Duncan Heimdall Jackson
From Dexnet
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- Name: Duncan Heimdall Jackson
- Age: 24
- Sex: M
- Hair: PPL
- Eyes: BLU
- Registration: Pokémon Researcher
Duncan has a very straight nose. It's not particularly notable otherwise, but the bridge of his nose is perfectly straight, from where it starts between his eyes to where it ends. This perfectly straight nose is accompanied by high cheekbones and an angled jawline to make up a fairly handsome, somewhat youthful, and very masculine face. His eyes are blue, and accompanied by arched eyebrows in a purple just a few shades darker than his hair. Said purple hair is worn in a very tidy crew cut, which he never allows to grow long enough to start laying flat on its own.
He stands a height of 5'8" with a very lean build (you wouldn't be wrong if you called him skinny). He's almost always seen in his Team Rocket uniform, the all-black ensemble with the billed cap, boots, and gloves, and of course the signature red "R" emblazoned on the front of the turtleneck. He finds this standard grunt uniform very comfortable and fashionable and oftentimes just plain forgets he's wearing it in places he probably shouldn't be. On the rare occasion that he does manage to drag himself out of the uniform, the clothes he wears in lieu of it tend to be in a similar style: turtlenecks, boots, cap, etc.
Actually, Duncan seems like a pretty swell guy. He's honest, genuine, helpful, and informative. He truly cares about Pokémon and hates to see them mistreated. Despite being a Rocket, he has a pretty clear set of morals. He won't kill and he doesn't like needless violence, but Team Rocket has completely warped his morals on theft (of Pokémon in particular). He'll use his honest face and trusthworthy nature to get under your guard and steal any rare Pokémon you may happen to have. It's not that he's been brainwashed by TR or anything. He knows that what they do is wrong, but he genuinely believes in their cause and is fiercely loyal to them as an organization.
Duncan has been known to bury himself in his work; he's very dedicated and throws himself wholeheartedly into any task he sets his mind to. He's a complete Pokémon geek and makes a point of knowing as much as possible about every Pokémon ever. (Unfortunately he missed the news about all those new ones discovered in the last three years or outside of Kanto. This is devastating for him.)
Sadly, Duncan is easily overlooked, and because he seems so intelligent and well-informed, the people around him have an overwhelming tendency to just assume he already knows and not pass information along to him. Because of this, he is notoriously out of the loop. He's had this issue his whole life and has come to terms with the fact that he will never quite know exactly what is going on around him.
Duncan is from a farm in the countryside about an hour out of Celadon City. His family raised Doduo and Dodrio. They also had about a million kids, of which he was the oldest. He kind of hated it, actually, so as soon as he turned ten he got his Pokémon license and decided to go out into the world to earn his fortune with a Charmander as his starter. He had no grand delusions about becoming a Pokémon master, and actually spent more time observing Pokémon in their natural habitats than he did trying to catch them.
After a few years, he decided that what he really wanted to do was study Pokémon instead of catching and training them, so when he was 16 he took the Celadon University entrance exam, passed it, and released all his Pokémon into the wild so he could concentrate on his schooling. His Charizard refused to leave and he eventually gave up on trying to release Brimstone and kept him as a pet instead. He also had his license renewed to reflect his new reasons for owning one, changing it from "Trainer" to "Researcher." His area of study was Pokémon genetics.
To pay for his college education, he worked part time as an announcer for Celadon Gym battles and later got a second job at the Rocket Game Corner. Duncan did not sleep much during his college years. After a year or two of working at the game corner, he was offered the opportunity to join Team Rocket and he accepted it, with the guarantee of a job involving his degree waiting for him after he graduated.
When he finally graduated with his sparkly Pokémon Genetics degree at the age of twenty, he became a full time Rocket Grunt and spent most of his time doing the menial sorts of tasks that TR sends grunts out to do. He did these tasks quite well and within a year he was offered that degree-related job he'd been promised: attempting to clone Pokémon from fossils. He spent the next three years in an underground research facility, leading a research team and trying to figure out how to resurrect an Aerodactyl from fossilized remains. Unfortunately the project did not show enough success quickly enough and just when progress was finally being made, it was canceled in favour of directing funds to the Mewtwo project. He's been cut off from the world for three years for a project that was deemed a failure, and now he's back home in Celadon and lamenting his fate.
- Hometown: A farm about an hour out of Celadon
- Current Residence: Celadon City
- Occupation: Team Rocket member, ex-research team leader
- Other: His birthday is August 17th. He thinks his middle name is stupid despite the fact that it's actually the name of a Norse god. He has a habit of commentating matches due to his old announcer job (he shouts things like "It's super effective!" during battles). He used to have a country bumpkin southern type accent but he decided it was stupid and trained himself out of it. It only comes out now when he's especially tired or drunk.
- He's actually a supervisor, not a grunt, but the people who promoted him figured he already knew and he missed the memo on this one. Nobody points out that he's wearing the wrong uniform because, well, they figure he knows and he just likes the grunt one better. All he knows is that he got a pay raise, an office of his own, and has a lot more paperwork to do now. He always just kind of figured it was because he'd been put in charge of a research team.
- He has a 16.7% chance of falling on any given set of stairs. He has been prone to this since he was a child and since his home growing up had multiple floors, he's long since learned how to properly take a fall to prevent injury. Obviously, he prefers to take elevators.
- Player: TheGuindo
- Journal: inchesofevil
- Type: Charizard
- How long owned: AGES. 14 years. Since Duncan got his license.
- Other: Duncan's starter. He's very affectionate, but fiercely loyal and protective. He sometimes likes to think he's a Persian and tries to crawl into laps. Sort of like a great dane that thinks it's a pomeranian. He is very well trained despite this and makes for a fierce opponent in battle.