Sinnoh Pokémon

From Dexnet

Revision as of 00:19, 30 October 2008 by Dragonfire (Talk | contribs)

There are over two hundred species of Pokémon that can be found in the Sinnoh Region. Following is a quick-reference list including their location, type, and rarity. Check the given reference links for more information!

Here, we list them by their number in the Sinnoh Regional PokéDex (Platinum version); note that this 'Dex is different from the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn versions.



Pokémon will be listed in their evolutionary groups. The format for Pokémon entries is as follows:

  • Dex entry: The entry number the Pokémon will be listed under in the Sinnoh PokéDex
  • Type: The Pokémon's type(s)
  • Species: Only really used by researchers, it's rather unimportant for trainers to know
  • Rarity in the wild
    • Habitat information
  • Other

Common Pokémon can be caught by pretty much anybody. Uncommon ones will take some doing, and rare ones can be virtually impossible to find in the first place. Trainers with rare Pokémon are more likely to have acquired them through breeding or purchase rather than catching them in the wild.

Legendary Pokémon are things of myth. Very few people have seen them and nobody has ever caught one. Some people think they just don't exist in the first place.

Ancient Pokémon exist only as fossils. There are plenty of rumours of groups of ancient Pokémon still living somewhere secluded, away from humanity, but these have yet to be confirmed. No living ancient Pokémon have been seen outside of fossil remains.


  • Dex entry: 1
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Tiny Leaf Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Turtwig is one of the starter Pokémon offered to Sinnoh trainers. Most can be found under the guard of their trainers; wild ones hang out around lakes in dense forests, hard to get to by most people.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 2
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Grove Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Turtwig.
  • A Grotle's shell gets harder with the more water it drinks and the more dirt it rolls around in - it absorbs the minerals of both and takes them into its body.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 3
  • Type: Grass/Ground
  • Species: Continent Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Turtwig.
  • Occasionally smaller Pokémom will build nests on the back of a stationary Torterra - the large turtles don't usually care, or even notice.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 4
  • Type: Fire
  • Species: Chimp Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Chimchar is one of the starter Pokémon offered to Sinnoh trainers. Chimchar are pretty rare to find in the wild, making their nests in cliffs and the sides of rocky mountains.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 5
  • Type: Fire/Fighting
  • Species: Playful Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Chimchar.
  • Monferno can increase the size of the flame on its tail to make itself look bigger and more aggressive.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 6
  • Type: Fire/Fighting
  • Species: Flame Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Chimchar.
  • The tail flame it has as a Monferno moves to its head - it is said that the size of this flame shows how much of a fighting spirit it has.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 7
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Penguin Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Piplup is one of the starter Pokémon offered to Sinnoh trainers. They live around the seas in the far north parts of Sinnoh, where many trainers don't venture, so they're usually only seen in captivity.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 8
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Penguin Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Piplup.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 9
  • Type: Water/Steel
  • Species: Emporer Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Piplup.
  • The wings of an Empoleon are razor-sharp and covered in metal; they can cut a huge glacier in two using them.
  • Reference
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