
From Dexnet

Revision as of 16:24, 16 May 2008 by Dragonfire (Talk | contribs)

Arceus created the universe, the trio of dragons, and the trio of spirits. When Dialga was born, time began; similarly, as Palkia was born, matter and space came into existence. The trio of the lakes wished, and spirit came into being. When the world was young and new, Kyogre sighed, and the world was covered in oceans. Groudon roared, and the continents expanded. Rayquaza flew through the sky, bringing the weather and life-giving air.

Haunter! Lavender Town!

Lavender Tower
Haunted!! Ghost of a vicious marowak in upper floors

Cinnabar! East coast! human type!

Came from the moon!

Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos
Flame of Moltres kicks off the Indigo League games

Ancient Pokemon still alive somewhere else in the world?!

Father of all pokemon? the original pokemon

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