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Rasto IRL
Rasto's pet cat, Fluffy.


Formerly Paper_Waluigi, Rasto is 14 years old, a reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and the inventor of the internet. He lives in Nova Scotia, Canadia.

Rasto's Relationships

Maiq the Liar and Rasto are part DIABEETUS! Rasto and Yellow Magikoopa are the men now dog!

RP Alts

spacecat. Spacecat is a cat from outer space who sleeps in a cryogenic tube and eats spacesquid he hunts himself. He is superior to mankind.

chadwardenn. Chad Warden is a strong advocate of the PEE ESS TRIPPA. He is also BALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIN, in his own words. His youtube profile can be found here.

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