
From Digibutterwiki

Revision as of 18:28, 18 July 2007 by Bridget (Talk | contribs)

This is a page for suggesting things to be added. This should be obvious.

~Pure-??? Oh, and remember, anyone can do any of these things; it doesn't have to be me.

Ok, start suggesting!

Maybe editing the special pages to make it more Digibutter related? Special pages are the messages that appear when you create a new page, log out/log in, and such like that. Isyou 23:57, 17 July 2007 (EDT)

     -I'll look into that.

Heres a link to all of them:

         - I don't see how I do that all though....

How about a page that describes all of the forums in digibutter? CBLuigi 02:24, 18 July 2007 (EDT)

Here's a nice one: A moderator for the wiki who keeps this thing clean on grammar and spelling.

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