The Bow Meow's lament

From Dofus

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Talk to Soki at (7,-16). You must be at least level 2 to take this quest.

Step 1 : Some mimilk for a Bow Meow

Bring some mimilk for the miserable Bow meow
Bring to Soki: x1 Mimilk
220 XP

Acquire 1 Mimilk from the Inn at 5,-17 buy from the bartender called Tek Abir (4 Kamas)and talk to Soki to complete this step.

Step 2 : Some foofood

Get some information from people you'll meet about what a medium-sized Bow Meow does eat. And bring a bit of food to this Bow-meow.
Get information and bring food
220 XP

Acquire a Gudgeon, Grawn, Tofu egg or other food a Bow Meow pet eats, then talk to Soki to complete this step.

Step 3 : A bow meholy walk

Take the bow-meow for a walk into town
Discover map The Fish Sellroom (0,-18)
Discover map Florist Lady (-1,-20),
Discover map The Small Park (3,-18)
Discover map Initial place (7,-16)
Take the cat, go for a walk and then come back
220 XP

Talk to Soki and agree to take him for a walk. You will move off the map in a cutscene and acquire the following character Soki (item). Visit the fish sellroom (0,-18), the florist shop (-1,-20), and the small park (3,-18) in this order. Then return to (7,-16) to complete the walk with a quick cutscene, also losing Soki (item). Talk to Soki again to complete this step.

(COOL TRICK. If a player has 'set up shop' on top of soki, make sure transparency isn't on (shift+2), and then click on soki, and start to take him for a walk. The character will walk come to you in the cutscene! Looks pretty cool, however I wouldn't recommend it, as some people get pretty stressed when they can't take soki for a walk)

Note: Players have occasionally had difficulty completing this step. See Talk:The Bow Meow's lament for discussion of this problem.

Step 4 : Bow Meow hero?

Find out how this frail Bow Meow could be considered as a hero by its partner.
Search and bring back what will turn Bow Meow into a hero
1040 XP

Acquire 1 Moumouse and talk to Soki. The easiest way is by completing the first step of the quest Poor Twitwi (5,-18). Watch the cutscene ending with walking off the map to complete this step and the quest.

Note: You do not lose the Moumouse, you just need to have one in your inventory.


When you return to the screen, Soki and Aida are sitting together as a couple. Isn't that sweet?

Add It Up

Here are the final totals of everything earned if you finish the entire quest.

1700 XP

Here are the final totals of everything you must buy or otherwise aquire to finsh the entire quest.

1 Mimilk
1 Bow Meow food (Anything the pet will eat)
1 Moumouse (Will not be lost)
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