Flavio's family
From Digibutterwiki
Flavio's Freakin' awesome Family
- Flavio is Popple's sister
- Dimentio and Frozenwinters are Flavio's son/daughters
- Abra is their mother
- Hario, rawrskey, and Mona are Frozenwinter's children
- Mimi is Flavio and Popple's aunt
- Nastasia is Flavio's sister
- Plastic Mario is Frozenwinter's half-brother three times removed
- Flavio is also Mona and Hario's Brother in Law
- Tyler is Flavio's mother-in-law
- Pure-$$$ is Flavio's daddy
- Shadow kingdom is Mona's aunts cousins, sisters, sons, cousins, aunts, daughters, fathers, cousins, grandfathers, cousins, sisters, sons, cousins, daughters, cousins, brother. make any sense?
- Crystal is Frozenwinter's Father's Cousin. Making Crystal Flavio's sister.
- Crystal is Frozenwinter's Dog.
- Franis is Frozenwinter's Fiancé, since Flavio got married to rawrskey.
- FranCis is Flavio's drunk neighbor.
- Everybody is Sandslash's hoe
- Kratos Aurion is Flavio's nephew
- Mona isn't able to marry people because Donald Trump forbids it.
- Bombette married Pa-Patch.
- Flavio is Ashley's slave, used for certain things...
- Flavio's married to, well, pretty much every one in the family.
- Plastic is everybody's pants
- Plastic Mario is not
- GEAR is Flavio's step mother in law
- Pa-Patch is worse than Satan, and William Shatner doing a DBZ fusion.
- Enigma is Flavio's drunken KENYAN PIMP
- Maya Fey is flavio's adopted lesbian daughter.
- Joshamuffin is rawrskey's brother from another mother.
- Vaati the insane uncle twice removed who lives in a room full of foam.
- TotalSpaceshipGuy3 is Flavio's 40271st child, and was abandoned in a landfill after an incident involving Frozenwinters and 42 pairs of scissors.
- SpammerGuy is Flavio's 9001st cousin, and is the son of Vaati.
- MALAK is Flavio's son.
Flavio's family was started when Flavio himself announced that after a blood test he found out that Dimentio was his son. It was soon stated that Abra was the mother, this then Lead to frozenwinters Saying that Abra was it's mother (Or what ever Frozenwinters is). Flavio then later confessed that Dimentio was twins with Frozenwinters and Frozenwinters children where; Princess Daisy, Mona and Hario. Soon the fad went on, exploding in the off topic-role play board.
Non Family
Oh, and IFREAKIN'LOVEFREAKIN'SEESAWMAN loves freakin' seesaws, CBLuigi has a plunger up his ass, Pure$$$'s cloak isn't really made of gold.
Yeah, that pretty much sums that up.
-Pure-$$$'s cloak is made of gold. he kept changing until he got back to gold.
-CBLuigi no longer has a plunger in his ass. It's in Daisy's lungs.