There's one mole too much in my Astrub

From Dofus

Revision as of 05:31, 9 December 2006 by (Talk)
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Talk to Joe Perlivet, he wants you to take a letter to his good friend Howard the Yeahbutno. Your compass will swivel to his location. (6, -21) He is just one square north.

Talk to Howard the Yeahbutno

Reward: 100 XP

Talk to him, and he says he has some new recruits to throw at the problem, but they will need their eniripsa and feca friends to help them. Agree to get some help and you get the 100 experience and a quest update.

Talk to Mon'Hwat'Wit'

Talk to Clyde Peus

Reward: 200 XP

Your compass swivels again, now to (4, -18) the location of Mon'Hway'Wit'. Talk to him, he says he'll tell his guild, but to tell Joe to stop work for the moment. Now your compass now points to (4, -15), the location of Clyde Peus.

Clyde seems slightly upset that the Iops know about it, but is also very willing to help you and Joe out. You get 200 Experience and another Quest Update. Your compass also swivels back to Joe's location at (6, -20)

Talk to Joe Pierlivet

Reward: 200 XP

Joe will in no way shape or form stop his business, he laughs it off and gives you a shovel, telling you to talk to his men down in the cave, to tell them that help is on the way, but that is another quest, you get 200 more experience and an initiates shovel, this quest is done.

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