Johto Gyms

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To compete in the Indigo League, trainers must obtain 8 badges and present them at the Indigo Plateau as proof. There are eight gyms located within the Johto region, although Kanto badges qualify as well, and a combination of badges from Johto and Kanto are acceptable for League entry.

For more detailed information regarding gyms, see Gyms.


Violet Gym

Leader - Falkner
Badge - Zephyr Badge
This gym specializes in flying-type Pokémon. It is located on the top of a skyscraper in the middle of the city; the battlefield has no roof, so as to allow Flying-types their freedom to the sky.

Azalea Gym

Leader - Bugsy
Badge - Hive Badge
This gym specializes in bug-type Pokémon. The gym itself is located in a terradome-like structure on the outskirts of town, with a forest-like interior for the gym's buggy types to thrive in. The center of the forest holds a small battlefield, for the use of challenging trainers.

Goldenrod Gym

Leader - Whitney
Badge - Plain Badge
This gym specializes in normal-type Pokémon. There isn't really much that's special about this gym - there's a small maze in the shape of a Cleffa that trainers must navigate through, but the battlefield itself is a simple arena-type one.

Ecruteak Gym

Leader - Morty
Badge - Fog Badge
This gym specializes in ghost-type Pokémon. From the outside, this gym looks more like a temple than anything else - but on the inside, it's a winding maze of invisible glass floors towards the battlefield. Trainer beware!

Olivine Gym

Leader - Jasmine
Badge - Mineral Badge
This gym specializes in steel-type Pokémon. This gym is rather set up like a metallic pyramid, with a simple dirt battlefield lying in wait on the bottom floor. Those Pokémon versed in earth-attacks would probably feel right at home.

Cianwood Gym

Leader - Chuck
Badge - Storm Badge
This gym specializes in fighting-type Pokémon. This is another gym fashioned much like a dojo; the trainers here are constantly improving both the skills of their Pokémon as well as themselves.

Mahogany Gym

Leader - Pryce
Badge - Glacier Badge
This gym specializes in ice-type Pokémon. A slippery ice-maze blocks the way leading to the central battlefield - a large arena court covered in ice, but for a central pool of water. There's something of a chill over the entire building... Bundle up before you come in.

Blackthorn Gym

Leader - Clair
Badge - Rising Badge
This gym specializes in dragon-type Pokémon. The Blackthorn Gym resides inside an old Victorian-style villa, a peaceful-looking place, somewhat at odds with the ferocity of the battles that rage within it. The roof of the gym is retractable, allowing dragon-types and other flying Pokémon to take to the air.

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