True Neutral

From Dragons Exodus

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The neutral alignment is without prejudice or compulsion.

Neutral characters do whatever seems to be a good idea. They do not feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good and evil or order and chaos. They think of good as better than evil, after all, they would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. However, they are not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.

This is the most common alignment of sentient creatures and the alignment of almost all animals and other creatures of very low intelligence.

Some neutral characters commit themselves to a philosophy of neutrality. These people are extremely rare in a world where most people make value judgements, and are said to be "true neutral."

True Neutral characters see good, evil, law and chaos as simply prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate that the middle way of neutrality is the best and most balanced road in the long run.

Some true neutral characters will actively support neutrality and balance in the world. They will avoid having to support any one side, whether that be good or evil, order or chaos; and will work to see that all of these forces remain in balance.

Other true neutrals are simply characters who are tired of this concept of 'morality', and find that they draw no meaning from it. These characters are not neutral out of choice, but simply that they care not either way - they are passively neutral, but still falls under the banner of true neutral. An example is a simple farmer whose only concern in life is to work his fields to feed himself and his family.

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