From Dexnet

Revision as of 23:14, 9 November 2008 by Dragonfire (Talk | contribs)

These are the answers to questions that we've been asked in the past regarding the specifics of this game. If you can't find it anywhere else, it might be here.

If you have a question of your own, either contact a mod to ask or edit it in at the bottom of the page here, and it will be addressed as soon as possible.



Colour Abbreviations

These aren't frequently asked about, but to prevent them from being, here is a list of the three-letter abbreviations used for hair and eye colour in Pokémon License info.

For people with heterochromatic eyes (each eye being a different colour), they will be asked to pick one.

  • Black - BLK
  • Blue - BLU
  • Brown - BRN
  • Green - GRN
  • Grey - GRY
  • Orange - ORN
  • Purple - PPL
  • Red - RED (includes Pink)
  • White - WHT
  • Yellow - BLN (hair); YEL (eyes)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I do that nifty little e symbol with the thingy over it?

Alt+130 or & e acute ; without the spaces will get you an é.

Can I own a legendary?

Nobody even has proof that legendary Pokémon really exist. None have ever been caught. No, you can't own any legendaries. No befriending them, either. They're like Bigfoot, the people who have seen them aren't exactly taken for their word.

Can I have a Missingno?

Hahaha. No. Missingno is a legendary, sorry.

Do people eat Pokémon?

Yes. Of course, only Pokémon which are raised for food are eaten. Eating the ones you raise as pets or fighters is barbaric! Pokémon commonly raised for food include things such as: Doduo, Miltank and Tauros, Goldeen, or Magikarp. Just like with real world animals, eating certain species of Pokémon is frowned upon or outright taboo. Nobody would eat a Charizard, but most people would have no problem eating a Magikarp. Just use some common sense here and you should be fine.

Can I play as Ash Ketchum?

Our use of canonical characters is limited to gym leaders and a few other specific exceptions. In short, no. You can't play Ash.

What about talking Pokémon?

We're aware that in the TV show and comics, Meowth is capable of human speech. Meowth also put a lot of time and effort into this and had to give up learning new moves to learn to talk. Due to the potential abuse of this in game, we are not allowing Pokémon capable of human speech, though they can communicate with trainers in other ways (body language, certain psychic types through limited telepathy). They may be able to produce limited sounds that could resemble English words (the same way some dogs can bark in such a way that it sounds like they're saying "Mama") but otherwise no. No speaking Pokémon. (Obvious exceptions are Pokémon said to be able to mimic human speech like parrots do, but they just mimic, they don't understand.)

Can I play the son/daughter/relative of canonical character x?

Due to our use of canonical characters as NPCs or playable gym leaders, this question doesn't really have a blanket answer. If you want to play the relative of a canon character, ask a mod. This will be judged on a case by case basis.

Can I have a master ball?

Master balls are classified technology still in development by Silph Co. They are not available to trainers. Unless you work for Silph Co. R&D, you've never even heard of a master ball.

Does my Jenny/Joy have to become a cop/nurse?

No! It's highly encouraged by the family that they go into the family profession, but they are not required to. There's a some social stigma attached to it, of course, but that's the fun part.

About Gym badges...?

You can get all 16 Indigo League badges, yes. Any combination of badges from both regions, totaling 8, will get you into the Indigo League. That means you can get 4 badges from Kanto and then 4 badges from Johto and still qualify for the League. However, Sinnoh and Hoenn badges do not count toward an Indigo League total.

What's the minimum age to join Team Rocket?

There isn't one officially, it's judged fairly case by case considering the maturity of the young person in question. Mid-teens and above can get in without much hassle, but anybody younger is likely to just be turned away unless they are somehow exceptional.

If you can't get a license until you turn ten, does that mean you can't have pet Pokémon until you turn ten?

Your character can still have a pet Pokémon before they have a license for it, but the Pokémon will be registered to their parent/guardian instead.

Which regions are in the game?

This game allows travel between all four of the regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. The DexNet's wireless will only work in Kanto and Johto and only if the trainer has a Kanto or Johto issued PokéDex. Trainers can still connect from PokéCenters in Hoenn or Sinnoh but it still needs to be a Kanto or Johto PokéDex and it must be connected by wire. Because of these limitations on the DexNet, we are only allowing characters with licenses from Kanto or Johto. This does not mean your character cannot be from Hoenn or Sinnoh, it only means that she must have been living in Kanto or Johto long enough to get her license issued there.

Does that mean there's only one Elite Four? Does it have to be 8 badges of 32 possible?

There are three leagues: Indigo, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Gym badges from one league will not count toward another league's total. Kanto and Johto gyms are Indigo League, trainers must acquire 8 total out of 16 to compete in Indigo. Hoenn gyms are Hoenn League and Sinnoh gyms are Sinnoh League. The same rule of 8 follows. There is an Elite Four and a champion for each league.

How many Pokémon can I carry?

Six in your active team. Any past that will automatically be sent to Bill's storage.

What about Shiny/Alternate colour Pokémon?

Shiny Pokémon most certainly exist, but are extremely rare. If you are interested in acquiring a shiny Pokémon, ask a mod before having your character catch one and we will roll to determine the probability of your new Pokémon being a Shiny. Similarly, if you'd like to start off with a Shiny when you apply, talk to us first as well. The roll has a 1/500 chance of coming up shiny.

What do I do if I don't have a personal LJ and don't want to make one just for this game?

Just say on your app that you don't have one, and use your char journal for your OOC posts.

What happens if a character loses their PokéDex or license by accident in a region that is not the same as where their license was originally issued?

They need to go to their nearest PokéCenter, report the loss, and apply for renewal! It's not a big deal - they just take a picture there and issue the character new stuff. If the character is from a different region, then some crosschecking will occur between their region of origin and the current region, which takes two weeks at most, but then a new license and/or 'Dex will be issued in the new region's fashion.

Do breeding contests occur in Kanto and Johto?

Not official ones. Hoenn and Sinnoh are the only regions at the moment with an official breeding association set up. Kanto and Johto do have unofficial contests with house rules and various prizes, but there is no Grand Festival yet, nor merit ribbons that would mean anything other than 'you've won such and such a contest!'.

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