< Tailor
Revision as of 18:47, 7 December 2006 by
Cizagna (Talk)
Result | Ingredients
2 slots
Farter (1) | 5 Boar hair, 1 Vampire blood
Headband of Vitality (1) | 12 Vitalish Ring, 5 White Gobbly wool
Komintot Headband (1) | 10 Mouse's Hairs, 3 Orange larva skin
Pandawushu Headband (1) | 2 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa
Small Headband of Vitality (1) | 10 Vitalish Ring, 2 White Gobbly wool
Smoother (1) | 1 Vampire blood, 1 Magus Bwork beard hairs
Great Headband of Vitality (3) | 14 Vitalish Ring, 8 White Gobbly wool
Olantern (20) | 87 Pumpkin
3 slots
Field Lining (10) | 40 Rose Petal, 10 Demonic Rose Saliva, 1 Wild Grass
Korko Klako (17) | 10 Flax String, 1 Bright Bag of Spuds, 1 the Gobball War Chief wool
Helmet (20) | 10 Black Gobbly Leather, 10 Flax String, 5 Gobball wool (hidden recipe)
4 slots
Bearman headdress (20) | 1 Bear Skin, 1 Bear Fabric, 1 Bear Hair, 1 Mutilated Bear
Slob Lining (20) | 6 Flax String, 1 Barley, 1 Magic Oats, 1 Oats
Pointed Hat (21) | 6 Boar hair, 1 Gobball War Chief' leather, 1 Wind Kwak Pointed Feather , 1 the Gobball War Chief wool
The Oiram (22) | 1 the Gobball War Chief wool, 1 King Gobball wool, 1 Royal Gobball leather, 1 Luidegît Mushroom
The Troma (22) | 100 Mouse's Hairs, 6 Black Gobbly Wool, 2 Flax String, 1 Arachnee Magic Leg
Crystaloball (24) | 10 Boar hair, 10 Flax String, 10 Mouse's Hairs, 1 Crystaloboule Stone
Jouik Krampe (26) | 10 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 10 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 Dark Bag of Spuds, 1 Flax String
Houde (30) | 10 Boar hair, 10 Flax String, 1 Green Larva magic skin, 1 Tofu feather
5 slots
Kritter (30) | 1 Invisible Chafer bone, 1 Surprising Bone of the Chafer Foot Soldier, 1 Chafer Archer Thighbone, 1 Chafer Bone, 1 Crocodyl Chief's teeth
Deceitful Lining (31) | 35 Glukoko petal, 35 Ambusher leaf, 12 Ambusher Bud, 5 Glu, 2 Glukoko skin
Gulliver (33) | 30 Wabbit Grandpa ears, 30 Lousy Pig ear, 30 Piglet ears, 25 Wolf ears, 25 Kanigrou Ear
MinotoHorno (33) | 2 Minotoror Burnt Horn, 1 Boar hair, 1 Minotoror hairs, 1 Flax String, 1 Mouse's Hairs
Sortingat Hogwat (sorting hat, hogwarts) (33) | 10 White Gobbly wool, 10 Gobball wool, 10 Black Gobbly Wool, 10 Flax String, 1 Darits Hair
Shako (34) | 10 Chafer Bone, 5 Invisible Chafer bone, 4 Crocodyl bone, 1 Surprising Bone of the Chafer Foot Soldier, 1 Fragment of Bone
The Bear (35) | 5 Kanigrou hair, 5 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 4 Shroud, 1 Silk String, 1 Mutilated Bear
Dantgoule (36) | 10 Flax String, 5 Chafer Lancer leather brief, 1 Boar Leather, 1 Gobball War Chief' leather, 1 Dantegoulish Potion
Dora (36) | 10 Flax String, 2 Chestnut Wood, 2 Hornbeam Wood, 1 Bewitched Wicker, 1 King Gobball wool
Linegg (37) | 20 Dark Treechnid Bark, 20 Flax String, 5 Shroud, 1 Dark Tissue, 1 Dark Wicker
Lorko Kasko (37) | 2 Flax String, 2 Treechnid bark, 2 Dark Treechnid Root, 2 Dark Treechnid Bark, 1 Liroye Merline's Bark
White Dreggolining (39) | 10 White Dreggon shell, 10 White Gobbly wool, 5 Plisskenskin, 5 White Dreggon egg, 1 Plain Boar Leather
Earth Kwaklining (41) | 50 Earth Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Fire Kwalining (41) | 50 Fire Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Ice Kwaklining (41) | 50 Ice Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Wind Kwaklining (41) | 50 Wind Kwak Feather, 6 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Plains Boar's Hair, 1 Prespic fabric
Akwadala Hat (43) | 50 Water Pandawushu Artefact, 4 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Pandula's Hairs
Champo (43) | 50 Mush Mush spine, 50 Mushroom, 20 Wild Sunflower leaf, 1 Euphoric Hemp, 1 Luidegît Mushroom
Guava (46) | 20 Bulbush leaf, 20 Bulbamboo shoot, 20 Bulbiflor Flower, 5 Gras Snake skin, 3 Pandikaze hairs
Tromatizing Mask (47) | 10 Kokonut, 10 Mouse's Hairs, 10 Flax String, 10 Boar hair, 1 Traumatized Kokonut
Daudgee (48) | 20 Bandage, 2 Kobalit, 2 Kriptonit, 2 Gobball War Chief horn, 1 Chain
Gobkool Lining (47) | 30 Gobball wool, 30 Gobball leather, 3 GobKool Wool, 2 Gobkool Leather, 1 Gobball Lining
6 slots
Chafer Helmet (50) | 20 Lousy Pig Leather, 20 Piglet leather, 3 Kriptonit, 2 Kobalit, 1 Chafer broken helmet, 1 Lousy Pig Hairdo
Dark Mykrust (50) | 4 Shroud, 1 Prespic fabric, 1 Wabbit fabric, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Magic Mutilated Makroute, 1 Silk String
Kannipiwi (55) | 15 Little birdy feather, 15 Little birdy feather, 15 Little birdy feather, 15 Little birdy feather , 15 Little birdy feather, 1 Kanniball mask
Golden Dragolining (57) | 20 Gold, 15 Bronzed Dreggon shell, 10 Plisskenskin, 7 Golden Dreggon egg, 3 Kobalit, 1 Plain Boar Leather
Aerdala Hat (64) | 50 Air Pandawushu Artefact, 20 Plisskenskin, 12 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 8 Kitsou Nae skin, 1 Aquamarine
Chief Crocodyl Lining (70) | 25 Crocodyl Scale, 25 Chief Crocodyl's Scale, 4 Crocodyl bone, 1 Crocodyl Skin, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skull, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skin
Sapphire Dragolining (70) | 30 White Gobbly wool, 25 Sapphire Dreggon shell, 18 Sapphire Dragon egg, 10 the Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Crystal, 2 Sapphire
Korko Kousto (73) | 50 Ambusher leaf, 30 Kokoko leaf, 20 Greedovore flower, 10 Glukoko skin, 1 Dead Glukoko, 1 Jouik Krampe
Terrdala Hat (75) | 50 Earth Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandula's Hairs, 8 Pandikaze hairs, 5 Kistsou Nere's skin, 4 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 1 Aquamarine
Octovius (77) | 400 Gutted Kralove, 30 Kitsou Nae skin, 20 Kaniger Skin, 19 Pandikaze skin, 15 Gras Snake skin, 12 Leopardo skin
King Jellix's Crown (79) | 2 Royal Strawberry Jelly, 2 Royal Lemon Jelly, 10 Lemon Jelly, 1 Royal Bluish Jelly, 20 Strawberry Jelly, 2 Royal Mint Jelly (hidden recipe)
7 slots
Gaddie's Lining (106) | 20 Mouse's Hairs, 15 Leopardo Hairs, 15 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 9 Pandikaze hairs, 3 Pandula's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric
Palining (108) | 16 Miliboowolf Hairs, 15 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 3 Pandula's Hairs, 3 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Maho Firefoux Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Krutch (111) | 26 Earth Kwak Feather, 18 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 8 Pandikaze hairs, 6 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Kanigrou fabric, 4 Soryo Firefoux Hairs, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Moth (113) | 500 Moskito wings, 500 Moskito brow, 16 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 9 Tanukouï San Hairs, 4 Pandikaze Material, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora fabric
Farlining (80) | 15 Kanigrou hair, 5 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 5 Prespic fabric, 4 Kanigrou fabric, 2 Storm Flax, 2 Resistant Rye, 2 Gold-Bearing Oats
Lullabye (81) | 16 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 10 Ice Kwak Feather, 8 Leopardo Hairs, 8 Ouginak hair, 5 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 3 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Yokai Firefoux Fabric
Black Dragolining (93) | 40 Black Dreggon shell, 30 the Gobball War Chief wool, 30 Plisskenskin, 30 Black Dreggon egg, 10 Kobalit, 3 Emerald, 3 Sapphire
Feudala Hat (98) | 50 Fire Pandawushu Artefact, 12 Kitsou Nufeu skin, 5 Pandikaze skin, 5 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 4 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 1 Sapphire, 1 Pandikaze Material
Master Nabur Helmet (97) | 8 Rutile, 7 Pyrute, 3 Kryptonite, 2 Moowolf's Hair, 30 Lousy Pig Leather, 30 Plisskenskin, 2 Gobball War Chief horn
Bimd'Oule Lining (?) | ??
8 slots
Dora Bora (120) | 100 Kokoko leaf, 100 Greedovore flower, 100 Ambusher leaf, 80 Glukoko skin, 80 Slice of Kokonot, 10 Dead Glukoko, 5 Traumatized Kokonut, 4 Moon's hairs
Giant (120) | 16 Leopardo Hairs, 12 Pandikaze hairs, 11 Boowolf fur, 6 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 5 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 3 Yokai Firefoux Hairs, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Kanistere (120) | 15 Ouginak hair, 15 Leopardo Hairs, 12 Fire Kwak Feather, 10 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 8 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 3 Kanigrou fabric, 1 Leopardo Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandulum Fabric
Krokop (120) | 15 Fire Kwak Feather, 12 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 12 Leopardo Hairs, 8 Boowolf fur, 4 Tanukouï San Hairs, 4 Whitish Lupis fabric, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric
Solomonk (120) | 10 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 8 Tanukouï San Hairs, 6 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Pandikaze Material, 2 Pandora's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric, 1 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric
Holoone (122) | 50 Leopardo Hairs, 34 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 32 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 20 Crow feather, 12 Boar Fabric, 9 Wabbit fabric, 8 Boowolf fur, 1 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Fabric
Wik (145) | 40 Boar hair, 30 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 16 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 5 Pandikaze Material, 3 Boowolf fabric, 2 Maho Firefoux fabric, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora fabric
Kracklin Kepi (149) | 20 Leopardo Hairs, 20 Invisible Fabric, 15 Plain Boar fabric, 9 Shroud, 4 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Royal Tofu Feather, 1 Moon's hairs, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric
Sulik (172) | 10 Moon's hairs, 6 Pandora fabric, 4 Pandulum Fabric, 2 Maho Firefoux fabric, 2 Soryo Firefoux fabric, 2 Leopardo Ghost Fabric, 2 Yokai Firefoux Fabric, 1 Pandora Ghost Fabric
Result | Ingredients
2 slots
Pandawushu Cloak (10) | 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 2 Kitsou Nakwa's skin
Small Dark Cloak (8) | 5 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 Magic Dark Dye
Wooden Wings (20) | 4 Ash Plank, 10 Flax String (hidden recipe)
3 slots
Bontarian cloak (1) | 1 Crow feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye, 1 White Gobbly wool (hidden recipe)
Brakmarian cloak (1) | 1 Black Gobball wool, 1 Chafer Bone, 1 Magic Dark Dye (hidden recipe)
Small Bluish Cloak (1) | 10 White Gobbly wool, 2 Blue Larva Skin, 1 Magical Cure
Treecloak (10) | 10 Treering, 10 Treechnid bud, 10 Treechnid bark
Wild Head lining (10) | 30 Rose Petal, 10 Wild Sunflower petal, 1 Wild Grass
Dark Cloak (12) | 10 Black Gobbly Wool, 5 Arachnee leg, 1 Magic Dark Dye
Redness Cloak (13) | 6 Rose Petal, 6 Gobball wool, 6 White Gobbly wool
Cape Ulais (14) | 1 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 Magic Greenish Dye, 1 White Gobbly wool
Ellinie Cloak (14) | 10 Tofu feather, 10 Flax String, 1 Magic Orange Dye
Sulcorpe Cape (14) | 1 Ice Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye, 1 Black Gobbly Wool
Great Redness Cloak (16) | 9 Rose Petal, 9 Gobball wool, 9 White Gobbly wool
Ability Cloak (17) | 15 Gobball wool, 1 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Greenish Dye
Great Dark Cloak (19) | 15 Black Gobbly Wool, 15 Arachnee leg, 1 Magic Dark Dye
Bluish Cloak (3) | 18 White Gobbly wool, 3 Blue Larva Skin, 1 Magical Cure
Great Bluish Cloak (6) | 26 White Gobbly wool, 4 Blue Larva Skin, 1 Magical Cure
Small Redness Cloak (8) | 6 Rose Petal, 4 White Gobbly wool, 4 Gobball wool
The Dofusteuse (6) | 1 Emerald Dofus, 1 Turquoise Dofus, 1 Crimson Dofus
4 slots
Bearman cloak (20) | 1 Boar hair, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Bear Fabric, 1 Mouse's Hairs
Bowisse's cloak (20) | 50 Green larva skin, 10 White Gobbly wool, 10 Gobball wool, 1 Magic Greenish Dye
Itou Lascione Cape (21) | 10 Wabbit Hair, 2 Fire Kwak Feather, 2 Earth Kwak Feather, 1 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs
La Samoulaille (22) | 10 White Gobbly wool, 10 Gobball wool, 10 Mouse's Hairs, 1 Magic Redness Dye
Swashbucloak (22) | 8 Gobball wool, 8 White Gobbly wool, 4 Boar hair, 1 Magic Redness Dye
The Gobb (23) | 10 Gobball wool, 10 White Gobbly wool, 2 Ice Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye
Vampire cloak (29) | 10 Gobball wool, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Vampire blood, 1 White Gobbly wool
Cape of Good Hope (30) | 4 Miliboowolf Hairs, 2 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 1 Magic Redness Dye
Dispenser of Justice cloak (30) | 100 Mouse's Hairs, 25 Boar hair, 4 Whitish Lupis fabric, 2 the Gobball War Chief wool
Chogreloting Cheeken cloak (33) | 1 Last Cheeken Feather , 1 Boar Fabric, 1 Boowolf fur, 1 Wabbit Grandpa hairs
Mad Tofu cloak (36) | 100 Tofu feather, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Black Gobbly Wool, 1 King Gobball wool
5 slots
Ambusherot (33) | 30 Ambusher leaf, 20 Glukoko petal, 8 Glukoko skin, 5 Glu, 5 Kokoko leaf
Cape Rice (33) | 20 Gobball wool, 20 White Gobbly wool, 5 Boar hair, 5 Wabbit Hair, 1 Magic Greenish Dye
Mad Boowolf cloak (33) | 10 Boowolf fur, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Boowolf canine, 1 Boowolf tail, 1 Boowolf Claw
Cape Hillary (34) | 20 Gobball wool, 10 White Gobbly wool, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 1 King Gobball wool
Maj'Hic Cloak (34) | 20 White Gobbly wool, 20 Tofu feather, 5 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 2 Miliboowolf Hairs, 1 Magic Bluish Dye
Maimpa Cloak (36) | 10 Wolf ears, 8 Kolerat tail, 4 Wabbit Hair, 4 Ouginak hair, 1 Whitish Lupis Tail
Akwadala Cloak (41) | 50 Water Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Bulbiflor Flower, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 8 Bulbamboo shoot, 7 Bulbush leaf
Earth Kwape (41) | 50 Earth Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Crow feather
Fire Kwape (41) | 50 Fire Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Crow feather, 1 Wabbit Hair
Ice Kwape (41) | 50 Ice Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Crow feather, 1 Wabbit Hair
Mushd Cloak (41) | 50 Mushd mud, 10 Mushd hand, 5 Flax Fibre, 1 Hemp Fibre, 1 Mushd Heart of Mud
Wind Kwape (41) | 50 Wind Kwak Feather, 5 Tofu feather, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Crow feather
Mokette (43) | 6 Miliboowolf Hairs, 4 Earth Kwak Feather, 3 the Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 1 Wabbit Grandpa hairs
Cape Huccino (44) | 10 Magic Dark Dye, 3 Gobball War Chief tail, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 2 Pandikaze hairs
Cock Old Cape (44) | 4 Magic Bluish Dye, 4 Ice Kwak Feather, 1 Boowolf tail, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 Silkworm cocoon
Crows cloak (45) | 100 Crow foot, 100 Crow feather, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Magus Bwork scalp, 1 Dead Crow
Hallelujah Cloak (46) | 10 Gobball Blood, 10 Eniripsa's Powder, 6 Magic Redness Dye, 6 Magic Greenish Dye, 2 Pandula's Hairs
Rags (53) | 10 Flax Fibre, 4 Magic Dark Dye, 3 Magic Bluish Dye, 2 Crimson Fabric, 1 Resistant String
6 slots
Blood Cape (50) | 10 Red Scaraleaf Wing, 10 White Fur, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Bwork Archer scalp, 1 Blood Tissue, 1 Miliboowolf Scalp
Ouginak Cloak (50) | 30 Ouginak hair, 30 Ouginak Chops, 5 Bandage, 1 Gobball War Chief tail, 1 Dark Tissue, 1 Whitish Lupis fabric
Jules Yanos's Cloak (54) | 4 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 1 Boowolf fabric, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 the Gobball War Chief wool, 1 Furious Trool wool, 1 King Gobball wool
Hooded Cloak (58) | 10 Great Ring of Wisdom, 10 Magic Orange Dye, 8 Boowolf fur, 2 Salt Measure, 1 Darits Hair, 1 Silkworm cocoon
Flowing Cloak (61) | 10 Blue Scaraleaf Wing, 10 Blue Scara Shell, 5 Flax String, 5 Ice Kwak Feather, 5 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye
Hairy Cloak (63) | 12 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 12 Wabbit Hair, 8 Plains Boar's Hair, 8 Kanigrou hair, 4 Ouginak hair, 2 Boowolf fur
Terrdala Cloak (63) | 50 Earth Pandawushu Artefact, 15 Bulbush leaf, 8 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Boar hair, 5 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric
Aerdala Cloak (65) | 50 Air Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Pandikaze hairs, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze Material, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nere
Desire Ball Cloak (67) | 20 Little Birdy Feather - purple, 20 Little Birdy Feather - green, 20 Little Birdy Feather - red, 20 Little Birdy Feather - pink, 20 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 20 Plains Boar's Hair (hidden recipe)
Gobkool Cape (55) | 30 Gobball leather, 30 Gobball wool, 5 Dok Alako Fabric, 2 GobKool Wool, 1 Gobbling Cape, 1 Gobkool Leather
Horn Cape (?) | ?
7 slots
Cape Houte (105) | 30 Pandikaze hairs, 20 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 12 Soryo Firefoux Hairs, 10 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 5 Pandikaze Material, 1 Maho Firefoux fabric, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric
Elya Wood's Cloak (80) | 10 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 10 Miliboowolf Hairs, 10 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 2 King Gobball wool, 1 Minotoror hairs, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 Moowolf fabric
Farle's Cloak (80) | 30 the Gobball War Chief wool, 18 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 9 Whitish Lupis fabric, 8 Flax Fibre, 8 Hemp Fibre, 8 Kanigrou fabric, 4 Prespic fabric
Grazor (88) | 20 Evil Dandelion stem, 20 Edelweiss, 20 Green larva skin, 10 Magic Greenish Dye, 10 Blop Petal, 2 Greedovore flower, 1 Euphoric Hemp
Feudala Cloak (92) | 50 Fire Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 2 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze Material
8 slots
Caracape Minotoris (121) | 10 Wind Kwak Feather, 10 Earth Kwak Feather, 10 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 10 Plains Boar's Hair, 4 Minotoror hairs, 4 Minotoror tail, 1 Minotoror wool, 1 Minotoror leather
Nettlez (125) | 12 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 10 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 6 Prespic fabric, 3 Yokai Firefoux Hairs, 2 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric
Mastralis Crocloak (127) | 80 Evil Tofu Feather, 80 Crow feather, 80 Black Tiwabbit hairs, 50 Miliboowolf Hairs, 20 Magic Dark Dye, 10 Lord Crow Feather, 10 Dark Tissue, 8 Dead Crow