Main Page
From Digibutterwiki
Arson has made his mark on the world and edited the Digibutter WIki's front page! booya! too bad this place moved.
The digibutter.nerr Wiki has moved to Wikia
Welcome to the digibutter.nerr Wiki! | | is...well, it's kinda hard to explain. In general, I guess you would call it a Nintendo fan site, but it's also a message board with forums for gaming and other things like art, fan fiction, and a bunch of other random stuff. In some ways it's also a MMORPG. There's always something new, either added by the members or the admin, Francis. So basically it's a giant playground of awesome that is totally "Hi-technicaaaaaaal!" We have OVER 2050 PAGES!!! (of those, about 200 are legitimate content pages), and 162 users, 2 of which are admins. Let's keep expanding! ATTNThe wiki is being moved to right now! Please do not make any new edits here, they will not be transitioned. Important PagesSpecial PagesCategories: To be deleted |