List of unused Dopémon names
From Dopeymon
Revision as of 07:12, 30 July 2007
This is a list of Dopémon names that were, at one point, considered for an actual Dopémon but were discared for whatever reason, usually replaced with the current Dopémon or just thrown out before I had even decided which Pokémon they would replace.
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Old "alternate" Dopémon
These Dopémon are considerably older than the rest of the bunch--they come from way back in the late 90's, when I was first making the original Dopémon website. This was before I knew about ROM hacking (and heck, probably before most other people knew about it as well, since Pokémon Gold and Silver hadn't even come out in English at the time), so Dopémon (then spelled "Dopeymon") was nothing more than a silly website back then.
The Dopémon listed here were "alternate" spoofs of various Pokémon; since I wasn't making a ROM hack yet, it was perfectly okay to have multiple Dopémon spoofing a single Pokémon, because I didn't have to try and fit them all into a ROM's data.
- Gottapeekachu: A Urine-type variation of Puckerthoo.
- Aaaachoo: A snot-based (likely Icky-type) variation of Puckerthoo.
- Whychu: Not the Whythoo we now know, it evolved from Gottapeekachu.
- Geofood: The prototype Food-type Dopémon that existed in place of Dumbull.
- Pizzaler: Geofood's evolved form. It was like a pizza version of Primerib.
- Yumlem: The fully evolved representative of the only Food-type Dopémon back then.
- Matingpod: An old and lame-sounding prototype of Penipod.
- Butturdfree: Before I realized that it was too long and not easily shortened.
- Coocoona: Essentially a Peedle in a straightjacket.
- Jiggalopuff: It was basically the same as Gigolopuff, but before I knew how to spell "gigolo."
- Poobat: A different spelling of Pubat.
- Smilebuffoom: Again, too long to fit. Also, sounded a bit dumb... even for a Stupid-type.
- Primerape: I vaguely remember having Moonkey evolve into this once, though it was quickly replaced with Primerib.
- Rapidass: Basically the same thing as Crapitout, but with a different name.
- Fagneton: Same as Faggoton, but with a slightly different name.
- Eggsain'tcute: Basically the same as the Pokémon Exeggcute. Unfortunately, the name is far too long.
- Eggsain'tanycuter: Same problem as Eggsain'tcute, but the name's even longer than that one.
- Shitmonlee: Hitmonlee plus poop, pretty much.
- Shitmonchan: See above.
- Badgascan: Same as Badgaskhan, except its "gas" was gasoline in a can rather than farts.
- Fookyu: Same as Fukyu, slightly different name.
- Fookme: See above.
- Electrobuttz: Electabuzz spoofed with butt-ness. Also, name was too long.
- Dohmanite: Based on Homer Simpson's "D'oh!"
- Dohmastar: See above.
- Turdtres: Existed for a very short period of time before the idea for Dulltres replaced it.
- Eww: One of several alternates to Spew that existed in Ye Olde Angelfire Dopeymon Page.
- Ewwpoo: See above, but for Spewtwo rather than Spew.
- Blew: It's the Sucking-type vesion of Spew, or one with bad breath, depending on which time you checked the website.
- Blewtwo: See above.
Dopémon from the original ROM hack
These were Dopémon that existed in the old Dopémon Liver Version (then known as the White Version) ROM hack. Many of them existed on the old website as well, but lasted longer before finally getting dropped off of the list. Since they're mostly direct spoofs of the Pokémon they came from and usually weren't all that creative, I doubt many of them will be missed.
- Clefarting
- Clefartable
- Dullpix
- Ninebutts
- Parass
- Parasex
- Meouch: Apparently, it hated stinging things but picked up bees anyway. Replaced by Peeout.
- Smellithe
- Fartcanine
- Polifag: Starting point of one of the most nonsensical evolution lines ever. First it's gay...
- Polihurl: ...then it barfs...
- Poliass: ...and then it swims by farting in the water!
- Poliblowed: Or it's gay again and gives blowjobs.
- Geopoop: Back then, the Poop type was insanely common... so these got ditched.
- Crappuller: At least this one had a funny name.
- Turdlem
- Farfutch'd: The leek was turned into an oddly-colored dildo, instead of just removed altogether.
- Doodooduo
- Doodoodrio
- Asstly: The Fart type was insanely common, too.
- Pharter
- Stinkgar
- Crapno: It made no sense to have a crap-based name for a not-crap-based-at-all Dopémon.
- Krappy
- Dungler
- Shitmoncan
- Shitmonpee
- Lickidung
- Wangela: The Dick type was pretty damn common, too.
- Seading: Sounded too close to Seaking. Fungaling's better.
- Stynx
- Electabutt
- Fagfart
- Shitto
- Dohmabite
- Dohmafart
- Kabutt
- Kabuttplops
- Fatini: Another member of the "my evolution line is weird" club; it starts out fat-based then randomly becomes a Homo-type.
- Fagonair
- Fagonite
- Gayleef
- Faganium
- Longdapeen: One victim of the "there's too many Dick-types" cutoff.
- Dillava
- Dicksplosion
- Sentit: Back then a lot more things learned Hypno-Tit, too.
- Furrytit
- Noctoot: Knockfart is better.
- Krappobat
- Clefart
- Togedick
- Not Turd: Apparently mistaken for a turd despite not looking like one.
- Squat Turd: Included the note that it is "not a turd, but was named Squatting Turd by the Indians who discovered it."
- Pooreep
- Craappy: A good description of the name "Flaaffy," yes. But a good Dopémon idea? Nope.
- Turdagross
- Smellossom
- Buttrill
- Assubuttrill
- Sudoweino
- Gaypom
- Sunporn
- Sunfookya
- Yanduh
- Pooper
- Crapdiver
- Dumbreon: Stupid-types were insanely common as well... they still are, but not as much.
- Drugking
- Pissdreavus
- Slobstuffit: Had a base stat of 255 in Muscle, but only one move to use it with.
- Giraffefag
- Poopco
- Toiletress: I still like this name. Heh.
- Dumfarts
- Gaggbarf: Better to have a shortage of Vomit-types than a bunch of lame ones.
- Cruddle
- Granpoop
- Dildfish
- Suckzor
- Fuckle
- Shitnub
- Corslut
- Smelliturd: Way too similar to Smelturds to keep in.
- Fartmorey
- Slutdra
- Bluntler
- Smearpoop
- Tyretard
- Shitmoncock
- Suckum
- Smellekid
- Faggy
- Spermbank: ...a female cow... with sperm? Um, no...
- Drypoo: This one was funny, but Duckzorion's better.
- Pene
- Sweebuns
- Loogie-Duh: When it was removed, LoogieBlast became Nosecannon, giving Nosepass its signature move at last.
- Poo-Ooh
- Smellebi
Dopémon from the failed BlueBalls Version hack
A while back I attempted to hack Pokémon Sapphire into "Dopeymon: BlueBalls Version." It didn't go over well, since GBA games are tougher to hack than regular Gameboy ones and Ruby/Sapphire hacking is needlessly complicated by shitty programs that nobody seems to want to improve on.
Anyway, these are Dopémon that were going to be in that hack. When making the new lineup of Dopémon, I tossed some of them out for whatever reason--mostly because they sucked. Most of these I can't even remember--they were that crappy.
- Geeko
- Nerdyle
- Dorkile
- Condomken
- Poopweena
- Muttweena
- Elfpoop
- Snuzzelf
- Ridiculy: Ditched for the Rastafarian-based Rastry, but its Legolas-based-ness returns later as Blegholas.
- Some Taillow spoof: I know there *was* one, but I can't remember what it was.
- Swallow
- Tits
- Girlia
- Vaginoir
- Spurtit
- Masturbain
- Shroomush
- Eatshroom
- Peencada
- Peenjah: No, not that Peenjah--this one was an evolved form of Peencada. Urinobi didn't exist yet.
- Dedneenjah: This one was good, but sadly I couldn't figure out any way to fit it into the new list.
- Assrill
- Shitty
- Smellbaddy
- Tableguy: Semi-returned as Table, though replacing Mawile instead of Sableye.
- Ballmile
- Masturbite
- Masturbam
- Electrump: The Donald Trump spoof was there--the urine just hadn't made it yet.
- Pussle
- Peenun
- Whalemurp
- Whalewhore
- Turdcoal
- Peenda
- Dylgon
- Swabyu
- Qtipia: Dead, but its q-tip-ness returned as Qtipdog.
- Queebas
- Fookalotic
- Asswarm
- Foodlion: Yes, if I ever made an Emerald hack, it was going to have a "war of the grocery stores" storyline... Kroger vs. Foodlion.
- Rapdrugga
- Gayfagga: Yes, that's two Rayquaza spoofs. Originally it was going to be Gayfagga, but it became Rapdrugga because its ability Air Lock became "The Shizzle."
- Beerachi
Random Dopémon ideas that were just never used
These ones are all over the place. Some were "old, but not that old" ideas for replacements of certain crappy ideas, and others are the results of what happens when the random Dopémon name generator that I made actually made something decent (some of these actually made it through--Bunpotty and Potner, for example.)
- Shigotata: Probably a breast-based or maybe fat-based Dopémon.
- Key-Ear: It... had keys for ears? I dunno. Probably Metal-type.
- Bandump: Based on students in band classes in high schools, but poop-based.
- Dipibat: The Stupid-type equivalent of Pubat.
- Stoobat: See above, but for Oldbat.
- Poonute: A vagina salamander. Yeah, that's pretty gross.
- Pooner
- Radpuner
- Muldfoom: I actually like this one, but unfortunatley I couldn't find a place to use it.
- Cokkeat: It... ate cocks, I guess. Possibly a prototype of Cockeato.
- Horny: Kinda pointless since Rhyhorny already existed...
- Durblops: A Poop/Stupid type that apparently looked like a bug, going by my random text file that listed some of these.
- Fadgirlia: Eventually became Fangirl and Fangirlia after I discovered the horror of fangirls through Kingdom Hearts fanfiction.
- Bungela: Apparently going to be a replacement of Wangela, before I thought of Samsonite.
- Fagfok
- Gayfonzo: No idea about what this one and its unevolved form Fagfok were going to be.
- Tunder: I remember nothing about this one, besides that it was going to be Fart-type.
- Kuddler: Apparently was going to be Evil (now known as Creepy) and/or Stupid type. No idea what it actually was, though.
- Shitegon
- Smorey
- Bartiger: I'm guessing it was a drunk tiger that hung out at bars.
- Repolion: Yes, that's "Repo Lion." Apparently a cat that took people's cars was going to be in there, at one point.
- Slugrukkabum: Ridiculously funny name that came up in the Random Dopémon Generator--too bad it's too damn long to use.
- Moose: Yes, just "Moose."
- Duckzoreon: The original spelling of Duckzorion.
- Allbutt: Probably some type of legendary butt-monster.
- Waldbam: Sounds kinda like "world bam" with a funny accent. Hmm...