Main Page

From Digibutterwiki

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== Special Pages ==
== Special Pages ==
Under construction...
[[Repair Page]]

Revision as of 19:32, 28 November 2007

Welcome to the digibutter.nerr Wiki! is...well, it's kinda hard to explain. In general, I guess you would call it a Nintendo fan site, but it's also a message board with forums for gaming and other things like art, fan fiction, and a bunch of other random stuff. In some ways it's also a MMORPG. There's always something new, either added by the members or the admin, Francis. So basically it's a giant playground of awesome that is totally "Hi-technicaaaaaaal!"

We have OVER 1500 PAGES!!!, which is a lot more than expected so far. Let's keep expanding!


My To-Do-List

Special Pages

Repair Page

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