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#001 Ballbasore, the Sore Balls Dopémon
Ballbasore is a Dick-type Dopémon, which is unusual considering that, unlike most Dick-types, it does not resemble a penis or have any obvious penis-related features. It may qualify as a Dick-type simply due to its relation to Penisore, its fully-evolved form that is known for having one of the largest penises in the Dopémon universe.

Ballbasore is #001 in the official Dopédex order, and is classified as the Sore Balls Dopémon.




A Ballbasore resembles a frog or toad, though they have several reptillian features (such as having teeth on both the upper and lower jaws, and having claws) as well. Contrary to popular belief in some areas, it does not resemble any species of dinosaur that has yet been discovered; the so-called similarities to dinosaurs may come from the fact that the "sore" in its name sounds similar to the "saur" in "dinosaur."

One odd feature of the species, which is unique to Ballbasore and its evolved form Ibesore, is the fact that male Ballbasores are plagued with permanent, incurable testicular pain, starting shortly after birth. Female Ballbasores are also afflicted with permanent soreness in their nether regions, but for unknown reasons, this soreness is less severe in females and usually doesn't impair their movement at all. This may explain why 87.5% of all Ballbasores captured by humans are male; the females are able to run away quickly enough, but the males are slowed by their testicular pain and become easier to catch.

Each Ballbasore also has a strange, plant-like growth on its back. In this stage, the growth has almost no use whatsoever; if the outer layers of the plant are somehow damaged, the Ballbasore will actually be thankful--the second source of pain distracts it from its sore balls.

Special abilities

Ballbasores are capable of using several Dick-type attacks, as well as a variety of others. Moves such as Rapid Dick and Penis Whip can be used by both male and female Ballbasores due to the fact that these attacks are performed by the battle penis located inside of the plant-like growth. This second penis can extend to incredible lengths and emerges from the plant, and resembles a tentacle.

Ballbasore's signature move is Sore-Beam, in which it uses the soreness in its crotch as a power source, first spending a small period of time charging soreness and then releasing it as a massive, yellowish-green blast of energy.


Ballbasores spend most of their time clutching their groins in pain and pacing back and forth. When their biological needs--primarily hunger and thirst--become too strong to ignore, they will summon up enough strength to ignore their testicular pain for long enough to eat and drink, then begin pacing back and forth and clutching their balls once again.

If threatened, a Ballbasore will usually try to drive the attacker away with a Nasty Smell or disable them long enough to escape with a Tranquilizer. As female Ballbasores are more adept at escaping, they will often hang back a little and fire off Tranquilizer attacks to give the males more of a chance to get away.

A Ballbasore--either wild or trained--will always refuse medical treatment for its soreness, as they realize that no amount of medicine (or even surgery) can possibly cure it.


Ballbasores are rarely seen in the wild, probably due to the fact that their sore balls make them poor runners and, as a result, they would have difficulty escaping predators. When they are encountered, they usually appear in densely forested areas or rocky caves, both of which provide them with many small places to hide.


Ballbasores mostly feed on plants, especially soft fruits that can be eaten quickly and easily without a lot of unnecessary movement. They will also eat slow-moving insects occasionally. If nothing else is available, they will accept Poopies from their trainer, though they almost never eat them out of Poo Latrines in the wild.

Game Data

Dopédex entries

Its balls and dick are filled with soreness. They will grow steadily more painful as it grows.
--(Dopémon: Mold Version)
It has sore balls right from birth. Even when it gets older, the soreness never goes away.
--(Dopémon: Liver Version)

Base Stats

 Health: 50
 Muscle: 55
Defense: 45
 Energy: 55
 Wisdom: 65
  Speed: 39

Attacks Learned

Start: Bumper
Lv.04: Grrr
Lv.07: Rapid Dick
Lv.10: Nasty Smell
Lv.15: Penis Whip
Lv.18: Masturbate
Lv.22: Tranquilizer
Lv.25: Stinky Scent
Lv.32: Screech
Lv.39: Thrash
Lv.46: Sore-Beam


Ballbasore evolves into Ibesore at level 16.



Ballbasore is a spoof of Bulbasaur, a Pokémon that resembles a large frog with claws and a plant-like growth on its back.

Name origin

The "ball" in Ballbasore comes from "balls," a slang word for testicles. The "sore" is the English word sore, referring to its recurring testicular pain. The "ba" in the middle is a nonsense syllable inserted to make the name sound similar to "Bulbasaur," the Pokémon that it was spoofed from.

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