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< Tailor
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Craft recipes for tailor.


Sew a hat

Result Ingredients
2 slots
Farter (1) 5 Boar hair, 1 Vampire blood
Headband of Vitality (1) 12 Vitalish Ring, 5 White Gobbly wool
Komintot Headband (1) 10 Mouse's Hairs, 3 Orange larva skin
Pandawushu Headband (1) 2 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa
Small Headband of Vitality (1) 10 Vitalish Ring, 2 White Gobbly wool
Smoother (1) 1 Vampire blood, 1 Magus Bwork beard hairs
Great Headband of Vitality (3) 14 Vitalish Ring, 8 White Gobbly wool
Olantern (20) 87 Pumpkin
3 slots
Field Lining (10) 40 Rose Petal, 10 Demonic Rose Saliva, 1 Wild Grass
Korko Klako (17) 10 Flax String, 1 Bright Bag of Spuds, 1 the Gobball War Chief wool
Helmet (20) 10 Black Gobbly Leather, 10 Flax String, 5 Gobball wool (hidden recipe)
4 slots
Bearman headdress (20) 1 Bear Skin, 1 Bear Fabric, 1 Bear Hair, 1 Mutilated Bear
Slob Lining (20) 6 Flax String, 1 Barley, 1 Magic Oats, 1 Oats
Pointed Hat (21) 6 Boar hair, 1 Gobball War Chief' leather, 1 Wind Kwak Pointed Feather , 1 the Gobball War Chief wool
The Oiram (22) 1 the Gobball War Chief wool, 1 King Gobball wool, 1 Royal Gobball leather, 1 Luidegît Mushroom
The Troma (22) 100 Mouse's Hairs, 6 Black Gobbly Wool, 2 Flax String, 1 Arachnee Magic Leg
Crystaloball (24) 10 Boar hair, 10 Flax String, 10 Mouse's Hairs, 1 Crystaloboule Stone
Jouik Krampe (26) 10 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 10 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 Dark Bag of Spuds, 1 Flax String
Houde (30) 10 Boar hair, 10 Flax String, 1 Green Larva magic skin, 1 Tofu feather
5 slots
Kritter (30) 1 Invisible Chafer bone, 1 Surprising Bone of the Chafer Foot Soldier, 1 Chafer Archer Thighbone, 1 Chafer Bone, 1 Crocodyl Chief's teeth
Deceitful Lining (31) 35 Glukoko petal, 35 Ambusher leaf, 12 Ambusher Bud, 5 Glu, 2 Glukoko skin
Gulliver (33) 30 Wabbit Grandpa ears, 30 Lousy Pig ear, 30 Piglet ears, 25 Wolf ears, 25 Kanigrou Ear
MinotoHorno (33) 2 Minotoror Burnt Horn, 1 Boar hair, 1 Minotoror hairs, 1 Flax String, 1 Mouse's Hairs
Sortingat Hogwat (sorting hat, hogwarts) (33) 10 White Gobbly wool, 10 Gobball wool, 10 Black Gobbly Wool, 10 Flax String, 1 Darits Hair
Shako (34) 10 Chafer Bone, 5 Invisible Chafer bone, 4 Crocodyl bone, 1 Surprising Bone of the Chafer Foot Soldier, 1 Fragment of Bone
The Bear (35) 5 Kanigrou hair, 5 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 4 Shroud, 1 Silk String, 1 Mutilated Bear
Dantgoule (36) 10 Flax String, 5 Chafer Lancer leather brief, 1 Boar Leather, 1 Gobball War Chief' leather, 1 Dantegoulish Potion
Dora (36) 10 Flax String, 2 Chestnut Wood, 2 Hornbeam Wood, 1 Bewitched Wicker, 1 King Gobball wool
Linegg (37) 20 Dark Treechnid Bark, 20 Flax String, 5 Shroud, 1 Dark Tissue, 1 Dark Wicker
Lorko Kasko (37) 2 Flax String, 2 Treechnid bark, 2 Dark Treechnid Root, 2 Dark Treechnid Bark, 1 Liroye Merline's Bark
White Dreggolining (39) 10 White Dreggon shell, 10 White Gobbly wool, 5 Plisskenskin, 5 White Dreggon egg, 1 Plain Boar Leather
Earth Kwaklining (41) 50 Earth Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Fire Kwalining (41) 50 Fire Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Ice Kwaklining (41) 50 Ice Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Wind Kwaklining (41) 50 Wind Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Akwadala Hat (43) 50 Water Pandawushu Artefact, 4 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Pandula's Hairs
Champo (43) 50 Mush Mush spine, 50 Mushroom, 20 Wild Sunflower leaf, 1 Euphoric Hemp, 1 Luidegît Mushroom
Guava (46) 20 Bulbush leaf, 20 Bulbamboo shoot, 20 Bulbiflor Flower, 5 Gras Snake skin, 3 Pandikaze hairs
Tromatizing Mask (47) 10 Kokonut, 10 Mouse's Hairs, 10 Flax String, 10 Boar hair, 1 Traumatized Kokonut
Daudgee (48) 20 Bandage, 2 Kobalit, 2 Kriptonit, 2 Gobball War Chief horn, 1 Chain
Gobkool Lining (47) 30 Gobball wool, 30 Gobball leather, 3 GobKool Wool, 2 Gobkool Leather, 1 Gobball Lining
6 slots
Chafer Helmet (50) 20 Lousy Pig Leather, 20 Piglet leather, 3 Kriptonit, 2 Kobalit, 1 Chafer broken helmet, 1 Lousy Pig Hairdo
Dark Mykrust (50) 4 Shroud, 1 Prespic fabric, 1 Wabbit fabric, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Magic Mutilated Makroute, 1 Silk String
Kannipiwi (55) 15 Little birdy feather, 15 Little birdy feather, 15 Little birdy feather, 15 Little birdy feather , 15 Little birdy feather, 1 Kanniball mask
Golden Dragolining (57) 20 Gold, 15 Bronzed Dreggon shell, 10 Plisskenskin, 7 Golden Dreggon egg, 3 Kobalit, 1 Plain Boar Leather
Aerdala Hat (64) 50 Air Pandawushu Artefact, 20 Plisskenskin, 12 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 8 Kitsou Nae skin, 1 Aquamarine
Chief Crocodyl Lining (70) 25 Crocodyl Scale, 25 Chief Crocodyl's Scale, 4 Crocodyl bone, 1 Crocodyl Skin, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skull, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skin
Sapphire Dragolining (70) 30 White Gobbly wool, 25 Sapphire Dreggon shell, 18 Sapphire Dragon egg, 10 the Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Crystal, 2 Sapphire
Korko Kousto (73) 50 Ambusher leaf, 30 Kokoko leaf, 20 Greedovore flower, 10 Glukoko skin, 1 Dead Glukoko, 1 Jouik Krampe
Terrdala Hat (75) 50 Earth Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandula's Hairs, 8 Pandikaze hairs, 5 Kistsou Nere's skin, 4 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 1 Aquamarine
Octovius (77) 400 Gutted Kralove, 30 Kitsou Nae skin, 20 Kaniger Skin, 19 Pandikaze skin, 15 Gras Snake skin, 12 Leopardo skin
King Jellix's Crown (79) 2 Royal Strawberry Jelly, 2 Royal Lemon Jelly, 10 Lemon Jelly, 1 Royal Bluish Jelly, 20 Strawberry Jelly, 2 Royal Mint Jelly (hidden recipe)
7 slots
Gaddie's Lining (106) 20 Mouse's Hairs, 15 Leopardo Hairs, 15 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 9 Pandikaze hairs, 3 Pandula's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric
Palining (108) 16 Miliboowolf Hairs, 15 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 3 Pandula's Hairs, 3 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Maho Firefoux Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Krutch (111) 26 Earth Kwak Feather, 18 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 8 Pandikaze hairs, 6 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Kanigrou fabric, 4 Soryo Firefoux Hairs, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Moth (113) 500 Moskito wings, 500 Moskito brow, 16 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 9 Tanukouï San Hairs, 4 Pandikaze Material, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora fabric
Farlining (80) 15 Kanigrou hair, 5 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 5 Prespic fabric, 4 Kanigrou fabric, 2 Storm Flax, 2 Resistant Rye, 2 Gold-Bearing Oats
Lullabye (81) 16 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 10 Ice Kwak Feather, 8 Leopardo Hairs, 8 Ouginak hair, 5 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 3 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Yokai Firefoux Fabric
Black Dragolining (93) 40 Black Dreggon shell, 30 the Gobball War Chief wool, 30 Plisskenskin, 30 Black Dreggon egg, 10 Kobalit, 3 Emerald, 3 Sapphire
Feudala Hat (98) 50 Fire Pandawushu Artefact, 12 Kitsou Nufeu skin, 5 Pandikaze skin, 5 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 4 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 1 Sapphire, 1 Pandikaze Material
Master Nabur Helmet (97) 8 Rutile, 7 Pyrute, 3 Kryptonite, 2 Moowolf's Hair, 30 Lousy Pig Leather, 30 Plisskenskin, 2 Gobball War Chief horn
Bimd'Oule Lining (?)  ??
8 slots
Dora Bora (120) 100 Kokoko leaf, 100 Greedovore flower, 100 Ambusher leaf, 80 Glukoko skin, 80 Slice of Kokonot, 10 Dead Glukoko, 5 Traumatized Kokonut, 4 Moon's hairs
Giant (120) 16 Leopardo Hairs, 12 Pandikaze hairs, 11 Boowolf fur, 6 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 5 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 3 Yokai Firefoux Hairs, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Kanistere (120) 15 Ouginak hair, 15 Leopardo Hairs, 12 Fire Kwak Feather, 10 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 8 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 3 Kanigrou fabric, 1 Leopardo Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandulum Fabric
Krokop (120) 15 Fire Kwak Feather, 12 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 12 Leopardo Hairs, 8 Boowolf fur, 4 Tanukouï San Hairs, 4 Whitish Lupis fabric, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Solomonk (120) 10 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 8 Tanukouï San Hairs, 6 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Pandikaze Material, 2 Pandora's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric, 1 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric
Holoone (122) 50 Leopardo Hairs, 34 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 32 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 20 Crow feather, 12 Boar Fabric, 9 Wabbit fabric, 8 Boowolf fur, 1 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Fabric
Wik (145) 40 Boar hair, 30 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 16 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 5 Pandikaze Material, 3 Boowolf fabric, 2 Maho Firefoux fabric, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora fabric
Kracklin Kepi (149) 20 Leopardo Hairs, 20 Invisible Fabric, 15 Plain Boar fabric, 9 Shroud, 4 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Royal Tofu Feather, 1 Moon's hairs, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric
Sulik (172) 10 Moon's hairs, 6 Pandora fabric, 4 Pandulum Fabric, 2 Maho Firefoux fabric, 2 Soryo Firefoux fabric, 2 Leopardo Ghost Fabric, 2 Yokai Firefoux Fabric, 1 Pandora Ghost Fabric

Sew a cape

Result Ingredients
2 slots
Pandawushu Cloak (10) 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 2 Kitsou Nakwa's skin
Small Dark Cloak (8) 5 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 Magic Dark Dye
Wooden Wings (20) 4 Ash Plank, 10 Flax String (hidden recipe)
3 slots
Bontarian cloak (1) 1 Crow feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye, 1 White Gobbly wool (hidden recipe)
Brakmarian cloak (1) 1 Black Gobball wool, 1 Chafer Bone, 1 Magic Dark Dye (hidden recipe)
Small Bluish Cloak (1) 10 White Gobbly wool, 2 Blue Larva Skin, 1 Magical Cure
Treecloak (10) 10 Treering, 10 Treechnid bud, 10 Treechnid bark
Wild Head lining (10) 30 Rose Petal, 10 Wild Sunflower petal, 1 Wild Grass
Dark Cloak (12) 10 Black Gobbly Wool, 5 Arachnee leg, 1 Magic Dark Dye
Redness Cloak (13) 6 Rose Petal, 6 Gobball wool, 6 White Gobbly wool
Cape Ulais (14) 1 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 Magic Greenish Dye, 1 White Gobbly wool
Ellinie Cloak (14) 10 Tofu feather, 10 Flax String, 1 Magic Orange Dye
Sulcorpe Cape (14) 1 Ice Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye, 1 Black Gobbly Wool
Great Redness Cloak (16) 9 Rose Petal, 9 Gobball wool, 9 White Gobbly wool
Ability Cloak (17) 15 Gobball wool, 1 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Greenish Dye
Great Dark Cloak (19) 15 Black Gobbly Wool, 15 Arachnee leg, 1 Magic Dark Dye
Bluish Cloak (3) 18 White Gobbly wool, 3 Blue Larva Skin, 1 Magical Cure
Great Bluish Cloak (6) 26 White Gobbly wool, 4 Blue Larva Skin, 1 Magical Cure
Small Redness Cloak (8) 6 Rose Petal, 4 White Gobbly wool, 4 Gobball wool
The Dofusteuse (6) 1 Emerald Dofus, 1 Turquoise Dofus, 1 Crimson Dofus
4 slots
Bearman cloak (20) 1 Boar hair, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Bear Fabric, 1 Mouse's Hairs
Bowisse's cloak (20) 50 Green larva skin, 10 White Gobbly wool, 10 Gobball wool, 1 Magic Greenish Dye
Itou Lascione Cape (21) 10 Wabbit Hair, 2 Fire Kwak Feather, 2 Earth Kwak Feather, 1 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs
La Samoulaille (22) 10 White Gobbly wool, 10 Gobball wool, 10 Mouse's Hairs, 1 Magic Redness Dye
Swashbucloak (22) 8 Gobball wool, 8 White Gobbly wool, 4 Boar hair, 1 Magic Redness Dye
The Gobb (23) 10 Gobball wool, 10 White Gobbly wool, 2 Ice Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye
Vampire cloak (29) 10 Gobball wool, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Vampire blood, 1 White Gobbly wool
Cape of Good Hope (30) 4 Miliboowolf Hairs, 2 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 1 Magic Redness Dye
Dispenser of Justice cloak (30) 100 Mouse's Hairs, 25 Boar hair, 4 Whitish Lupis fabric, 2 the Gobball War Chief wool
Chogreloting Cheeken cloak (33) 1 Last Cheeken Feather , 1 Boar Fabric, 1 Boowolf fur, 1 Wabbit Grandpa hairs
Mad Tofu cloak (36) 100 Tofu feather, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 King Gobball wool
5 slots
Ambusherot (33) 30 Ambusher leaf, 20 Glukoko petal, 8 Glukoko skin, 5 Glu, 5 Kokoko leaf
Cape Rice (33) 20 Gobball wool, 20 White Gobbly wool, 5 Boar hair, 5 Wabbit Hair, 1 Magic Greenish Dye
Mad Boowolf cloak (33) 10 Boowolf fur, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Boowolf canine, 1 Boowolf tail, 1 Boowolf Claw
Cape Hillary (34) 20 Gobball wool, 10 White Gobbly wool, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 1 King Gobball wool
Maj'Hic Cloak (34) 20 White Gobbly wool, 20 Tofu feather, 5 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 2 Miliboowolf Hairs, 1 Magic Bluish Dye
Maimpa Cloak (36) 10 Wolf ears, 8 Kolerat tail, 4 Wabbit Hair, 4 Ouginak hair, 1 Whitish Lupis Tail
Akwadala Cloak (41) 50 Water Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Bulbiflor Flower, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 8 Bulbamboo shoot, 7 Bulbush leaf
Earth Kwape (41) 50 Earth Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Crow feather
Fire Kwape (41) 50 Fire Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Crow feather, 1 Wabbit Hair
Ice Kwape (41) 50 Ice Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Crow feather, 1 Wabbit Hair
Mushd Cloak (41) 50 Mushd mud, 10 Mushd hand, 5 Flax Fibre, 1 Hemp Fibre, 1 Mushd Heart of Mud
Wind Kwape (41) 50 Wind Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Crow feather
Mokette (43) 6 Miliboowolf Hairs, 4 Earth Kwak Feather, 3 the Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 1 Wabbit Grandpa hairs
Cape Huccino (44) 10 Magic Dark Dye, 3 Gobball War Chief tail, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 2 Pandikaze hairs
Cock Old Cape (44) 4 Magic Bluish Dye, 4 Ice Kwak Feather, 1 Boowolf tail, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 Silkworm cocoon
Crows cloak (45) 100 Crow foot, 100 Crow feather, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Magus Bwork scalp, 1 Dead Crow
Hallelujah Cloak (46) 10 Gobball Blood, 10 Eniripsa's Powder, 6 Magic Redness Dye, 6 Magic Greenish Dye, 2 Pandula's Hairs
Rags (53) 10 Flax Fibre, 4 Magic Dark Dye, 3 Magic Bluish Dye, 2 Crimson Fabric, 1 Resistant String
6 slots
Blood Cape (50) 10 Red Scaraleaf Wing, 10 White Fur, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Bwork Archer scalp, 1 Blood Tissue, 1 Miliboowolf Scalp
Ouginak Cloak (50) 30 Ouginak hair, 30 Ouginak Chops, 5 Bandage, 1 Gobball War Chief tail, 1 Dark Tissue, 1 Whitish Lupis fabric
Jules Yanos's Cloak (54) 4 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 1 Boowolf fabric, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 the Gobball War Chief wool, 1 Furious Trool wool, 1 King Gobball wool
Hooded Cloak (58) 10 Great Ring of Wisdom, 10 Magic Orange Dye, 8 Boowolf fur, 2 Salt Measure, 1 Darits Hair, 1 Silkworm cocoon
Flowing Cloak (61) 10 Blue Scaraleaf Wing, 10 Blue Scara Shell, 5 Flax String, 5 Ice Kwak Feather, 5 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye
Hairy Cloak (63) 12 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 12 Wabbit Hair, 8 Plains Boar's Hair, 8 Kanigrou hair, 4 Ouginak hair, 2 Boowolf fur
Terrdala Cloak (63) 50 Earth Pandawushu Artefact, 15 Bulbush leaf, 8 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Boar hair, 5 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric
Aerdala Cloak (65) 50 Air Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Pandikaze hairs, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze Material, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nere
Desire Ball Cloak (67) 20 Little Birdy Feather - purple, 20 Little Birdy Feather - green, 20 Little Birdy Feather - red, 20 Little Birdy Feather - pink, 20 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 20 Plains Boar's Hair (hidden recipe)
Gobkool Cape (55) 30 Gobball leather, 30 Gobball wool, 5 Dok Alako Fabric, 2 GobKool Wool, 1 Gobbling Cape, 1 Gobkool Leather
Horn Cape (?)  ?
7 slots
Cape Houte (105) 30 Pandikaze hairs, 20 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 12 Soryo Firefoux Hairs, 10 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 5 Pandikaze Material, 1 Maho Firefoux fabric, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric
Elya Wood's Cloak (80) 10 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 10 Miliboowolf Hairs, 10 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 2 King Gobball wool, 1 Minotoror hairs, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 Moowolf fabric
Farle's Cloak (80) 30 the Gobball War Chief wool, 18 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 9 Whitish Lupis fabric, 8 Flax Fibre, 8 Hemp Fibre, 8 Kanigrou fabric, 4 Prespic fabric
Grazor (88) 20 Evil Dandelion stem, 20 Edelweiss, 20 Green larva skin, 10 Magic Greenish Dye, 10 Blop Petal, 2 Greedovore flower, 1 Euphoric Hemp
Feudala Cloak (92) 50 Fire Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 2 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze Material
8 slots
Caracape Minotoris (121) 10 Wind Kwak Feather, 10 Earth Kwak Feather, 10 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 10 Plains Boar's Hair, 4 Minotoror hairs, 4 Minotoror tail, 1 Minotoror wool, 1 Minotoror leather
Nettlez (125) 12 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 10 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 6 Prespic fabric, 3 Yokai Firefoux Hairs, 2 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric
Mastralis Crocloak (127) 80 Evil Tofu Feather, 80 Crow feather, 80 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 50 Miliboowolf Hairs, 20 Magic Dark Dye, 10 Lord Crow Feather, 10 Dark Tissue, 8 Dead Crow

Sew a bag

Result Ingredients
2 slots
Small Gobball Whool Bag (1) 10 Black Gobball wool, 10 White Gobbly wool (hidden recipe)
Small Grower Bag (5) 20 White Gobbly wool, 5 Tofu feather
3 slots
Minor Adventurer Bag (10) 18 White Gobbly wool, 18 Black Gobbly Wool, 18 Boar hair
Grower Belt (15) 25 Black Gobbly Wool, 25 White Gobbly wool, 10 Black Tiwabbit hairs
4 slots
Adventurer Bag (40) 1 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Boar hair, 1 Earth Kwak Feather, 1 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs
5 slots
Great Grower Bag (20) 20 Gobball wool, 20 Tofu feather, 2 the Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 2 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs
6 slots
Staca Noviste Bag (20) 4 Fire Kwak Feather, 4 Wind Kwak Pointed Feather , 2 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 2 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 2 Miliboowolf Hairs, 1 Boowolf fabric
Chief Crocodyl Schoolbag (70) 30 Crocodyl Scale, 30 Chief Crocodyl's Scale, 12 Ouginak hair, 12 Kanigrou hair, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skin, 1 Crocodyl Skin
7 slots
No recipes
8 slots
No recipes
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