Members/Maiq the Liar

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Maiq the Liar

Maiq the Liar

The famous Khajiit that everyone knows and loves from the amazing Elder Scrolls series. He may not be a Mario character, but everyone likes him just the same. Well, almost everyone, at least.


Hario and Maiq the Liar are hiding something...

That's all right now, and he only sent one because Maiq complained about having none.


  • Maiq the Liar provides people with free party avatars before every Digibutter Party.
  • Maiq's shop is one of the leading providers in one-use weaponry.
  • For a time, Maiq sold spriting services. after a month of having it available for 1 coin per sprite, and having only 3 customers, he terminated the service.
  • Maiq occasionally starts trends.


Haskill's Super Happy Fun Shop

Carnival Games

These are the contests/Star Carnival games Maiq currently runs.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night CHALLENGE


  • Not allowed to use Knife or Axe sub weapons.
    • These are easily the most effective sub weapons in the game.
  • Not allowed to equip shields.
    • Shields can block most projectiles, and add decent DEF.
  • Not allowed to equip cheap weapons.
    • Alot of weapons attack very fast, or have massive power.
  • Not allowed to equip headgear except Holy Glasses.
    • Headgear provides great resistances almost required for some bosses. Holy Glasses are essential to reaching the second half of the game.
  • Not allowed to equip accessories except Gold/Silver rings.
    • Easy stat boosters banned. The Gold/Silver rings add nothing, but allow you to get the Holy Glasses.
  • Allowed to equip any armor except Walk Armor, Diamond Plate, and anything superior to the Diamond Plate.
    • All the best armor is restricted.
  • Allowed to wear any cloak that gives 1-2 DEF.
    • The best cloak I can wear is the Crystal Cloak, which you get early in the game.
    • This includes Galamoth the 500 foot tall demon.
  • Not allowed to cast 'Hellfire', 'Summon Spirit', 'Tetra Spirit' or 'Soul Steal'.
    • Only method of healing is savepoints and Dark Metamorphasis.
  • Not allowed to use Summon Cards.
    • Summons are very helpful in the game.

Betting Info

Maiq wants you to bet where you think he will die first(There will be a 5 level grace period at the start of the game).

If Maiq dies while facing a boss(which is most likely) then everyone who bet on that boss gets the jackpot split between them. You can only place bets on up to 5 categories, with 5 coins per category.

Betting ends Sept. 8th, Maiq's birthday. Starting from this day, two more coins are added to the jackpot for each day that passes.

Total jackpot: 40 coins.


  • Maiq's party avatars, a customary service where a person's avatar is given a funny smile and googly eyes while spinning, was not planned to be popular. People liked Maiq's avatar and requested them.
  • The "it sank" trend started when Maiq posted a picture of a sinking boat with the words "ALL ABOARD THE FAILBOAT" in a thread. Mama Luigi responded with "it sank" and the rest is history.(If Maiq is incorrect, and it started before this, please inform him)
  • There are a few occasions where Maiq started off "ATTN: Piccolo the Pixl" fads.


  • Maiq is very talkative and silly online, while he is a very silent, shy person in real life.
  • Maiq has suffered through alot of emotional drama throughout the last 5 years of his life.
  • Maiq knows much, tells some.
  • Maiq knows many things others do not.
  • Maiq's original party avatars had an inverted strobe effect, and had faster animations. This stopped after it gave crazy Cody a seizure, however.
  • Maiq feels a strange attatchment to a few members on Digibutter.
  • When Maiq makes a friend online, he treats it the same way as if it were a real life friend.
  • Maiq occasionally makes YouTube Poops.
  • Maiq still feels indebted to Piccolo for helping create "The Triforce of Die Must DIE!", which is his personal favorite YTP.

Ballistic Tiger


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