Colette Olivia Marshall

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Despite being in her late twenties, Ollie has a very round and youthful face. This appearance is accentuated by her haircut - a short bob that frames her face perfectly. She keeps herself in tip-top physical shape and uses just the right amount of make-up to look good without looking like she's trying too hard. Because she's an officer, she finds herself in uniform more often than not, but she doesn't mind. She wears it well, though she doesn't keep it as nicely pressed as she should.

Otherwise, Ollie wears pretty fashionable clothes that range from chic to outright flirty. She gives off the appearance of someone who can be easily read by what they're wearing that day. She's not often spotted in her Team Rocket uniform for obvious reasons, so it hasn't seen much action for a while and is still in good shape. She wears it as much as she can, though, because damn those boots are hot.

(PB: Loretta from Wild ARMs T.V.)


Ollie is very enthusiastic, energetic, and outgoing. She makes an impression everywhere she goes, and that's just how she likes it. While she can be pushy and get up into your personal space, she is actually a reliable friend who usually means well. She is supportive of those she's close to, even if the relationships might eventually cause her to have a serious conflict of interests somewhere down the line. As a person, she is that ever-reliable friend who, despite being a dick half the time, always has your best interests in mind and doesn't hesitate to communicate that.

In her police work, Ollie is a different officer depending on if she's behind a desk or out on patrol. She's a major procrastinator when it comes to paperwork and writing reports, and won't hesitate to push that work onto her partner while disappearing for 20-minute coffee breaks. When on her beat, though, Ollie is a very competent officer - she takes charge and she doesn't slack off. It's a given, however, that if she finds any TR business going down she'll turn her head the other way and cover for them. After all, isn't that what teamwork is all about?

In her work for Team Rocket she takes on a somewhat different persona. During off-time, she's still good ole fun-loving Ollie to her TR peers, but when actually on a mission this demeanor changes. She is efficient, ruthless, and above all completely merciless. She will not hesitate to take out any obstacle that's in her way - be they Pokémon or otherwise. She is very loyal to the organization and does as she's told without much question to the contrary.


Ollie was born in Celadon City, and her early life wasn't very good. Her father left her and her mother when Ollie was still very young, and she doesn't remember much about him. The only thing her mother would tell her was that he wanted to travel and investigate the sighting of a rare legendary Pokémon, and when he'd been told of the impossibility of that (what with a family to worry about) he grew irate and simply walked out. Her mother was never really able to move past this, and continued to grow more and more unstable and was unable to hold down a job for very long. The family was poor and often went without, and eventually had to move to the bad side of town.

In response, Ollie was made to look out for herself more often than not. She went to school and did her studies, making average grades. While she got her Pokémon License when she turned 10, she was never allowed to go on her journey because her mother strictly forbade it. This upset her daughter, who slowly began to distance herself from her mother after that point. She started to hang around a bad crowd of kids, and while she never was directly involved with anything illegal, she didn't try to get away from it either. She spent a lot of her time out in the streets of Celadon, causing mischief. When Ollie was 14, her mother suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a short note addressed to her daughter. It was assumed that she was so distressed by the state of her life that she couldn't stand to go on any longer, and no one really went looking for her. Ollie, though distraught, acted like she thought nothing of it and completely fell into the street punk lifestyle.

It wasn't until Ollie was 16 that another twist in her life occurred. While roaming the city, the girl came across a Pokémon she'd never really seen before - a Skitty. The two took to each other immediately, and Ollie unofficially adopted her. Eventually, a member of Team Rocket saw the girl with the Pokémon, which was considered rare for the fact that it was an import to the region. The member battled with Ollie, and though she was defeated he liked her spunk. He invited her to come with him, and he'd give her something to do with her life rather than skulk around in alleyways. She followed him back to HQ and it didn't take much time for her to get initiated. As it turns out, she was allowed to keep the Skitty (mostly because it wouldn't behave for anyone else) and the two became partners, who would later work alongside Charlie, her Rattata.

When she was 20, Ollie was assigned to Saffron City to work undercover. She chose to join the police force, and with a fake background (something about her parents being average-joes who lived out in the boonies) she was accepted and began training. She's been working there for about 6 years now, and is very comfortable with her station in life: both as a member of Team Rocket and as an officer alongside the Jennies and their ilk.


  • Hometown: Celadon City, Kanto Region
  • Current Residence: Saffron City, Kanto Region
  • Occupation: Police Officer
  • Other: Ollie likes sweets and coffee, but not at the same time. She likes all Pokémon, but does't believe that legendary Pokémon actually exist.
  • Player: Anastasia
  • Journal: impossibleollie


Wiley Kit

  • Type: Skitty
  • How long owned: 10 years
  • Other: Wiley was Ollie's first Pokémon, and they've been through a lot of tough times together. While there have been many opportunities for her to evolve, she doesn't want to and Ollie is not going to force her. They have a close bond (she spends a lot of time on Ollie's head/lap/shoulders) and they share a lot of secrets between each other.


  • Type: Rattata
  • How long owned: 9 years
  • Other: Team Rocket issued, Charlie is pretty badass for a Rattata. He's got a scar on his left eye from a battle that went TERRIBLY WRONG. She doesn't use him in her police duties, though.


  • Type: Arcanine
  • How long owned: 6 years
  • Other: Issued to her as a Growlithe when she first joined the force. They didn't get along well at first, but years of bonding and having to trust each other has led to a healthy friendship. She doesn't use him in her Rocket duties, though.
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