Smash Dojo

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Revision as of 18:35, 30 August 2007 by TotalSpaceshipGuy3 (Talk | contribs)
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The Smash Dojo is a shop that sells combat items that affect HP and MP.

Items for Purchase

Item Name __Price__ Desciption
Image:Banana-Peel.gif Banana-Peel 5 coins Use on a post, and the next poster will slip on it!
Image:Bumper.gif Bumper 10 coins Use on a post and the next poster will bounce into a random website!
Image:Cracker-Launcher.gif Cracker-Launcher 25 coins Each shot uses 5MP. Only one fireworks show at a time. The sky will go dark for two minutes and your message (60 characters long) will appear at the top of the website. Click on the link below your message to start the fireworks show!
Image:Gooey-Bomb.gif Gooey-Bomb 40 coins Can be stuck to users and new posts. Causes 30HP damage after 1 hour.
Image:Pitfall.gif Pitfall 20 coins Use on your post and the next poster will fall into your website!
Image:Smoke-Ball.gif Smoke-Ball 30 coins Use on a post to hide who posted it for an hour.
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