
From Dofus

The bank enables access to a private storage account. This bank account is free to open and allows the storage of kamas and items. All characters on the same account (and same server) share the same bank account. The amount of Kamas you pay depents on the quantity of items in your safe. Kamas may be stored free. When nothing or only Kamas are stored you don't have to pay Kamas.

There are several banks located across the world of dofus. The brakmarian bank cannot be entered by Bontans, and vice versa.

  • Amakna (2,-2)
  • Bonta (-29,-58)
  • Brakmar (-23,40)
  • Astrub (4,-16)
  • Pandala (24,-36)

Any kamas made from the sale of items using sellrooms is automatically placed into your bank account. Also, if the item is not purchased within 72 hours (for Astrub sellrooms) or 336 hours (for Bonta or Brakmar sellrooms) of being placed in the sellrooms, it is removed from the shop and deposited to your bank account.

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