Razielle Micah

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Pokédex Profile


Height: 6'
Weight: 170lbs.
Skin: Very pale. It can seem almost sallow in the correct light.
Build: Razi� is tall and thin. She has very little fat on her.
Hair: She keeps her hair in a sensible little pixie cut.
Eyes: She has what some might refer to as �lazy� eyes. They are constantly half hooded. Her irises are steel grey.
Clothes: She will usually wear the uniform (if there is one) of any gym she joins. If she is back at Indigo Plateau she wears business attire. When on her own time she tends to wear little more than jeans and band t-shirts.

  • PB: Herself. Art drawn by Catanaition.


When she isnâ��t battling, Razielle tends to come off as incredibly lazy. Looking at her you certainly wouldnâ��t expect a dedicated trainer who had, at one point, been the Indigo League Champion. The truth is that in every aspect of her life that is not related to pokémon, she simply doesnâ��t care enough to put effort into it. She rarely cleans her living space and tends to live off of frozen meals. She keeps her hair short because she hates brushing it and she never wears make-up. She has a tendency to act childish because she never really grew out of her rebellious teenager stage.

She finds it difficult to make personal connections for the same reason and is much happier around pokémon than around people. She is likely to tell people she has no family despite her mother and father being alive and well.

She is constantly on the look out for strong trainers because the only thing that can really get her blood pumping is a challenging battle. She adores all of her pokémon and appreciates that her new job allows her to use them all to their full potential rather than most of them being stuck in storage. If the person sheâ��s fighting seems weak she will usually allow her pokémon to make their own moves. She will only begin being serious about the battle when the person proves theyâ��re a force to be reckoned with.


Nothing particularly of note happened until Razielleâ��s family moved from Mauville in Hoenn when she was seven. She was very much against the move and her relationship with her parents never really recovered from it. She became distant and was simply waiting to get out of the house. When she turned ten she packed up her things and left with out a word. She originally had very little interest in pokémon but, as they were her ticket out, she decided to take the Gym Challenge. She chose bulbasaur as her starter and began her journey by defeating Cerulean gym. By the time she had reached Cerulean from Lavender she had caught most of the pokémon found in Rock Tunnel and had formed a strong bond with Gemma.

She had found a connection and something that she was better at than anyone around her for the first time and she wanted more. That thirst for victory drove her to gather badges and pokémon for the rest of her time on the gym circuit. Her first year at the Indigo Conference saw her reach the semi-finals. She was not discouraged and went to Johto for the next year, gathering their badges. Two years later she would take the Indigo Conference title. She chose not to challenge the current appointed League Champion as she did not want to have to stay and defend the title. She did however take on and defeat all members of the then-current Elite Four. Two years after that she took the Silver Conference title. Following that she left the Kanto/Johto area and travelled Hoenn.

During her challenge of Indigo and Silver she was known as the Burning Beauty. She was very passionate and obviously very beautiful for her young age at the time (she was 14). Her hair was still long and she was concerned with fashion. As she ran out of worthy opponents she began spending less and less time on such things.

In the time between her win in Silver and the time she was offered her position at the League she lost passion for anything outside of finding the next challenge. She dropped out of the spotlight as she had no plans to return to a league she had already won in. She cut her iconic hair and her personality did a near 180. She grew half a foot and soon even questions regarding her disappearance stopped.

She was contacted by the league two years ago while in Sinnoh and asked to return to the plateau for a reason that could not be discussed over the phone. She headed back in hopes of finding a decent challenge. She was not disappointed. Gathered were many elite trainers. They were pitted against each other in a series of battles and went through a rigorous interview process. Their numbers dwindled until only Razielle remained. She was finally informed of their reasons. They were in need of an undercover agent to inspect the gyms of the region. They had been doing official inspections but something had happened and they realised that announcing themselves was just asking for trouble. She accepted the job and began her rounds.

The first gym she joined was simply as an official semi-annual inspection. It was Celadon. After a month all was seen to be well and Razielle put in her notice. She has now been asked to join Fuschia Gym and oversee the start of the new leader.


  • Hometown: Mauville. Started her journey in Lavender Town.
  • Current Residence: Fuschia City. She also has a small house in Petalburgh.
  • Occupation: League Inspector
  • Other: She has badges from all 16 gyms in Kanto and Johto and is a previous League Champion. She also has all 8 Hoenn badges and 3 Sinnoh Badges but has yet to bother with Evergrande Conference or continuing to get badges in Sinnoh. Once she took the job at the League she reduced her enormous collection of pokémon to just 102. Six pokémon of each type were chosen to be her Inspection Teams. Most of the rest have been released into the wild. When not in use her pokémon are kept with a breeder friend and she will sometimes donate the eggs to official and unofficial tournaments as prizes.

She has the authority to shut down a gym or arrest a gym leader in the case of the gym breaking League rules or illegal activities taking place inside of the gym.




  • Breed: Skitty
  • Gender: Female
  • How long owned: 9 years.
  • Other: 1st Hoenn Pokémon owned. She received it in a trade.
  • Moves: Fake Out, Growl, Tail Whip, Tackle, Attract, Sing, Copycat, Double Slap, Assist, Charm, Faint Attack, Wake Up Slap, Covet, Heal Bell, Double-Edge, Captivate, Return, Dig, Façade, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Swagger.


  • Breed: Blissey
  • Gender: Female
  • How long owned: 12 years.
  • Other: Caught as a Happiny.
  • Moves: Pound, Growl, Tail Whip, Refresh, Soft Boiled, Double Slap, Minimize, Sing, Fling, Defense Curl, Light Screen, Egg Bomb, Healing Wish, Double-Edge, Hyper Beam, Frustration, Return, Façade, Secret Power, Giga Impact, Swagger.


  • Breed: Lickilicky
  • Gender: Male
  • How long owned: 15 years.
  • Other: Caught as a Lickitung.
  • Moves: Lick, Supersonic, Defense Curl, Knock Off, Wrap, Stomp, Disable, Slam, Rollout, Me First, Refresh, Screech, Power Whip, Wring Out, Gyro Ball, Hyper Beam, Frustration, Return, Flame Thrower, Façade, Secret Power, Giga Impact, Sleep Talk, Swagger, Cut.


  • Breed: Muk
  • Gender: Male
  • How long owned: 15 years.
  • Other: Caught as a Grimer.
  • Moves: Poison Gas, Pound, Harden, Mud-Slap, Disable, Minimize, Mud Bomb, Fling, Screech, Sludge Bomb, Acid Armor, Gunk Shot, Memento, Toxic, Attract, Double Team, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Poison Jab, Rest, Sleep Talk.


  • Breed: Golbat
  • Gender: Male
  • How long owned: 17 years.
  • Other: Caught as a zubat.
  • Moves: Screech, Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Poison Fang, Haze, Air Slash, Toxic, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Attract, Pluck, Defog.


  • Breed: Lanturn
  • Gender: Female
  • How long owned: 13 years.
  • Other: Caught as a chinchou.
  • Moves: Bubble, Supersonic, Thunderwave, Flail, Water Gun, Confuse Ray, Spark, Take Down, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam, Discharge, Aqua Ring, Hydro Pump, Charge, Water Pulse, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Rain Dance, Charge Beam, Giga Impact, Surf.
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