Basic Info
From Dofus
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General Mechanics
For an in-game introduction to professions, visit the "Job Information Center" at (1,-20) in Astrub.
Talk to the respective NPC's for the profession you wish to learn.
Your current jobs must be at level 30 or higher to learn a new job.
Maximum number of jobs
You can only have three profession, and three specializations.
Maximum Job Level
The maximum level of a profession is 100. While you can continue to gain Job Experience, no further bonuses or recipes are gained past level 100.
The maximum usable level for non-subscribers is 30. Non-subscribers cannot advance in professions past level 30. However, it's believed that your profession experience accumlates even if you have reached level 30, so if you were to one day subscribe, your profession level could suddenly go from 30 to 50 (for example). Former subscribers with a profession level of 31 or higher are treated as only being level 30. If they re-subscribe, the limit will be removed.
Job Bonuses
At every profession level the character gains a five (5) pod carrying bonus. At profession level 100, the character gains an additional one thousand (1000) pod carrying bonus (1500 pods total). This bonus does not enhance strength stats.
If you want to forget a specific profession, just drink the appropriate job loss potion and you will forget the profession entirely.
When you forget a profession, you lose any and all job bonuses you may have gained. For example, if you were level 10, and gained 50 pods carrying bonus, you would lose the 50 pod carrying bonus when you forgot the job. If you decide to relearn the profession later, you will start at level 1.
The amount of each resource starts at 1-2 when you unlock it, and the maximum increases by 1 every 5 levels. In addition, there's a bonus to both minimum and maximum at level 100.
There are exceptions to this rule, however.
Most professions can craft or otherwise create items according to Recipes, and gain Job Experience from Crafting.
Job Recipes
At level 1, recipes can have up to 2 ingredients. This increases to 3 at level 10, 4 at level 20, and then +1 every 20 levels. Note that not all professions have recipes with a high number of ingredients. Higher level also increases success rate. Success rate usually starts at either 50%, 70% or 75% and increases per level so it becomes 99% at level 100, in a linear progression.
Job Level | 1 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 |
Maximum Recipe Slots Available | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Not all professions follow this exactly. E.g. polishing (miner) is unlocked at level 40 and never goes beyond 2 slots, and shell (farmer) has a fixed success rate of 100%.
Crafting gives profession experience according to the number of different ingredients, that is how many slots are used. 8 slot items can only be made at level 100, at which point you don't need any more exp, but they still give 1000 exp. Note that even if you fail you will gain exp.
Slots used | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Experience Gained | 1 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1000 |
Level > Recipe | 1-10 | 10-20 | 20-30 | 30-40 | 40-60 | 60-80 | 80-100 |
2 slots | 192 | 622 | 1117 | 1743 | 6386 | 14060 | 34078 |
3 slots | - | 252 | 450 | 700 | 2558 | 5630 | 13638 |
4 slots | - | - | 227 | 352 | 1284 | 2821 | 6824 |
5 slots | - | - | - | - | 648 | 1417 | 3417 |
6 slots | - | - | - | - | - | 570 | 1373 |
7 slots | - | - | - | - | - | - | 692 |
Note : The table considers experience lost on level ups. E.g. if you use a 2-slot recipe and need 5 exp for a level up, you will only receive 6 exp instead of 10. The values are exactly what you need to have just enough materials for the actual crafting (since you only use one slot number just in an entire range). Level 30 does not give any slot, but it is the limit to reach in order to learn new profession.