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Certain items can be exchanged for scrolls that give beneficial results when used.

NPC Location Item Given Item Received
Ali Akelle2, -280 arachnee leg1 small scroll of chance
Azra Lazarus0, 21 lumberjack amulet1 small scroll of chance
Koussein Trengon4, 890 arachnee leg, 65 five-leaf clover1 medium chance scroll
Bolzano Vieilletrasse2, 560 Arachnee leg, 55 Five-Leaf Clover, 40 Karne Rider nail, 15 Boowolf tail1 powerful chance scroll
NPC Location Item Given Item Received
Teha Chicks10, 3100 mushrooms1 small scroll of wisdom
Zeurg8, 2100 gobball horns1 small scroll of wisdom
Jimmy Rasta10, 680 mushroom and 60 sunflower seed1 med scroll of wisdom
Aga Dou1, 190 Mushroom, 70 Wild sunflower seed, 40 Hemp Seed1 great wisdom scroll
Lanseuft of Troille-2, 1490 mushrooms, 75 sunflower seeds, 60 hemp seeds, 200 moskito wings 1 powerful scroll of wisdom
NPC Location Item Given Item Received
Edridge Valling0, 3100 nimbly rings1 small scroll of agility,
Owlin Mad2, 1770 acorns1 scroll of agility
Max8, -270 Acorn, 70 Evil Dandelion tongue1 scroll of agility
Lee Aibig3, 475 Acorn, 75 Evil Dandelion tongue, 70 Rose Petalgreat scroll of agility
Lee Aibig3, 480 Acorn, 80 Evil Dandelion tongue, 80 Rose Petal, 20 Mush Mush spormpowerful scroll of agility
NPC Location Item Given Item Received
Elya Wood7, 1100 lucky belts1 small scroll of intelligence
Eowine Fiole0, 550 Blue larva skin, 40 Orange larva skin, 40 Green larva skinmedium scroll of intelligence
Drogho Cralasar5, 445 Blue larva skin, 45 Orange larva skin, 45 Green larva skin, 30 Evil Tofu winggreat intelligence scroll
Ozen the Wise2, 260 Blue larva skin, 50 Orange larva skin, 50 Green larva skin, 40 Evil Tofu wing, 30 Vampire blood1 powerful intelligence scroll
NPC Location Item Given Item Received
Rish Claymore1, 3100 mush mush spine1 small scroll of strength
Ronsha1, -280 prespic peaks 1 small scroll of strength
Heul Leise8, -270 Prespic peak, 75 Crab pincer, 40 Ribs chop1 great scroll of strength
NPC Location Item Given Item Received
Ariz4, 5100 bluish jelly1 small scroll of vitality
Quincy Praize3, -180 Bluish Jelly, 30 Mint Jelly1 medium vitality scroll
Nesse Laye3, 160 Bluish Jelly, 20 Mint Jelly, 25 Strawberry Jelly1 great vitality scroll
Lou Pachoups0, -260 Bluish Jelly, 25 Mint Jelly, 30 Strawberry Jelly, 20 Royal Bluish Jelly powerful vitality scroll
NPC Location Item Given Item Received
Frankie4, 1210 moskito wingsivory parchment
Keck Auprune2, 05 diamonds1 spell point scroll
Salamon Rudy2, -1120 moskito brows1 spell striking
Rudla Faurtune-12, -3935 rose petals in exchangean ivory parchment
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