Spamquanzuh day

From Digibutterwiki

Revision as of 09:39, 15 December 2007 by Darkzero (Talk | contribs)

Friday, December 14, 2007 - Saturday, December 15, 2007 marked the greatest holiday known to man. Spamquanzuh day. It all started as a nice, normal, day. When suddenly, two underaged users spread AIDS into the Off Topic forum. Infected with theese AIDS were Flavio, darkzero, MALAK, Mama Luigi, and Goron Mask. The Holy Book of Sloppy stated that one day, the sloppy would get AIDS, and that Damage Boosin' would engulph the world.

MALAK was quickly jailed for attempting to spread the AIDS, leaving a select few surviving AID victems. According to the Book of Sloppy, the only way to stop the Damage Boostin' was to spam. Thus begining the 2007 Spam Contest.

The 2007 Spam Contest

This was a contest in which Flavio, darkzero, Mama Luigi, and Goron Mask attempted to create SPAM with out being noticed. IT quickly became a game, and in the end Goron Makd won.

The Sloppy War

The Sloppy War is a war that is now destined to happen. Now that the AIDS has been awoken, the dark spirt EponaBurger shall attempt to damage boost and destroy the world.

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