Team Magma

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Unlike the criminal organizations in Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh, there are two gangs actively working in the region of Hoenn - Team Aqua and Team Magma. Both wage a bitter war against the other side, and have little care for what comes out of their fight - so long as their respective goals are reached.

The more loosely organized Team Magma has its base set up in the protected caverns of Mt Chimney. There are a couple of smaller outposts scattered across the mainland, as well, but most operations take place near the volcano. They keep a number of vehicles impervious to high temperatures there, as well.

They're referred to as Magmas to most people, but there are a number of rather less polite names floating around out there for them, as well.



Similarly to Team Aqua, Team Magma's goal is to bring peace to the world by creating more land for humans and Pokémon alike to live on, expanding the existing continents and dredging more land from the sea. Unlike Team Aqua, they actually don't have any sinister ulterior motive - aside, perhaps, from making sure that the Aquas doesn't drown everyone in attempting to fulfill their own goals.

Maxie and his small band of administrators are aware of Archie's plans for taking over the country and beyond, but have no way of proving their existence to anyone with authority. In the meantime, they attempt to bungle the enemy team's operations as best as they can, while still trying to carry through with their own goal.

Team Magma's goals and activities aren't a secret to the people of Hoenn. Unfortunately, they tend to get a pile of negative publicity heaped on them from Hoenn TV - any time a heist occurs, you can bet they're blamed for it. As most of the time this fact is true, even if the accusations are unable to be proven, it hasn't done much in establishing them a good relationship with the people of Hoenn. There are many people, however, that don't care for Team Aqua's publicized goal, and more willingly side with the Magmas.

Still, the Magmas do also trade in Pokémon that they captured legally, so the Hoenn police force does not indiscriminately arrest the members... But you can bet they'll be watched closer than even an Aqua member.


Maxie, the leader of Team Magma, really does have a good heart. It's just hard to see that sometimes when he's in the midst of a temper-explosion, or making hasty judgments. It's just in his nature. He's known as "The Commander" among his membership. He's actually a geologist by trade, although his somewhat exciteable personality never really served him well in the field.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have much going for him that can keep him ahead of his rival, Archie - only the tenaciousness of himself and his members have gotten them this far. He is not one to quit searching for his goals so easily; it will take moving a mountain to shift his viewpoint, once he's determined it.

=Member Levels/Ranks

Team Magma's members are more likely to be from the wilds of Hoenn's mainland. They're smaller in number than Aqua's grunts, but aren't to be taken lightly because of that. The standard uniform worn by members is a dark red hood and cowl adorned with horns and the Magmas' volcano-styled 'M' symbol, worn over black clothing. Higher level members can tweak their uniforms as they see fit, but all display the symbol, and most wear a hood of some sort.


Grunts are the core population of Magma's forces, and are the ones to carry out most of the tasks needed to keep the team running - whether this involves capturing Pokémon (legitimately or not), guard duty in the base, or engaging in skirmishes with Team Aqua. They are mostly allowed to go about their assigned tasks as they see fit, so long as they get the job done. They are generally paired off, as well.


There are very few administrators in Team Magma - possibly because most of the people who sign up are quite independent as it stands, and generally too brash for supervisor duty anyways. However, they are in constant communication with Maxie, and ensure that his plans are followed through with, along with managing the resources of the team.


The team also includes a number of specialists familiar with geology, plate tectonics, and vulcanology.


The group functions much like a guerilla band, taking what they need from the wilderness or people living there, and driving off the Aquas where they can. They do indeed have a profitable Pokémon theft business going on, but it is viewed as a rather harsh necessity - the Magmas don't quite have the manpower or funds to spare to be constantly capturing and training new specimens themselves. Their base takes quite a bit of money to run, being located so close to an active volcano as it is; a steady stream of shady business keeps them going.

Fire and ground-types are the Pokémon most likely to be found in a Magma member's team. Numel and Camerupt, in particular, are apt to be found, along with Poochyena, Houndour, and their evolutions. Anything that's able to stand the heat, however, usually is taken for a member's team. It's kind of a pity that both fire and ground are weakened by water, eh?

Until the Magmas can come up with some method of halting Team Aqua, all they have to rely on is their wish of seeing the land expanded, giving more living space for those that dwell above the waves. There are a few plans on the go for accomplishing this - including the use of the volcano they inhabit - but things would be going much easier if only the legendary Groudon could be found...


  • Maxie (Leader, NPC, controlled by Dragonfire)
  • No members as of yet; un-appliable at game's start.
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