Hoenn Gyms

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To compete against the Hoenn League's Elite Four and Champion, trainers must collect eight badges from around the region, and present them upon arrival to Ever Grande City. Kanto and Johto badges do not qualify a trainer for the Hoenn League.

See Gyms for more information how the whole process works!


Rustboro Gym

Leader - Roxanne
Badge - Stone Badge
This gym specializes in rock- and ground-type Pokémon. The battlefield is a simple earthen field covered with rocky outcroppings. Many students from a nearby Pokémon academy train here and watch the battles. and her pokemon are nosepass and geodude

Dewford Gym

Leader - Brawly
Badge - Knuckle Badge
This gym specializes in fighting-type Pokémon. The gym itself is normally kept in pitch blackness, in order to increase the courage of those who train there, but defeated trainers will cast more light onto the simple, barren battlefield.

Mauville Gym

Leader - Wattson
Badge - Dynamo Badge
This gym specializes in electric-type Pokémon. The place is decked out with traps and tricks of all kinds, including electrical barriers that toggle on and off through the use of switches. The battlefield is surrounded by these barriers, making thrown Pokémon quite vulnerable.

Lavaridge Gym

Leader - Flannery
Badge - Heat Badge
This gym specializes in fire-type Pokémon. The gym structure is styled much like a bathhouse, full of steam and geysers that confuse and disorient trainers. The battlefield is a plain court, but is also home to a few surprise steam-spewing geysers hidden below the sand.

Petalburg Gym

Leader - Norman
Badge - Balance Badge
This gym specializes in normal-type Pokémon. While the battlefield is a simple indoor court, reaching it requires passing by at least three of the gym's trainers in battle - defeating a trainer will open the entrance to two adjoining rooms, which the challenger must decide between. When three rooms have been cleared in this manner, the gym leader can be challenged.

Fortree Gym

Leader - Winona
Badge - Feather Badge
This gym specializes in flying-type Pokémon, although all of the flying-types have a secondary element to them. The gym consists of a maze of rotating doors that turn and block passages, causing challengers to backtrack many times through the gym to reach the rooftop battlefield - open to the air, to allow the flying-type Pokémon ample wingspace.

Mossdeep Gym

Leaders - Tate and Liza
Badge - Mind Badge
This gym specializes in psychic-type Pokémon. The gym is difficult to navigate, due to the presense of a number of warp-tile mazes, and blocked corridors. The battlefield is a cracked and weathered stone field. This gym is notable for only accepting double battles against the reigning gym leaders.

Sootopolis Gym

Leader - Wallace
Badge - Rain Badge
This gym specializes in water-type Pokémon, although some ice-types are used as well. The way into the gym is tricky, as challengers must negotiate a series of crumbling ice paths and stairs. The battlefield is a large pool, with a few lilypads scattered on the surface of the water - probably not enough to hold a Pokémon's weight.

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