's a photo album.

(Flashback music plays.)

Roy opens the photo album. What greets him are pictures of his memories with Emma.
A picture with the two of them just posing before the camera; Emma had suggested making a photo album, and took that as their first picture. Roy didn't feel much for the idea, but Emma insisted, saying he will one day be glad they started taking pictures and putting them in a photo album.
The next picture. They're at a bowling alley, where a bowling competition was being held. The first round, they both sucked, with Roy being unable to aim properly to knock down the last pins, and Emma being unable to throw with enough force to knock over enough pins on the first throw. Both Roy and Emma were getting bored, until at the second round, where players were supposed to play in teams of two, Emma made a brilliant suggestion: Roy would roll the first ball, and Emma would knock down the remaining pins. Their great teamwork made them go from being the worst players in the first round, to being the best players in the second round.
Another picture. They're playing Tennis. They were both average players. However, playing against eachother, they were very equally matched, and every match would be an unpredictable contest between the two competitive players. Sometimes, Roy won, other times, Emma won, but it was always a close match, and they both enjoyed it a lot.
More pictures. Bumper cars at a theme park, of which Roy was convinced they were just for kids, until Emma turned it into a competitive game. A shooting gallery at a fair, where Roy decided he'd win a prize for Emma, but didn't manage to win anything until Emma gave him tips to win. Roy and Emma on a boat, Roy and Emma at a concert, all kinds of pictures, each and every single on of them reminding Roy of his fun times with Emma.

"You'll surely see her again soon"...but she's been missing for four days now. When will Emma...come back?

Scene 4-02-1: Conclusion

(scene starts without music)
(note: italic text means flashbacks) Roy walks to college, thinking and worrying about Emma. "You'll surely see her again soon"...he hopes he can see her again today. However, Emma doesn't show up at college. Roy and David end up talking about it, and when Roy wonders when the last time was when they saw her, David remembers Emma went to Roy's place last Friday to work on the school project. It rings a bell, but Roy can't fully remember. As the morning passes, he slowly starts to remember very small details about last Friday, when they were working on the project together. Roy starts feeling uneasier and uneasier, and by the end of the morning he goes ' can't be'-ish and starts to walk home.

(music starts)
Roy's walking home eventually turns into running home, as he further remembers what happened that day.
Emma decides it's time for a break, although Roy kind of wants to finish the project first, but he eventually takes a break as well after Emma insisted they'd take a break. Emma takes out the drinks she brought - all beer. Roy never drinks beer, and is kind of disappointed as he had thought Emma had brought over other drinks, as Roy is out of drinks himself. Roy doesn't want to drink the beer at first, but since Emma insists he should drink and there's not really anything else to drink at the moment, Roy decides to drink the beer as well.
Roy takes out his key to unlock his dorm room door, panicking. He hopes he's wrong about what he's thinking right now. The door opens as Roy remembers more...
Both Roy and Emma drank a bit too much, and empty boor bottles are scattered all over the floor. Emma notes that they're not really going to finish the project in time in this state, and Roy panicks, and asks Emma why she did this, as now they can't finish the project in time anymore. Emma replies that Roy should calm down, it's not the end of the world. It's not that big of a problem. Roy then starts shouting drunkenly, it might not be that big of a problem for her, but it is a big problem for him. He wanted to finish this project on time.
Roy rummages through his trash bin, still panicking. He goes pale as he pulls out a key from the trash bin.
Emma remarks that Roy's planning is not all-important; he needs to be a bit more lenient, as he can't work with other people properly if he selfishly sticks to his own schedule like that. Then Roy becomes really pissed. Selfish? ROY is selfish?! Emma should shut the fuck up, SHE's the one who always orders HIM around.
Roy puts the key in the keyhole if his closet...and it fits. It fits. It really does fit...*click*...
Emma says she orders him around because he needs to be ordered around. He can't really get anything done by himself. Roy gets so angry he picks up one of the empty beer bottles, telling her to shut the fuck up. Emma says it's true, he couldn't even hit her with the bottle of his own accord. Roy tells her one last time, she should SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Roy opens the closet door, and nearly gets a heart attack.
Emma only replies 'see? If you could do it, you'd have hit me by now. Try it, hit me with that bottle'. This causes Roy to become so angry that he swings the bottle towards Emma. He isn't going to hit her really hard, but it should at least be hard enough to make her get the hint. However, Emma attempts to dodge...and gets the bottle full force against her temple.
(music stops)
The closet opens, revealing...Emma. Dead. In the closet. Emma is dead, in the closet. Just lying there. After Roy just stands there for a while, not truly grasping the situation, (music 2 starts) he falls to his knees and begins to scream.
Emma drops to the ground. Roy is confused at first, but drops to his knees (almost losing his balance) and shakes Emma to wake her up. However...Emma doesn't move. No movement at all. She can't be...dead? He couldn't just have killed her? That would be ridiculous. Ridiculous, right? But...what if...Emma really IS dead? Roy gets scared...
As Roy is still screaming and failing to grasp the situation, in the backgrounds knocks and shouts can be heard. Eventually, somebody enters the room and finds Roy screaming in front of Emma's dead body. It's a police officer.
But if Roy has really killed Emma...what's going to happen to him now? If it's found out, if it's found out--IF it's found out. If it isn't found out...nothing will happen to him, right? If nobody finds the body, it will be like nothing ever happened, right? Roy is amazed at his alcohol-inspired idea, and decides to do it.
Roy is in questioning at the police station. He doesn't say much, but from what little he does say, it's quite clear what happened: Roy killed Emma despite not meaning to kill her.
Roy opens the closet he never uses anyways and puts the body in there, then locks it.
Roy is being tried for the murder of Emma. There is overwhelming evidence against Roy, but he doesn't really care. He doesn't really care about anything anymore.He just looks on as people in expensive suits argue over what punishment Roy should receive.
Roy locks the door, and takes a step back, his plan having succeeded. However, in stepping back, he forgets that there's a wall shelf right behind him, and he painfully bumps his head into the corner of the shelf, causing him to drop the key into the trash bin and stagger to the ground, besides his bed, where he loses consciousness. The screen goes black (music stops at the same time).
The trial is wrapped up and Roy is sentenced to X years of jail for the murder of Emma Fields. Roy has received his just punishment for something he never meant to do, and can barely remember doing...

Scene 4-03-1: The Funeral

Writing style is completely different for this scene. This scene's description will not be story-like, like the other descriptions, but purely descriptive as it can't be explained well in any other way.
Make sure to read the CG and music description before the scene description, as they are vital to the atmosphere of this scene.
There is no narrative. The actual scene is not described at all, however the situation becomes very clear from the CG, the dialogue and the music.
The scene takes place at Emma's funeral, and there will be all kinds of regular funeral dialogue (it should sound a bit dramatic, to make the reader ;_; at Emma's death). This dialogue is alternated with Roy's monologue, where he gives his thoughts on Emma's death (like, a couple of lines of dialogue until the speaker is finished talking, followed by a couple lines of Roy monologue, followed by a couple lines of dialogue, etc). Roy thinks about how much he loved Emma, and the good times they had together, how much she meant for him, how much she helped him, how she loved him more than he deserved, and how he could never be good enough for her, and again how much he loved her. The funeral then ends with the burial service, and the people at the burial say their last farewells. With the same CG still on the screen and the music still playing, the credits slowly appear on the screen one at a time. After the credits, the story concludes with Roy's final farewells displayed somewhere at the bottom or so of the CG: "Farewell, my beloved Emma." (or something dramatic like that.) Clicking after that makes the music fade out slowly and returns the reader to the title screen.

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