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#002 Ibesore, the Sore Balls Dopémon

Ibesore is a Dick-type Dopémon. Much like its unevolved form Ballbasore, it does not actually have any prominent Dick-type features, and may qualify as a Dick-type simply because of its relation to Penisore.

Ibesore is #002 in the official Dopédex order, and is classified as the Sore Balls Dopémon.




An Ibesore resembles a frog or toad, though they have several reptillian features as well. Contrary to popular belief, they do not resemble any known type of dinosaur; the misconception that they somehow resemble a dinosaur may come from the fact that the "sore" in their name sounds like the "saur" in "dinosaur."

Ibesores--both male and female--are constantly plagued with severe pains in their crotches. This pain is worse in males, likely due to the fact that their crotchy-parts are on the outside rather than on the inside. Unlike Ballbasores, however, Ibesores are often tough enough to resist the effects of this soreness.

The plant-like growth on a Ballbasore's back splits open as it evolves into an Ibesore, forming a flower bud-like object growing up from between two leaves. This bud is the location of an Ibesore's battle penis, and will eventually grow into the much larger battle penis that Penisores are notorious for.

Special abilities

Ibesores, much like their unevolved form, are capable of using several Dick-type attacks, as well as a variety of others. Moves such as Rapid Dick and Penis Whip are performed by the battle penis located inside of the bud, and thus can be used by both males and females of the species.

Ibesore's signature move is Sore-Beam, in which it uses the soreness in its crotch as a power source, first spending a small period of time charging soreness and then releasing it as a massive, yellowish-green blast of energy.


Shortly after evolving, an Ibesore will behave in much the same way it did as a Ballbasore--pacing back and forth, clutching its crotch, and so on. As time goes on, Ibesores grow stronger and may begin to shrug off their testicular pain. When this happens, their movements become faster and they are much less likely to be spotted by humans or caught by predators.

One unusual feature of Ibesores is that once every month, their soreness will suddenly become worse. Younger Ibesores that aren't able to resist the effects of their soreness yet will often double over in pain when this happens, leaving them nearly immobilized on the ground and extremely vulnerable to attack.

Younger Ibesores will usually attack with a Nasty Smell if they are threatened, while older members of the species are more likely to lash out with Penis Whip or a similar attack to drive the attacker away. As their soreness is easier to deal with in this stage, some may just run away without any attempt to distract their attacker first.

An Ibesore--either wild or trained--will always refuse medical treatment for its soreness, as they realize that no amount of medicine (or even surgery) can possibly cure it.


Ibesores are rare in the wild, likely because many Ballbasores are eaten by predators or captured by humans before they have a chance to evolve. The few that do exist live far away from humans, usually deep within jungles.


The diet of an Ibesore is similar to that of a Ballbasore--mostly fruit and other plants, and occasionally insects. If nothing else is available, they will accept Poopies from their trainer, though they almost never eat them out of Poo Latrines in the wild.

Game Data

Dopédex entries

Ball itch cream has no effect on its soreness. If its balls begin to hurt more, it may fall over.
--(Dopémon: Mold Version)
If it doubles over in pain, it is evidence that its balls are getting even sorer than before.
--(Dopémon: Liver Version)

Base Stats

 Health: 70
 Muscle: 67
Defense: 65
 Energy: 68
 Wisdom: 75
  Speed: 60

Attacks Learned

Start: Bumper
Start: Grrr
Start: Rapid Dick
Lv.04: Grrr
Lv.07: Rapid Dick
Lv.10: Nasty Smell
Lv.15: Penis Whip
Lv.19: Masturbate
Lv.24: Tranquilizer
Lv.29: Stinky Scent
Lv.38: Screech
Lv.47: Thrash
Lv.56: Sore-Beam


Ibesore evolves into Penisore at level 32.



Ibesore is a spoof of the Pokémon Ivysaur, which resembles a large frog with claws and a flower bud on its back.

Name origin

The "ibe" in "Ibesore" is made up of the English words "I be," a grammatically-incorrect way of saying "I am" that also happens to sound similar to the "ivy" in "Ivysaur," the Pokémon that Ibesore was spoofed from. The "sore" is the English word "sore," referring to its testicular pain.

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