Kanto Gyms

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In order to compete in the Indigo League Championship, trainers must obtain 8 badges and present them as proof of entry. There are 8 gyms in the Kanto region which can be challenged for badges. Johto gym badges count toward the Indigo League total as well, so trainers will need some combination of badges from Kanto and/or Johto gyms totaling 8 in order to qualify for the Indigo League.

For more detailed information on how gyms work, see Gyms.


Pewter Gym

Leader - Brock
Badge - Boulder Badge
This gym specializes in rock type Pokémon, though ground types are also accepted. The main battlefield is designed to mimic a mountain landscape, covered in gravel and rocks.

Cerulean Gym

Leader - Misty
Badge - Cascade Badge
This gym specializes in water type Pokémon, though ice types are also accepted. The main battlefield is a large pool with rock ledges. Although Misty is officially listed as the Gym Leader, the four sisters of Cerulean will sometimes trade out, so trainers aiming for this badge will commonly be facing one of Misty's three older sisters instead.

Vermillion Gym

Leader - Lt. Surge
Badge - Thunder Badge
This gym specializes in electric type Pokémon. The main battlefield is a plain, sand-covered court, no different from the minor battlefields.

Celadon Gym

Leader - Erika
Badge - Rainbow Badge
This gym specializes in grass type Pokémon. It's also unique in that it is a women's only gym. It's designed something like a greenhouse, with trees and plants of various kinds growing everywhere. The main battlefield is a grassland surrounded by trees and bushes.

Fuschia Gym

Leader - Stat
Badge - Soul Badge
This gym specializes in poison type Pokémon, along with other Pokémon that inflict status effects. It also doubles as a ninjutsu dojo and all of its members are ninja students with the Gym Leader as their ninja master. The gym is split in two, with a 'leader' awaiting at either end - one being Stat, and the other Janine, Koga's daughter. A trainer only receives one chance per day at challenging the gym, and they receive the Soul Badge only if it is Stat that they fight. The two tend to dress the same and even switch Pokémon teams, to further confuse challengers. The main battlefields are typical dojo style rooms, with hardwood floors.

Saffron Gym

Leader - Sabrina
Badge - Marsh Badge
This gym specializes in psychic type Pokémon, though ghost type trainers are also accepted. The hardest part of challenging Saffron Gym is finding Sabrina. She's had the gym filled with a maze of closed-off rooms and teleporters and trainers must make their way through her maze in order to challenge her. The main battlefield is a plain court, but the surrounding room is lit by dim torchlight and lends the place a creepy atmosphere.

Cinnabar Gym

Leader - Blaine
Badge - Volcano Badge
This gym specializes in fire type Pokémon. The gym itself is located inside the inactive volcano on Cinnabar Island. This practice has gathered some controversy, but so far nobody has been injured because of it.

Viridian Gym

Leader - Giovanni
Badge - Earth Badge
This gym specializes in ground type Pokémon, though rock, poison, and fighting types are also frequent. It is rarely open to challengers and most trainers opt to skip it in favour of a Johto badge to round out their collection of 8.
[This is the only Kanto Gym for which the leader cannot be apped. Giovanni will remain the NPC leader of this gym. It is also the only Kanto Gym which people cannot join; the gym is strictly Team Rocket only.]

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