Hoenn Pokémon
From Dexnet
There are over two hundred species of Pokémon that can be found in the Hoenn Region. Following is a quick-reference list including their location, type, and rarity. Check the given reference links for more information!
Here, we list them by their number in the Hoenn Regional PokéDex; note that this 'Dex is different from the Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh versions.
Contents |
Pokémon will be listed in their evolutionary groups. The format for Pokémon entries is as follows:
- Dex entry: The entry number the Pokémon will be listed under in the Hoenn PokéDex
- Type: The Pokémon's type(s)
- Species: Only really used by researchers, it's rather unimportant for trainers to know
- Rarity in the wild
- Habitat information
- Other
Common Pokémon can be caught by pretty much anybody. Uncommon ones will take some doing, and rare ones can be virtually impossible to find in the first place. Trainers with rare Pokémon are more likely to have acquired them through breeding or purchase rather than catching them in the wild.
Legendary Pokémon are things of myth. Very few people have seen them and nobody has ever caught one. Some people think they just don't exist in the first place.
Ancient Pokémon exist only as fossils. There are plenty of rumours of groups of ancient Pokémon still living somewhere secluded, away from humanity, but these have yet to be confirmed. No living ancient Pokémon have been seen outside of fossil remains.
- Dex entry: 1
- Type: Grass
- Species: Wood Gecko Pokémon
- Rare
- Treecko is one of the starter Pokémon offered to Hoenn trainers. Most Treecko are quite difficult to find in the wild; they tend to live deep in overgrown forests where they're quite hard to get to. You're more apt to see them in captivity.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 2
- Type: Grass
- Species: Wood Gecko Pokémon
- Rare
- See Treecko.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 3
- Type: Grass
- Species: Forest Pokémon
- Rare
- See Treecko.
- Be wary of finding these in the wild - though rare, they are extremely territorial, and very, very quick in their movements through the trees.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 5
- Type: Fire
- Species: Chick Pokémon
- Rare
- Torchic is one of the starter Pokémon given to trainers in Hoenn. They're quite rare to find in the wild, although rumours say they're guarded in nests up on Mt Chimney.
- They have a small fire sac in their bellies that keeps them perpetually warm.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 6
- Type: Fire / Fighting
- Species: Young Fowl Pokémon
- Rare
- See Torchic.
- Combusken fight mainly by using their powerful legs in kicking attacks.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 6
- Type: Fire / Fighting
- Species: Blaze Pokémon
- Rare
- See Torchic.
- It's said to be able to jump up a skyscraper with one kick of its legs.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 7
- Type: Water
- Species: Mud Fish Pokémon
- Rare
- Mudkip is one of the starter Pokémon given to trainers in Hoenn. They and their evolutionary counterparts hang out in swamps deep on isolated islands, so they're rare to see in the wild.
- For all their small size, they have strength enough to crush rocks bigger than themselves.
- so i herd u like mudkips?
- Reference
- Dex entry: 8
- Type: Water / Ground
- Species: Mud Fish Pokémon
- Rare
- See Mudkip.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 9
- Type: Water / Ground
- Species: Mud Fish Pokémon
- Rare
- See Mudkip
- Reference
- Dex entry: 10
- Type: Dark
- Species: Bite Pokémon
- Uncommon
- Poochyena stalk forested plains. They're gradually expanding their territory.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 11
- Type: Dark
- Species: Bite Pokémon
- Uncommon
- Mightyena are hard to find in the wild - they distrust humans. See Poochyena.
- Mightyena only obey those whom they view as the leader of the pack - they are apt to be unruly if they perceive their trainer to be weak or unskilled.
- Mightyena and Poochyena are popular Pokémon among Team Aqua and Magma.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 12
- Type: Normal
- Species: TinyRaccoon Pokémon
- Common
- Easy to find in fields and forest.
- Very easily distracted by just about anything.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 13
- Type: Normal
- Species: Rushing Pokémon
- Common
- See Zigzagoon.
- They can run incredibly fast, but are pretty terrible at cornering, so they dash in straight lines.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 14
- Type: Bug
- Species: Worm Pokémon
- Common
- Hangs out mostly in forests, but can occasionally be found in fields.
- Wurmple can evolve to either Cascoon or Silcoon, depending on what kind of personality they have.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 15
- Type: Bug
- Species: Cocoon Pokémon
- Common
- Found only in forests.
- It protects itself by Hardening; otherwise it's immobile.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 16
- Type: Bug / Flying
- Species: Butterfly Pokémon
- Common
- They flutter in flower-filled fields.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 17
- Type: Bug
- Species: Cocoon Pokémon
- Common
- Found only in forests.
- Like it's very similar relative Silcoon, it just Hardens and waits to evolve.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 18
- Type: Bug / Poison
- Species: Poison Moth Pokémon
- Common
- Can be found in forests or cities.
- Nocturnal, but drawn to bright lights. Sometimes you'll see them congregating around streetlamps.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 19
- Type: Water / Grass
- Species: Water Weed Pokémon
- Common
- They live in roadside ponds and lakes.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 20
- Type: Water / Grass
- Species: Jolly Pokémon
- Common
- Lives mostly in rivers and lakes.
- Quite mischievious.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 21
- Type: Water / Grass
- Species: Carefree Pokémon
- Uncommon
- Lives by lakes, but they're good at hiding.
- If they hear music, they can't help but rush along to dance to it. Will sometimes join in with people having a good time near their habitats.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 22
- Type: Grass
- Species: Acorn Pokémon
- Common
- Live in trees, mostly.
- Often mistaken by actual acorns by both people and Pokémon.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 23
- Type: Grass / Dark
- Species: Wily Pokémon
- Uncommon
- Found occasionally in forests.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 24
- Type: Grass / Dark
- Species: Wicked Pokémon
- Uncommon
- Lives in very deep forest.
- Said to be able to read minds.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 25
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Species: TinySwallow Pokémon
- Common
- Easy to find in fields and forest.
- Cries at night if lonesome or hungry. Aw!
- Reference
- Dex entry: 26
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Species: Swallow Pokémon
- Uncommon
- Soars very high up in the sky most of the time.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 27
- Type: Water / Flying
- Species: Seagull Pokémon
- Common
- Rare on land, but really easy to find flying about on the open sea.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 28
- Type: Water / Flying
- Species: Water Bird Pokémon
- Common
- See Wingull.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 29
- Type: Psychic
- Species: Feeling Pokémon
- Rare
- Ralts don't like being around humans much, as they hate to be around negative feelings.
- They are less psychics, and more empaths.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 30
- Type: Psychic
- Species: Emotion Pokémon
- Rare
- See Ralts.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 31
- Type: Psychic
- Species: Embrace Pokémon
- Rare
- See Ralts.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 32
- Type: Bug / Water
- Species: Pond Skater Pokémon
- Common
- Congregates around pools of water.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 33
- Type: Bug / Flying
- Species: Eyeball Pokémon
- Rare
- Lives in fields, mostly
- Its wing patterns look rather like a Noctowl's eyes.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 34
- Type: Grass
- Species: Mushroom Pokémon
- Common
- Shroomish are only found in forested areas.
- Often mistaken by mushroom hunters for the real thing.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 35
- Type: Grass / Fighting
- Species: Mushroom Pokémon
- Uncommon
- See Shroomish.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 36
- Type: Normal
- Species: Slacker Pokémon
- Uncommon
- Slakoth lounge about in forests.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 37
- Type: Normal
- Species: Wild Monkey Pokémon
- Uncommon
- See Slakoth.
- Unlike their Slakoth cousins, Vigoroth have a permanently elevated heart rate, and cannot sit still for a moment.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 38
- Type: Normal
- Species: Lazy Pokémon
- Rare
- See Slakoth
- Once they learn to calm their heartbeats again, these Pokémon become lazy once more - but they don't lose the speed they gained in the first place.
- Reference
- Dex entry: 39
- Refer to the Kanto Abra entry.
- Dex entry: 40
- Refer to the Kanto Kadabra entry.
- Dex entry: 41
- Refer to the Kanto Alakazam entry.