Stacey Mitchell Gray

From Dexnet

Revision as of 05:08, 26 October 2008 by TheGuindo (Talk | contribs)




Stacey is fairly tall, somewhere around 5'10", and on the thin side. He has a squarish face, accented by equally squarish glasses (and unlike his younger brother, he does need his to see). His black hair is very thick and wavy, and gets extremely unruly if permitted to grow too long. It seems perpetually just long enough to fall in his eyes, no matter how often he gets it cut.

He wears a lot of collared shirts or polo shirts, designer jeans, some very nice work-boots, and his glasses - well, they're a stylish fit for the shape of his face. Overall, he is very well-dressed and takes a certain amount of care in his appearance. Especially as a gym leader, he feels that walking around looking slovenly is just embarrassing.

  • PB: Dad Yamada; Chii's Sweet Home


Overall, Stacey is a pretty nice guy. He frequently goes out of his way to help people, and makes lasting friendships through a strong, stubborn loyalty. He tries to cheer people up whenever he can! He can seem a bit ditzy at times, but it's really just that he's very absent-minded, tending to get lost in thought when he's not actively engaged by something. He's quite intelligent, though this is only applied to subjects he's actually interested in (which is the main reason his grades in high school were not As across the board). His tendency to get lost in thought means he also has a tendency to overthink things, which makes him worry a lot about hypothetical situations.

He's not really prone to speaking his mind when he thinks it will upset people, because he doesn't like upsetting people, so he tends to give very vague responses instead of direct negative feedback. Unless, of course, you manage to piss him off. This is very difficult to do, as Stacey's anger usually manifests itself more as a silent passive-aggression, but it is absolutely possible to push him so hard he just snaps. These moments are not pretty, and very vicious, and usually result in very, very lasting grudges. He's extremely stubborn and though he may bend for the will of others to avoid upsetting them, he'll resist with all his might and make sure, in his own passive-aggressive way, that they know he's not very happy about it.


Stacey was born and raised in Violet City in Johto. Like his brother Vince (or rather, the other way around), Stacey was forced by his parents to complete the full regimen of schooling, from kindergarten to high school. He was not permitted to leave on a ridiculous Pokémon journey at the age of ten - that was absolutely out of the question. Nonetheless, he did develop quite an interest in Pokémon and could often be seen sneaking off to Falkner's gym to watch battles.

During high school, he secretly went out and got himself a Pokémon license, but chickened out after passing the test and declined to actually take a starter. He was sure there'd be hell to pay if his parents found out, and having a license was easier to hide than having Pokémon to go with it. After months of deliberation, learning things through his time spent at the gym, he finally made a decision. Stacey Mitchell Gray...caught a pidgey.

This Pidgey was kept almost constantly in its PokéBall, tucked away in Stacey's backpack. He told his parents he was in a club at school, but in truth he had signed up to become a member of the gym and spent his spare time after school learning how to train his Pidgey. Of course this secrecy could only last so long and his parents eventually discovered what was going on behind their backs. A fight erupted in which they demanded he give up this Pokémon training nonsense and concentrate on his schooling, he threatened to run away, and they told him that once he was out of high school he could ruin his life however he wanted but until then it was their house and their rules. He, of course, chickened out on the threat to run away, and resolved himself to leaving home the minute he had graduated high school.

This led to his last year of high school being especially tense, with lots of random outbursts of fighting between him and his parents; home was just not a very pleasant place for anyone to be for a while. The pidgey was relegated to indefinite PokéBall status (to his parents, he claimed to have released it, but had resolved not to give up so easily). Once he graduated, he packed his things and moved out, staying with one of his friends until he scrounged up the money to get a place of his own. Finally free of home, he began his Pokémon training career in force, eventually putting together a collection of lesser, more common flying types from the area and training them at the gym. During this period of his life he avoided his parents like the plague, but still tried to catch his brother after school or, you know, wherever, just to keep in touch.

After a few years at the gym, he finally started trading out his Pokémon for a serious set, collecting something more suited to an advanced level gym member. The pidgey, now a Pidgeot, was given a tearful good-bye in exchange for a newly caught Natu. Somewhere around this time, he also started speaking with his parents again, though things were still tense with them. He still tried to avoid them whenever possible, but it was no longer a vicious sort of avoidance.

When Falkner, the leader of Violet Gym, announced he would be retiring, all the most promising members of his gym held a competition to see who would take over in his place, and Stacey seemed to miraculously win out, thus being named the new leader of Violet Gym. He's held this position for about seven years now, since he was 22.


  • Hometown: Violet City
  • Current Residence: Violet City
  • Occupation: Gym Leader
  • Other: His vision isn't completely atrocious, he's not like legally blind or anything, and he can still see well enough to get around without his glasses, but everything just sort of descends into large swaths of colour past a certain distance and he has trouble making out detail or reading text as little as a foot away. His birthday is July 2nd. Pidgey is still his favourite Pokémon! Sometimes goes by Mitch or Mitchell but really doesn't care what people call him. He's also pretty openly gay, but doesn't make a big deal out of it and dislikes when other people do. His family kind of does and he HATES IT.
  • Player: TheGuindo
  • Journal: bn_n


Most of these Pokémon were acquired around the time 8-7 years ago when he began trading out for a serious league-worthy team. Also none of them were actually caught by himself, all those got traded for these.


  • Type: Farfetch'd
  • How long owned: 7 years
  • Other: Female. Knows Fly!


  • Type: Xatu
  • How long owned: 8 years
  • Other: Male.


  • Type: Scyther
  • How long owned: 8 years
  • Other: Female.


  • Type: Murkrow
  • How long owned: 8 years
  • Other: Male


  • Type: Mantine
  • How long owned: 6 years
  • Other: Female. The remoraid's name is Borealis! This one was acquired after most of the rest of his team was assembled, when he decided a water type was needed to round out his team.


  • Type: Skarmory
  • How long owned: 7 years
  • Other: Male.
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