Johto Pokémon

From Dexnet

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* In order to fire off their poisonous spikes, they need to inhale a few gallons of water to inflate themselves first.
* In order to fire off their poisonous spikes, they need to inhale a few gallons of water to inflate themselves first.
* [ Reference]
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 151
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Tentacool|Kanto Tentacool]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 152
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Tentacruel|Kanto Tentacruel]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 153
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Krabby|Kanto Krabby]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 154
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Kingler|Kanto Kingler]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 155
* '''Type:''' Bug/Rock
* '''Species:''' Mold Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Shuckle live mostly underneath fallen logs and rocks.
* Their real bodies are quite soft; only their hard shells keep them together.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 156
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Staryu|Kanto Staryu]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 157
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Starmie|Kanto Starmie]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 158
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Shellder|Kanto Shellder]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 159
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Cloyster|Kanto Cloyster]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 160
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Corsola|Hoenn Corsola]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 161
* '''Type:''' Water
* '''Species:''' Jet Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Remoraid tend to live in the shallow seas, off of coastal areas.
* It has extremely high accuracy with its water gun - it can hit moving prey from up to 300 feet away.
* Occasionally, Remoraid will cling to the underside of Mantines in order to scavenge for food - and usually end up serving as mini-cannons.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 162
* '''Type:''' Water
* '''Species:''' Jet Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** See Remoraid.
* Although much more powerful than Remoraid, Octillery are also much slower.
* Some say that Octillery are distant cousins of Gyarados and Milotic; they all evolve from small, weak, fish-like Pokémon.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 163
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Chinchou|Hoenn Chinchou]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 164
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Lanturn|Hoenn Lanturn]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 165
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Seel|Kanto Seel]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 166
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Dewgong|Kanto Dewgong]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 167
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Lickitung|Kanto Lickitung]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 168
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Tangela|Kanto Tangela]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 169
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Eevee|Kanto Eevee]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 170
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Vaporeon|Kanto Vaporeon]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 171
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Jolteon|Kanto Jolteon]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 172
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Flareon|Kanto Flareon]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 173
* '''Type:''' Psychic
* '''Species:''' Sun Pokémon
* '''Rare'''
** Espeon usually live around cities and urban areas, but are extremely rare to find in the wild.
* An extremely loyal Pokémon, Espeon are said to be able to predict some future events. The gem in their foreheads augments their psychic abilities.
* They evolve from Eevees who are extremely happy and battle during the daylight hours.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 174
* '''Type:''' Dark
* '''Species:''' Moonlight Pokémon
* '''Rare'''
** Umbreon can be occasionally found haunting the outskirts of abandoned towns or dark caves, but are very rare to find in the wild.
* The golden rings upon its body glow when it is about to attack; some people find this effect rather spooky.
* Umbreon evolve from Eevees that completely trust their trainers, and who train during the night.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 175
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Horsea|Kanto Horsea]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 176
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Seadra|Kanto Seadra]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 177
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Kingdra|Hoenn Kingdra]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 178
* '''Type:''' Ground/Flying
* '''Species:''' FlyScorpion Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Gligar live along mountainous areas, making their nests on cliffsides.
* Along with its affinities for ground and flying moves, Gligar also have poison and bug characteristics.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 179
* '''Type:''' Ice/Flying
* '''Species:''' Delivery Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Delibird live in mountainous regions, making nests on cliffs - the colder, the better!
* Delibird's most famous attack is quite unpredictable - it gives its enemies presents! These are usually of an exploding variety, although they might also heal the giftee.
* It's said that Santa Claus's favourite Pokémon are these birds.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 180
* '''Type:''' Ice/Ground
* '''Species:''' Pig Pokémon
* '''Common'''
** Swinub live in very cold and icy places.
* They use their powerful noses to forage for food in their snow-covered habitats.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 181
* '''Type:''' Ice/Ground
* '''Species:''' Swine Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** See Swinub.
* Their long coat keeps them very warm, but makes it pretty hard for them to see. They navigate using their noses instead.
* Piloswine are loyal, but stubborn to a fault - there are stories of some who refused to give up on fights, wanting to live up to their trainers' expectations.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 182
* '''Type:''' Normal
* '''Species:''' Little Bear Pokémon
* '''Common'''
** Teddiursa can usually be found in mountainous areas or in caves.
* They spend their days searching out their favourite food - honey.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 183
* '''Type:''' Normal
* '''Species:''' Hibernator Pokémon
* '''Common'''
** See Teddiursa.
* While they're more interested in food than fighting, try not to anger one - they're very aggressive when bothered.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 184
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Phanpy|Hoenn Phanpy]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 185
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Donphan|Hoenn Donphan]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 186
* '''Type:''' Water/Flying
* '''Species:''' Kite Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Mantine mostly live in the open sea.
* They allow Remoraid to attach to themselves, and use them to aid in hunting food. They're pretty docile overall, though.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 187
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Skarmory|Hoenn Skarmory]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 188
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Doduo|Kanto Doduo]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 189
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Dodrio|Kanto Dodrio]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 190
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Ponyta|Kanto Ponyta]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 191
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Rapidash|Kanto Rapidash]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 192
* '''Type:''' Dark/Ice
* '''Species:''' Sharp Claw Pokémon
* '''Common'''
** Sneasels live in a variety of regions, including mountainous places and forests. They tend to be nocturnal, however.
* Sneasels are known for being vicious and sneaky - be wary if you're around wild ones!
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 193
* '''Type:''' Ghost
* '''Species:''' Screech Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Misdreavus inhabit dark mountain caves, and the occasional abandoned building.
* A mischievious Pokémon, Misdreavus delight in sneaking up behind people, yanking on their hair, and screaming loudly.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 194
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Lapras|Kanto Lapras]] entry.
* Region note: Lapras show up in Johto only on Fridays - for some reason, they seem to like the Union Cave.
* '''Dex entry:''' 195
* '''Type:''' Electric
* '''Species:''' Thunder Pokémon
* '''Legendary'''
* Raikou is said to be one of the legendary beasts that Ho-oh created after the Brass Tower burnt to the ground.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 196
* '''Type:''' Fire
* '''Species:''' Volcano Pokémon
* '''Legendary'''
* Like its beastly brothers, Entei constantly roams Johto, only ever stopping occasionally near places it finds dear - volcanoes, in this case.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 197
* '''Type:''' Water
* '''Species:''' Aurora Pokémon
* '''Legendary'''
* Suicune apparently has the power to purify water, and races the north wind in its travels.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 198
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Dratini|Kanto Dratini]] entry.
* Region note: In Johto, Dratini and its family can only be found lurking in the Dragon's Den.
* '''Dex entry:''' 199
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Dragonair|Kanto Dragonair]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 200
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Dragonite|Kanto Dragonite]] entry.

Revision as of 19:38, 23 September 2008

There are over two hundred species of Pokémon that can be found in the Johto Region. Following is a quick-reference list including their location, type, and rarity. Check the given reference links for more information!

This PokéDex information does not actually reflect the 'proper' Johto (or Generation II) PokéDex; instead, it only documents those Pokémon that can actually be captured within the region. Please see the Kanto Pokémon entry for those Generation II Pokémon that can only be found there.



Pokémon will be listed in their evolutionary groups. The format for Pokémon entries is as follows:

  • Dex entry: The entry number the Pokémon will be listed under in the Hoenn PokéDex
  • Type: The Pokémon's type(s)
  • Species: Only really used by researchers, it's rather unimportant for trainers to know
  • Rarity in the wild
    • Habitat information
  • Other

Common Pokémon can be caught by pretty much anybody. Uncommon ones will take some doing, and rare ones can be virtually impossible to find in the first place. Trainers with rare Pokémon are more likely to have acquired them through breeding or purchase rather than catching them in the wild.

Legendary Pokémon are things of myth. Very few people have seen them and nobody has ever caught one. Some people think they just don't exist in the first place.

Ancient Pokémon exist only as fossils. There are plenty of rumours of groups of ancient Pokémon still living somewhere secluded, away from humanity, but these have yet to be confirmed. No living ancient Pokémon have been seen outside of fossil remains.


  • Dex entry: 1
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Leaf Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Chikorita is one of the starter Pokémon given to Johto trainers. They're rather rare to find outside of captivity; if one is sighted, it's most likely to be living among others of its kind amidst plains or small forests.
  • The leaf on its head emits a sweet scent that can soothe others.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 2
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Leaf Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Chikorita.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 3
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Herb Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Chikorita.
  • The breath of a Meganium is said to revive dead flowers and plants.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 4
  • Type: Fire
  • Species: Fire Mouse Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Cyndaquil is one of the starter Pokémon given to trainers in the Johto area. It prefers hot areas as its home, and is quite uncommon to find.
  • These are shy little Pokémon who will run and hide from most who approach. Even those who are in captivity generally exhibit some reserve.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 5
  • Type: Fire
  • Species: Volcano Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Cyndaquil.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 6
  • Type: Fire
  • Species: Volcano Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Cyndaquil.
  • Typhlosion often hide themselves behind the shimmers given off from the heat of their bodies.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 7
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Big Jaw Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Totodile is one of the Pokémon given to starting Johto trainers. They prefer tropical climes, and are quite rare to find.
  • Don't ever turn your back on a Totodile - they tend to latch on to just about anything with their powerful jaws.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 8
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Big Jaw Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Totodile.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 9
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Big Jaw Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Totodile.
  • Although they're big and bulky on land (and often drop to all fours to move), be wary of them when they're in the water. Very little can cause it to loosen its grip when it has something in its mouth.
  • Reference


Dex entry: 10






  • Dex entry: 15
  • Type: Normal/Flying
  • Species: Owl Pokémon
  • Common
    • Hoothoot roost just about everywhere in Johto, but they're most likely to be found in forests. Being nocturnal, they only come out at night.
  • They hoot at precisely the same time every night - they have an organ that keeps perfect time.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 16
  • Type: Normal/Flying
  • Species: Owl Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Noctowl usually make their nests in deep woods.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 19
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Scout Pokémon
  • Common
    • Sentret live in grasslands, and can often be seen playing with their fellows.
  • Even though they're common, Sentret can be a little difficult to capture - they always stick together in at least pairs, with one of them always on sentry duty.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 20
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Long Body Pokémon
  • Common
    • Furret live in underground burrows in prairie areas.
  • Only other Furret are able to enter a Furret's nest - they're built specifically to accomodate their long, narrow bodies.
  • Reference








  • Dex entry: 27
  • Type: Bug/Flying
  • Species: Five Star Pokémon
  • Common
    • Ledyba live in among the forested places of Johto.
  • They tend to cluster together with each other, feeling rather timid otherwise.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 28
  • Type: Bug/Flying
  • Species: Five Star Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Ledyba.
  • While they sleep in the forests in daytime, at night, they rise above the forests to energize themselves on starlight.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 29
  • Type: Bug/Poison
  • Species: String Spit Pokémon
  • Common
    • Spinarak spin their webs in the forests of Johto.
  • The 'face' on a Spinarak's abdomen is capable of changing to match the Pokémon's mood.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 30
  • Type: Bug/Poison
  • Species: Long Leg Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Spinarak.
  • Ariados do not spin webs to trap prey - they instead attach a silken thread to a captive, and set it free, only to later follow the thread and devour the prey and its fellows.
  • Reference











  • Dex entry: 40
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Spike Ball Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Togepi, while rarely found in the wild, may be spotted in secluded areas - usually forests or mountains.
  • While Togepi are baby Pokémon, they're not to be underestimated - they have the wildly unpredictable Metronome at their disposal.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 41
  • Type: Normal/Flying
  • Species: Happiness Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Togepi.
  • Togetic can sense kindness in the hearts of others, and is attracted to pure-hearted people.
  • Reference






  • Dex entry: 46
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Land Snake Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Dunsparce make their homes in dark caves and other underground locales.
  • They're quite shy of humans, and burrow away at the first opportunity.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 47
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Wool Pokémon
  • Common
    • Mareep can most often be found in grassy fields.
  • The wool of Mareep is used to make high-quality clothing; they're usually kept on farms for this purpose.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 48
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Wool Pokémon
  • Common
    • See Mareep.
  • Flaaffy have a rubber-like hide that prevents them from shocking themselves.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 49
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Light Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Mareep.
  • Ampharos shine so brightly that they used to be used as beacons in times past. Even today, one still provides the light of the Olivine City Lighthouse.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 50
  • Type: Water/Ground
  • Species: Water Fish Pokémon
  • Common
    • Wooper live in marshes and other shallow, cold-water spots.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 51
  • Type: Water/Ground
  • Species: Water Fish Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Quagsire choose only the cleanest ponds and lakes to inhabit.
  • It has an extremely easygoing nature, even banging its head against rocks or boat bottoms as it swims, and not seeming to care.
  • Reference





  • Dex entry: 55
  • Type: Psychic
  • Species: Symbol Pokémon
  • Common/Rare
    • Unown exclusively inhabit ancient ruins, such as the Ruins of Alph in Johto, but tend to be easy to find in the places that they do crop up in.
  • Unown are genderless.
  • There are 28 documented varieties of Unown, although all of them are classified as the same species. Most tend to take the shape of Latin alphabet characters, although two are distinctly punctuation-shaped.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 57
  • Type: Steel/Ground
  • Species: Iron Snake Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Steelix live deep underground, often not surfacing unless provoked.
  • It is exceedingly rare in Johto to find a wild Steelix. It is said that only those who live to the age of a hundred years will evolve, but there's a faster route to a shiny metal coat for those who are captured by trainers.
  • Reference





  • Dex entry: 61
  • Type: Grass/Flying
  • Species: Cottonweed Pokémon
  • Common
    • Hoppip tend to cluster together in windswept grassland areas.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 62
  • Type: Grass/Flying
  • Species: Cottonweed Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Hoppip.
  • Skiplooms are sometimes used as thermometres, as the flower on their heads only blooms at a certain temperature.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 63
  • Type: Grass/Flying
  • Species: Cottonweed Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Hoppip.
  • Reference







  • Dex entry: 69
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Frog Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Politoed usually live in small freshwater ponds and lakes.
  • Politoed is considered to be the king of frog Pokémon. It seems to evolve from Poliwhirls, only when holding on to a certain item.
  • Reference








  • Dex entry: 76
  • Type: Water/Psychic
  • Species: Royal Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Slowking live amidst the colonies of their kin, by the edges of lakes and rivers.
  • Slowking are Slowpoke that evolve by a Shellder attaching to its head, rather than the tail - it is said a certain item held by the Slowpoke forces this change.
  • The poison secreted by Shellder into the Slowking's brain causes it to become much, much more intelligent than its kin; it acts as their leader, herding them away from danger.
  • Slowking are one of the few Pokémon said to be able to talk like humans do.
  • Reference












  • Dex entry: 87
  • Type: Bug
  • Species: Bagworm Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Pineco nest in trees of forests, hanging around much like pinecones.
  • If they are somehow disturbed and drop from their trees, they have a tendency to explode.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 88
  • Type: Bug/Steel
  • Species: Bagworm Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Pineco.
  • These Pokémon are normally peaceful enough, but will viciously devour anything that wanders too close to them.
  • Reference

Nidoran (Female)



Nidoran (Male)




  • Dex entry: 95
  • Type: Bug/Flying
  • Species: Clear Wing Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Yanma usually hide out deep in forests, although they've been known to swarm randomly outside of them, as well.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 96
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Seed Pokémon
  • Common
    • Sunkern tend to favour dew-filled grasslands.
  • They consume nothing but dew and move around very little, storing their precious nutrients for the off chance that they evolve.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 97
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Sun Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Sunkern.
  • As Sunkern only evolve when they touch a Sun Stone, Sunflora are somewhat rare to find in the wild.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 100
  • Type: Rock
  • Species: Imitation Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Sudowoodo tend to inhabit forests, where they can almost perfectly mimic the appearance of trees. Spotting one can be difficult!
  • Although they look like trees (and therefore like a grass-type), Sudowoodo are actually closer to rock in composition and are afraid of water. Trainers who go into battle against one forgetting this fact often find themselves on the losing side of things.
  • Reference





  • Dex entry: 104
  • Refer to the Kanto Scyther entry.
  • Region note: Scyther are only found in the National Park during Bug-Catching Contests; they seem to enjoy the challenge presented.


  • Dex entry: 105
  • Type: Bug/Steel
  • Species: Pincer Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Like Scyther, Scizor can only be found in secluded forests, but only very very rarely.
  • It is said that a Scyther must hold on to a special item to gain its metal coat. Hence, the chance of encountering one in the wild is slim.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 106
  • Refer to the Kanto Pinsir entry.
  • Region note: Pinsir can only be found in the National Park.


  • Dex entry: 107
  • Refer to the Hoenn Heracross entry.
  • Region note: In Johto, Heracross can be found throughout the countryside, but it seems that they will only come out to battle trainers if their nesting trees are disturbed.





  • Dex entry: 111
  • Refer to the Kanto Muk entry.






  • Dex entry: 116
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Long Tail Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Aipom tend to live in heavily treed areas, and spend almost all of their time in the forest canopy.
  • The 'hand' on its tail is actually more dextrous than its real hands.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 117
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Fairy Pokémon
  • Common
    • Snubbull mostly live around cities; they're a pretty common house pet.
  • Although it looks rather fierce, it's usually a cheerful and playful Pokémon. A lot of women find them cute for... some... reason...
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 118
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Fairy Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Snubbull.
  • A lot of Granbull have trouble keeping their heads up, their jaws are so heavy.
  • They're actually kind of timid, but apt to back this timidness up with aggression. Doggies need firm training!
  • Reference






  • Dex entry: 123
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Big Horn Pokémon
  • Common
    • Stantler can be found both in field and forest.
  • Stantler are able to create illusions and distortions of reality using their antlers.
  • Reference













  • Dex entry: 135
  • Type: Fighting
  • Species: Scuffle Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Tyrogue can occasionally be found around large cities.
  • Tyrogue are a male-only Pokémon species.
  • Depending on its training, a Tyrogue can evolve one of three ways - if it is a better attacker, it will evolve into Hitmonlee. If a better defender, it will evolve into Hitmonchan. However, the rare one that is equally skilled will evolve into Hitmontop.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 138
  • Type: Fighting
  • Species: Handstand Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Tyrogue.
  • Hitmontop are a male-only Pokémon species.
  • They attack by spinning on their heads and delivering powerful kicks. It is said that no one has ever seen an attacking Hitmontop standing upright - although they do walk the right way up.
  • Reference


Tauros & Miltank


  • Dex entry: 140
  • Refer to the Kanto Tauros entry.
  • Region note: Tauros can be found in normal field or grassland areas in Johto; they're somewhat more common than in Kanto.


  • Dex entry: 141
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Milk Cow Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Like Tauros, Miltank prefer wide-open grassy spaces. They also tend to be kept on farms.
  • Miltank are a female-only species.
  • Miltank milk is a prized drink for the sick and weary; it's quite packed with nutritional value.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 142
  • Type: Fire
  • Species: Live Coal Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Magby are usually kept close to Magmars' nests in volcanoes, but there have been a few reports of them also living in towns.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 144
  • Type: Ice/Psychic
  • Species: Kiss Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Smoochum prefer to stick to cold areas, usually close to their mothers' homes.
  • Smoochum are female-only Pokémon.
  • It always seems like they're trying to kiss things, but their lips are just the most sensitive part of their body, and thus they feel things out with them.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 146
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Painter Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Smeargle are pretty adaptable, and can be found just about anywhere, although they do prefer to live just outside human habitation.
  • Their tails secrete a paint-like substance that they use to mark their territory with.
  • Through their signature move Sketch, Smeargles can learn any move from any other Pokémon.
  • Reference





  • Dex entry: 150
  • Type: Water/Poison
  • Species: Balloon Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Qwilfish primarily live in sheltered ocean lagoons.
  • In order to fire off their poisonous spikes, they need to inhale a few gallons of water to inflate themselves first.
  • Reference






  • Dex entry: 155
  • Type: Bug/Rock
  • Species: Mold Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Shuckle live mostly underneath fallen logs and rocks.
  • Their real bodies are quite soft; only their hard shells keep them together.
  • Reference







  • Dex entry: 161
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Jet Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Remoraid tend to live in the shallow seas, off of coastal areas.
  • It has extremely high accuracy with its water gun - it can hit moving prey from up to 300 feet away.
  • Occasionally, Remoraid will cling to the underside of Mantines in order to scavenge for food - and usually end up serving as mini-cannons.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 162
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Jet Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Remoraid.
  • Although much more powerful than Remoraid, Octillery are also much slower.
  • Some say that Octillery are distant cousins of Gyarados and Milotic; they all evolve from small, weak, fish-like Pokémon.
  • Reference












  • Dex entry: 173
  • Type: Psychic
  • Species: Sun Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Espeon usually live around cities and urban areas, but are extremely rare to find in the wild.
  • An extremely loyal Pokémon, Espeon are said to be able to predict some future events. The gem in their foreheads augments their psychic abilities.
  • They evolve from Eevees who are extremely happy and battle during the daylight hours.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 174
  • Type: Dark
  • Species: Moonlight Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Umbreon can be occasionally found haunting the outskirts of abandoned towns or dark caves, but are very rare to find in the wild.
  • The golden rings upon its body glow when it is about to attack; some people find this effect rather spooky.
  • Umbreon evolve from Eevees that completely trust their trainers, and who train during the night.
  • Reference





  • Dex entry: 178
  • Type: Ground/Flying
  • Species: FlyScorpion Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Gligar live along mountainous areas, making their nests on cliffsides.
  • Along with its affinities for ground and flying moves, Gligar also have poison and bug characteristics.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 179
  • Type: Ice/Flying
  • Species: Delivery Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Delibird live in mountainous regions, making nests on cliffs - the colder, the better!
  • Delibird's most famous attack is quite unpredictable - it gives its enemies presents! These are usually of an exploding variety, although they might also heal the giftee.
  • It's said that Santa Claus's favourite Pokémon are these birds.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 180
  • Type: Ice/Ground
  • Species: Pig Pokémon
  • Common
    • Swinub live in very cold and icy places.
  • They use their powerful noses to forage for food in their snow-covered habitats.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 181
  • Type: Ice/Ground
  • Species: Swine Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Swinub.
  • Their long coat keeps them very warm, but makes it pretty hard for them to see. They navigate using their noses instead.
  • Piloswine are loyal, but stubborn to a fault - there are stories of some who refused to give up on fights, wanting to live up to their trainers' expectations.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 182
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Little Bear Pokémon
  • Common
    • Teddiursa can usually be found in mountainous areas or in caves.
  • They spend their days searching out their favourite food - honey.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 183
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Hibernator Pokémon
  • Common
    • See Teddiursa.
  • While they're more interested in food than fighting, try not to anger one - they're very aggressive when bothered.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 186
  • Type: Water/Flying
  • Species: Kite Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Mantine mostly live in the open sea.
  • They allow Remoraid to attach to themselves, and use them to aid in hunting food. They're pretty docile overall, though.
  • Reference







  • Dex entry: 192
  • Type: Dark/Ice
  • Species: Sharp Claw Pokémon
  • Common
    • Sneasels live in a variety of regions, including mountainous places and forests. They tend to be nocturnal, however.
  • Sneasels are known for being vicious and sneaky - be wary if you're around wild ones!
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 193
  • Type: Ghost
  • Species: Screech Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Misdreavus inhabit dark mountain caves, and the occasional abandoned building.
  • A mischievious Pokémon, Misdreavus delight in sneaking up behind people, yanking on their hair, and screaming loudly.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 194
  • Refer to the Kanto Lapras entry.
  • Region note: Lapras show up in Johto only on Fridays - for some reason, they seem to like the Union Cave.


  • Dex entry: 195
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Thunder Pokémon
  • Legendary
  • Raikou is said to be one of the legendary beasts that Ho-oh created after the Brass Tower burnt to the ground.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 196
  • Type: Fire
  • Species: Volcano Pokémon
  • Legendary
  • Like its beastly brothers, Entei constantly roams Johto, only ever stopping occasionally near places it finds dear - volcanoes, in this case.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 197
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Aurora Pokémon
  • Legendary
  • Suicune apparently has the power to purify water, and races the north wind in its travels.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 198
  • Refer to the Kanto Dratini entry.
  • Region note: In Johto, Dratini and its family can only be found lurking in the Dragon's Den.



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