Team Aqua

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Unlike the criminal organizations in Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh, there are two gangs actively working in the region of Hoenn - Team Aqua and Team Magma. Both wage a bitter war against the other side, and have little care for what comes out of their fight - so long as their respective goals are reached.

Team Aqua's main base is located off the coast of Lilycove City, partially set in a flooded area of caves, and partially in a very large nuclear submarine. They have a few much smaller bases located through the country, mostly in coastal areas, and a whole flotilla of boats and small submarines with which they prowl the oceans.

The members of Team Aqua are often referred to as Aquas, and a few other, less savoury, names.

The mod in charge of Team Aqua is Dragonfire.



Aqua is probably the better-organized of the two teams. Their goal is not the standard world-domination ploy, but to flood the world to increase the area of the ocean - they view it as the source of all life, and think that by creating more life-giving water and room for watery Pokémon to live, they will be making the world a more peaceful place.

That's what most of the members believe, anyways. The team's leader, Archie, and his most trusted administrators actually want to rule the world on the high seas - and what better way to get started doing that than by driving human life to higher, smaller ground?

They are, of course, bitter enemies of Team Magma, who have pretty much the opposite goal in life.

Team Aqua doesn't hide much from the public eye - just the incriminating stuff, is all, and Archie mostly takes care of that. Most people know about their wishes to increase the ocean's area, and have divided opinions about this - some agree with their plan and view the team as noble, peaceful heroes, and some decidedly don't and will watch their backs closely when around a member. There are even a few Aqua fans that roam the area of Lilycove, waiting to see one of their heroes in action, or to buy one of the neato critters they've captured from the seas.

There are rumours that the team steals other people's Pokémon, but most exposure of the crimes is kept to a minimum, mostly through appeasement in other ways, or blackmail. They've also been known to blackmail fishermen and other coast-living folk to keep mum about their activities on the sea. However, members can't be arrested just for wearing the uniform - most of the business actually isn't funded by stolen goods, Archie being too smart of a cookie to fall for that trap. Hoenn's police force doesn't approve of them, but won't arrest them unless they find or can prove they're doing something illegal.


The leader of Team Aqua is a man by the name of Archie. His day job is actually that of the head of Hoenn TV, and it is through this lofty position that he is master of the media of the region, where he can easily cover up the less-PR-friendly actions of his team - along with giving a bit of slander to Team Magma, on the side. While he is known to the outside world as the TV mogul, his leader persona is kept a close-guarded secret, and he's even known as just 'The Leader' to most of his team members.

He's a bit of a devious sort, and very charismatic. Not many people are close to him or know much about him, but he does have a small group of his admins that he trusts and plots with. All of his team, however, holds him in great admiration - he is, after all, just trying to make the world a better place!

Member Levels/Ranks

The Aquas have many plans in the works for fulfilling their goals, and a growing member base with which to carry them out. All members are issued a standard uniform of jeans, a white-and-black striped shirt, and a blue bandana embossed with the team's logo, a skull-and-crossbones in the shape of an 'A'. Senior level members are allowed a greater deal of customization with their uniforms, although all levels wear the signature bandana.


Grunt-level members are the most numerous, and are the brawn of Aqua's operation. They're given orders by their higher-ups to follow - generally to steal whatever rare Pokémon or items that they come across, although the tasks can also include guard duty or exploration missions. They generally work in pairs. You're likely to find more women working in Team Aqua than in Magma.


Administrators are in charge of the activities of the grunts, and are pretty autonomous within the group, only receiving orders from Archie himself. It is not unheard of for an admin to devise his own project to capture the eye of the boss, and to further along the goals of the team. Whether they know of the ultimate goal of the organization depends on how well they are trusted by Archie.


There are also various members of both ranks with specialized skills, mostly in undersea navigation, oceanography, and other scientific pursuits.


On the whole, the team is likened to a band of pirates - 'benevolent' pirates, but pirates nonetheless. The team funds itself and its research into raising the ocean through the capture (or theft) and sale of rare Pokémon and artifacts. All team members, regardless of rank, are to always take care to capture whatever Pokémon they can to add to the coffers. More common ones can be potentially kept by the grunts to put in their teams, but the rare and most prized are given to administrators to set up for sale.

Water Pokémon, of course, are the most common type to be found on an Aqua member's team. Carvanha and Sharpedo are particularly prized, and can be usually issued from the admins with no problems. Golbat, Poochyena, and Mightyena are also frequently requested, along with many other fishy breeds.

There are many plans on the drawing board to accomplish their watery goal - and many others that involve Team Aqua's eventual rise to power. Both, however, are far off goals yet, and it seems as if the petty thievery, ocean exploration, and clashes with Magma will continue for some time yet. Word is among the team, though, that those legends of Kyogre? They're not just legends...

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