Neutral Good

From Dragons Exodus

Revision as of 17:36, 18 December 2006 by Sabaco (Talk | contribs)
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This alignment desires good without bias for or against order.

Neutral good characters do good for goodness' sake, not because they are directed to do so by the law or by whim. These characters believe that the forces of law and chaos should not moderate the need for people to do good. These characters will support social structures only when they are for the good of the community. If overthrowing an existing social order is what needs to be done to foster good, then they will not be afraid to do so. Their need to help others and reduce suffering may take precedence over all else.

A doctor who treats both sides in a fight, a knight who stands up to his own master to protect a wrongfully accused servant and an aid worker who feeds the starving in a war zone are all examples of neutral good characters.

Neutral Good has sometimes been described as the "purest" form of good, without bias towards law or chaos, though this has fallen out of favor recently with most of the gods of good being declared "Lawful Good", as well as their attendant servants.

[edit] Chaotic Good

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