Toontown flame war

From Digibutterwiki

Revision as of 03:20, 3 October 2007 by Wacko McGoose (Talk | contribs)


Sometime around July, Wacko McGoose joined Digibutter. He seemed to be the only member who played Toontown on a regular basis. He started a gag shop (an offshoot of Goofy's Gag Shop, he says), and eventually got a Toon for an avatar.

What happened

Sometime in mid-August, rawrskey started badmouthing Toontown. Wacko yelled at him, and flames started appearing all over Digibutter. There were even several topics in The Dump that were made just to annoy Wacko. He bought a Big-Weight from his own gag shop (the logic there is still not understood), and dropped it on the flamer. Unfortuanely, it missed and creamed Lord Bowser instead. rawrskey got the message, and stopped spamming the forums with anti-Toontown nonsense.

Less than a month later, Francis Dump-Nuked The Dump, erasing all evidence of the flame war. (Except for the PMs in Wacko's inbox, and now this entry in the Digibutterwiki...)

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