Lotte Adeline Sonias

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PokéDex Profile

Name: Lotte Adeline Sonias Age: 16 Sex: F Hair: PPL Eyes: PPL Registration: Pokémon Trainer

Detailed Info

Appearance: Height: 5'4" Weight: 125lbs. Skin: Light and peachy. She often has a slight sun burn across her nose and cheeks. Build: Her traveling lifestyle keeps her mostly in shape but naturally Lotte is a rounder girl. She has a slight hourglass figure though her hips are definitely wider than her chest. Eyes: Lotte has large round eyes which are slightly darker than her hair in colour. Hair: When it is not in its customary style, Lotte's lavender hair falls very nearly to her knees. It is very straight. She keeps it long because her mother liked to see her with long hair. When she began traveling it was a bother so she began to wear it up. She braids it and wraps it twice around her head like a headband. The tail of the braid gets pinned in place and acts like a side-ponytail. Clothing: Lotte is very colourful, dressing in purples, blues, and pinks. Much of what she wears is part of her old uniform for the bakery. Her blue vest and armwarmers are made of wool and are very warm. She will often shed them when traveling in southern areas. Underneath she wears a purple 3/4 length sleeved shirt in a lighter fabric. Her tie and suspenders are also a part of her uniform, displaying the characteristic pink lace pattern from the shop's products. Her pants were made by her mother who is a wonder i the kitchen but an absolute terror when it comes to any other 'house work' situations. It was only with Lotte's father's hep that these were even finished in time. Due to this, despite them being a little strange in shape, Lotte made them work for her. The pants are a light brown and are to big to stay on Lotte's hips. They come closer to her leg at the ankle than anywhere else but are still to big. Her shoes are simple leather hiking boots in a similar brown. Prepared for the weather, she carries a cloak with her that fastens along the edges to act a bit like a poncho. Lotte carries her things in a dark blue backpack.

(PB: Herself. Art drawn by Cataaition.)

Personality: Lotte is at first brush cheerful and outgoing. She generally always gives everyone one chance and is never purposefully mean. Though she may at first come off as a bit of an air-head, getting to know her deeper will reveal that she is actually very intelligent. Her years as a trainer have made her a decent strategist and her upbringing has made her a creative thinker. She is determined and focused with strong goals and hates to give up.

On the other hand, she is very self-centered and has a high opinion of herself due to being a slightly spoiled only child and her battle statistics. Her forwardness can sometimes get her in trouble when she annoys the wrong people and can scare off those less social than herself. She has very few boundaries when it comes to asking personal questions and she can be honest to a fault. If she really likes you she’ll usually ask you not to ask for her honest opinion.

While she does choose which pokémon she will catch and use based on their usefulness on the battlefield she does still see them as friends and comrades. She would sooner die than allow her pokémon to be seriously hurt.

Hometown: Cherrygrove City Current Residence: No fixed address. She is currently traveling Johto. Occupation: Pokémon Trainer Other: She currently has badges from Violet, Ecruteak, Mahogany and Blackthorn. She is currently in Viridian City and plans to have at least 8 badges in time for the up-coming Indigo Conference. History: Lotte was born and raised in Cherrygrove City. She is the only child of Patricia and Albert Sonias, co-owners of Moment, one of the city’s top bakeries/cafes. Ever since she was little she would help out around the shop (surrounded by pokémon helpers) and due to this she can satisfy any sweet tooth provided she has the right ingredients.

She attended a regular school in the city and also attended weekly classes at the Pokémon Academy in Violet City. Her parents encouraged her to at least finish junior high school* before following her dream of becoming a pokémon trainer. She left home when she turned 14, taking and passing her license test before choosing chikorita as her starter.

  • Assuming Japanese/Canadian system is in place this is year 7-9.

She moved slowly in her first year because she knew that Chikorita would be at a disadvantage at the first gym she wanted to fight for a badge at. The two of them trained together for 3 months in and around Violet City, fighting wild pokémon, fellow beginning trainers, peers from the academy and sometimes the gym members themselves. When she finally deemed herself and her partner ready they went up against Falkner. It was a hard battle and very nearly a lost one but they managed to pull through and won the Zephyr badge.

Realising, while Chikorita was strong, it would be smart to capture some new team members she focused on capturing pokémon during her trek to Ecruteak. Before leaving Violet, she stopped by Bellsprout Tower and managed to capture both a bellsprout and a gastly. On the way she was able to capture many common pokémon species such as sentret, caterpie and paras. When she arrived in Ecruteak, she realised that she still had very few pokémon that would stand up against the gym leader’s preferred type: ghost. She headed out to route 42 and managed to catch a spearow and a mareep, the latter of which she knew would be extremely useful at the gym. It was during this time searching the area in and around the city that she received a package from her parents including a few kinds of human and pokémon-safe sweets. While sharing them with her team she was approached by a rough looking houndour whom she gave some to. At the time she was not aware of whether it had a trainer or not but as it followed her for the better part of two weeks she surmised that it was abandoned (no wild pokémon would be so tame after all). It allowed itself to be caught and with her new team of four she headed for the gym. Though the battle was still difficult, her new friends proved to be more than a match for the spooky challenge. Lotte was able to add the Fog Badge to her collection.

At this point she decided to move towards Mahogany, Houndour leading the charge as they fought through the trainer clogged route 42. During this time Chikorita evolved into Bayleef, Spearow became Fearow and Mareep grew into Flaffy. Lotte caught a few more pokémon as well, adding a slowpoke, diglett and psyduck to her collection as she traversed the inside and outside of Mt. Mortar. They group finally arrived in Mahogany and, after a few days of rest, went straight for the Glacier badge. With Flaffy and Houndour leading the pack the battles were pretty easy in comparison to the previous fights Lotte had had with gym leaders. Following the battle Houndour evolved into Houndoom.

Heading north from the city, they went on a training retreat to Lake Rage (Lotte was aware of the power of dragon types after all). Here she caught a Magikarp and, in an abandoned cottage in the maze-like forest surrounding the lake, a very surprised and sleep-deprived Abra. They stayed in the cottage for the better part of the next six months. Lotte celebrated her 15th birthday here with her team. After that they finally began moving towards Blackthorn City. Ice Path proved to be a rough challenge for a girl used to warmer climates, but the time spent at Lake Rage proved to be enough to acclimate at least a bit. With the help of her team they all made it through safely. Lotte ended up sick and needed time to rest before moving on. After recovering they headed towards the city. Murkrow and, surprisingly, a magnemite were caught along the way.

Finally healthy and in Blackthorn the group headed for the gym. Though they were able to get past the gym members, the gym leader herself proved to be too much. It was a crushing defeat and Lotte left without the badge. As she was still hurting from the defeat she decided to regroup and spend some time at home. Fearow flew them home and she took a short vacation before doing some reading. She realised that seel were fairly easy to come by in the near-by dark cave and that their affinity for ice techniques would prove extremely useful against Clair’s dragons. She gathered her gear and headed north to the cave entrance along the route between Blackthorn and route 29. It took some doing, but when she returned to her home town she had both a seel and a teddiursa in tow.

Taking some more time to train with her newly acquired team member she worked as hard as she worked her pokémon. Finally, after many weeks, she set off on Fearow back to Balckthorn City to settle her score with Clair. Though it was still a rough battle, Seel seemed to be just the ticket and Clair was just barely defeated. Lotte was given the Rising Badge and permission to capture a dratini from the shrine. After taking advantage of that offer she went back to Cherrygrove again. She decided that they would travel into the Kanto region via the area at the base of Mt. Silver and begin to fight for more badges in Viridian (given the leader was there). Before she left a neighbour gave her a jigglypuff. The owner had spoiled it and it was now uncontrollable. Lotte agreed to train it for the woman. She has now been in Viridian nearly a month, waiting for the gym leader to return.

Pokémon In PC: Bellsprout, Gastly, Sentret, Hoppip, Natu, Butterfree, Rattata, Paras, Slowpoke, Diglett, Psyduck, Magikarp, Abra, Murkrow, Magnemite, Teddiursa, Dratini, Larvitar.

Name: Bayleef Breed: Bayleef Gender: Female How long owned: 2 years. Other: 1st Pokémon owned. The only pokémon used when facing Violet’ gym leader. Moves: Tackle, growl, razor leaf, poison powder, synthesis, reflect, magical leaf, natural gift, cut, vine whip.

Name: Fearow Breed: Fearow Gender: Male How long owned: 1.5 years. Other: Caught on route 42 as a spearow. Moves: Pluck, peck, growl, leer, fury attack, pursuit, aerial ace, mirror move, fly, aerial ace.

Name: Jigglypuff Breed: Jigglypuff Gender: Female How long owned: 4 months. Other: Given by a neighbour before Lotte began her trek to the Kanto region. It has proven to be quite incorrigible as its previous owner spoiled it. Moves: Sing, defense curl, pound, disable, rollout, double slap, rest, body slam, sleep talk.

Name: Seel Breed: Seel Gender: Male How long owned: 6 months. Other: Caught in Dark Cave on her way back from Blackthorn Moves: Headbutt, growl, water sport, icy wind, encore, ice shard, rest, aqua ring, sleep talk, surf, waterfall.

Name: Flaffy Breed: Flaffy Gender: Male How long owned: 1.5 years. Other: Caught on route 42 as a mareep. Moves: Tackle, growl, thunder shock, thunder wave, cotton spore, charge, attract, rock smash, strength.

Name: Houndoom Breed: Houndoom Gender: Male How long owned: 1.5 Other: Houndoom was found as a houndour abandoned in Ecruteak City. After Lotte fed it a home-made cupcake it followed her out of town and after some time allowed itself to be caught. Moves: Leer, ember, howl, smog, roar, bite, odour sleuth, beat up, fire fang, return, snatch.

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