Sinnoh Pokémon

From Dexnet

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* '''Dex entry:''' 126
* '''Dex entry:''' 126
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Azumarill|Hoenn Azumarill]] entry.
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Azumarill|Hoenn Azumarill]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 127
* '''Type:''' Poison/Bug
* '''Species:''' Scorpion Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Skorupi can only be occasionally found within the Great Marsh of Pastoria City.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 128
* '''Type:''' Poison/Dark
* '''Species:''' Ogre Scorp Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** See Skorupi.
* It can rotate its head and arms a full 180 degrees, thus being capable of seeing in every direction.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 129
* '''Type:''' Poison/Fighting
* '''Species:''' Toxic Mouth Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Croagunk can occasionally be found within the Great Marsh of Pastoria.
* It's actually the mascot of Pastoria City.
* Its cheek sacs are filled with poison - it can focus this throughout its body, particularly into its hands, to deliver blows that poison its opponents.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 130
* '''Type:''' Poison/Fighting
* '''Species:''' Toxic Mouth Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** See Croagunk.
* The claws on its hands secrete a poison that can be fatal to small Pokémon and humans.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 131
* '''Type:''' Grass
* '''Species:''' Bug Catcher Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Carnivine can occasionally be found lurking in the Great Marsh.
* It lures its prey towards its mouth using a sticky, sweet-smelling saliva.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 132
* Refer to the [[Johto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Remoraid|Johto Remoraid]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 133
* Refer to the [[Johto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Octillery|Johto Octillery]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 134
* '''Type:''' Water
* '''Species:''' Wing Fish Pokémon
* '''Common'''
** Finneon school in shallow ocean water, and occasionally in rivers that lead to the ocean.
* Their tails are luminescent after being exposed to the sunlight; kind of 'glow in the dark'-like.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 135
* '''Type:''' Water
* '''Species:''' Neon Pokémon
* '''Common'''
** Lumineon tend to live out farther in the oceans than Finneon, but occasionally school with them.
* Even in the darkness of the deep-sea floors where they live, the edges of their wing-like caudal fins glow brightly.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 136
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Tentacool|Kanto Tentacool]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 137
* Refer to the [[Kanto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Tentacruel|Kanto Tentacruel]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 138
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Feebas|Hoenn Feebas]] entry.
* Region note: Feebas can be found in pools in Mt Coronet, but much like the Hoenn variety, they tend to only inhabit four spots at a time within the cavern complex that they live in.
* '''Dex entry:''' 139
* Refer to the [[Hoenn_Pok%C3%A9mon#Milotic|Hoenn Milotic]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 140
* '''Type:''' Water/Flying
* '''Species:''' Kite Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Mantyke can be found in the upper stratas of the oceans.
* In order to evolve, a Mantyke must be close to a Remoraid when it evolves. This Remoraid then becomes the 'gun' under the Mantine's wing-fin.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 141
* Refer to the [[Johto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Mantine|Johto Mantine]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 142
* '''Type:''' Grass/Ice
* '''Species:''' Frost Tree Pokémon
* '''Common'''
** Snover are quite common in the icy northern regions of Sinnoh.
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 143
* '''Type:''' Grass/Ice
* '''Species:''' Frost Tree Pokémon
* '''Uncommon'''
** Abomasnow inhabit the farthest, most rugged reaches of Sinnoh - on the very summit of Mt Coronet.
* They can sense snow from miles away, and are even capable of creating small snowstorms when they gather in groups or become angry (which is not a hard thing to do).
* [ Reference]
* '''Dex entry:''' 144
* Refer to the [[Johto_Pok%C3%A9mon#Sneasel|Johto Sneasel]] entry.
* '''Dex entry:''' 145
* '''Type:''' Dark/Ice
* '''Species:''' Sharp Claw Pokémon
* '''Rare'''
** Weavile can occasionally be found in the snow-covered forests of northern Sinnoh.
* Very snide, and even though they often hunt together in packs, they often show little remorse, mercy, or respect to their fellows. Trainers should be wary of their tricks!
* [ Reference]

Revision as of 20:38, 2 November 2008

There are over two hundred species of Pokémon that can be found in the Sinnoh Region. Following is a quick-reference list including their location, type, and rarity. Check the given reference links for more information!

Here, we list them by their number in the Sinnoh Regional PokéDex (Platinum version); note that this 'Dex is different from the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn versions.



Pokémon will be listed in their evolutionary groups. The format for Pokémon entries is as follows:

  • Dex entry: The entry number the Pokémon will be listed under in the Sinnoh PokéDex
  • Type: The Pokémon's type(s)
  • Species: Only really used by researchers, it's rather unimportant for trainers to know
  • Rarity in the wild
    • Habitat information
  • Other

Common Pokémon can be caught by pretty much anybody. Uncommon ones will take some doing, and rare ones can be virtually impossible to find in the first place. Trainers with rare Pokémon are more likely to have acquired them through breeding or purchase rather than catching them in the wild.

Legendary Pokémon are things of myth. Very few people have seen them and nobody has ever caught one. Some people think they just don't exist in the first place.

Ancient Pokémon exist only as fossils. There are plenty of rumours of groups of ancient Pokémon still living somewhere secluded, away from humanity, but these have yet to be confirmed. No living ancient Pokémon have been seen outside of fossil remains.


  • Dex entry: 1
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Tiny Leaf Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Turtwig is one of the starter Pokémon offered to Sinnoh trainers. Most can be found under the guard of their trainers; wild ones hang out around lakes in dense forests, hard to get to by most people.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 2
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Grove Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Turtwig.
  • A Grotle's shell gets harder with the more water it drinks and the more dirt it rolls around in - it absorbs the minerals of both and takes them into its body.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 3
  • Type: Grass/Ground
  • Species: Continent Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Turtwig.
  • Occasionally smaller Pokémom will build nests on the back of a stationary Torterra - the large turtles don't usually care, or even notice.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 4
  • Type: Fire
  • Species: Chimp Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Chimchar is one of the starter Pokémon offered to Sinnoh trainers. Chimchar are pretty rare to find in the wild, making their nests in cliffs and the sides of rocky mountains.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 5
  • Type: Fire/Fighting
  • Species: Playful Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Chimchar.
  • Monferno can increase the size of the flame on its tail to make itself look bigger and more aggressive.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 6
  • Type: Fire/Fighting
  • Species: Flame Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Chimchar.
  • The tail flame it has as a Monferno moves to its head - it is said that the size of this flame shows how much of a fighting spirit it has.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 7
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Penguin Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Piplup is one of the starter Pokémon offered to Sinnoh trainers. They live around the seas in the far north parts of Sinnoh, where many trainers don't venture, so they're usually only seen in captivity.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 8
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Penguin Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Piplup.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 9
  • Type: Water/Steel
  • Species: Emporer Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Piplup.
  • The wings of an Empoleon are razor-sharp and covered in metal; they can cut a huge glacier in two using them.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 10
  • Type: Normal/Flying
  • Species: Starling Pokémon
  • Common
    • Starly roost in many places, including the gardens of suburbia - they often can be seen flocking together in large clouds above cities. Larger ones also live out in the fields and woodlands.
  • Starly have over 50 different types of calls and chirps that they're capable of making - they're also known to be able to communicate well with other bird species, such as Spearow and Pidgey.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 11
  • Type: Normal/Flying
  • Species: Starling Pokémon
  • Common
    • Staravia tend to live out in the fields and forests more than in cities.
  • Bitter rivals of Pidgeotto - they'll often attack one on sight, due to the overlap in territory and food sources. Thankfully, they don't often meet up in the wild.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 12
  • Type: Normal/Flying
  • Species: Emporer Pokémon
  • Common
    • Staraptors inhabit a myriad of climes, including grasslands, wetlands, forests, and mountains.
  • Aggressive and solitary, unlike the rest of its family. They can catch and eat Pokémon larger than themselves.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 13
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Plump Mouse Pokémon
  • Common
    • Bidoof tend to build dens around the edges of bodies of water, but can be found pretty much anywhere.
  • Possibly the stupidest non-fish Pokémon in existence.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 14
  • Type: Normal/Water
  • Species: Beaver Pokémon
  • Common
    • Bibarel live in rivers, and construct their dams in them to live.
  • An industrious worker, it's also somewhat condemned for flooding farmers' fields.
  • Sinnoh's national Pokémon. It is a proud and noble animal!
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 15
  • Type: Bug
  • Species: Cricket Pokémon
  • Common
    • Kricketot can be found in fields and forests, usually from twilight 'til the early morning.
  • When they shake their heads from side to side, their antennae act like a xylophone.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 16
  • Type: Bug
  • Species: Cricket Pokémon
  • Common
    • See Kricketot.
  • It can signal its emotions through the melodies it spontaneously composes.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 17
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Flash Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Shinx roam about in fields.
  • The gold bands about its front paws are actually electricity glands.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 18
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Spark Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Shinx.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 19
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Gleam Eyes Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Shinx. Much rarer than its evolutionary-sibs in the wild.
  • Its gleaming eyes can see through solid objects; it uses this power to track down prey.
  • Reference







  • Dex entry: 25
  • Type: Grass/Poison
  • Species: Bud Pokémon
  • Common
    • Budew live in fields alongside sources of fresh water.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 27
  • Type: Grass/Poison
  • Species: Bouquet Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Roserade only evolve from Roselia with the use of a Shiny Stone, and are thus rare in the wild.
  • They move with the grace and agility of a dancer, striking down opponents with their thorny whips.
  • Reference










  • Dex entry: 36
  • Type: Rock
  • Species: Head Butt Pokémon
  • Ancient
    • Cranidos used to be found in dense forests, but have been extinct from the wild for 100 million years.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 37
  • Type: Rock
  • Species: Head Butt Pokémon
  • Ancient
    • See Cranidos.
  • Their strength was said to lie in their charging, headbutt attacks - they have really thick skulls!
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 38
  • Type: Rock/Steel
  • Species: Shield Pokémon
  • Ancient
    • Shieldon used to inhabit prehistoric forests.
  • Shieldon might be a long-ago relative of the Aron family.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 39
  • Type: Rock/Steel
  • Species: Shield Pokémon
  • Ancient
    • See Shieldon.
  • Although they look fierce, they were probably pretty docile Pokémon - formations of fossils show them protecting their young in a ring.
  • Reference







  • Dex entry: 45
  • Type: Bug
  • Species: Bagworm Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Burmy can be found hanging from trees, particularly where honey or other sweet sap might be found.
  • Burmy dons a different protective covering depending on the environment it lives and fights in. Normally, this covering is leaflike, but if the cloak breaks in battle, it will fashion another out of nearby materials - sand and stones if in a cave or on a beach, and building insulation if inside a building.
  • Female Burmy evolve into Wormadam, while male ones evolve to Mothim.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 46
  • Type: Bug/(Grass/Ground/Steel)
  • Species: Bagworm Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Burmy.
  • Wormadam is a female-only species.
  • Whatever cloak that a Burmy had donned before it evolved becomes a part of its new body; this is never shed, and influences its secondary type. A Wormadam with a leaf cloak is part Grass-type, while one with a sand cloak is part Ground, and one with the insulation cloak is part Steel. The last two were only discovered after trainers began to experiment with the cloaks!
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 47
  • Type: Bug/Flying
  • Species: Moth Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Burmy.
  • Mothim is a male-only species.
  • Burmy's cloak is shed completely when it evolves into Mothim; it is not influenced by the cloak at all.
  • It often steals honey collected by Combee.
  • Reference







  • Dex entry: 53
  • Type: Bug/Flying
  • Species: Tiny Bee Pokémon
  • Common
    • Combee live in trees, and frequent flower-filled fields.
  • Combee live in hives, directed by a queen Vespiquen - they will never defy her orders, and are in fact only a threat when given her orders. If living in a queenless colony, they're pretty timid and would rather just go about collecting honey.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 54
  • Type: Bug/Flying
  • Species: Beehive Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Combee.
  • Only female Combee can evolve into Vespiquen; most Combee are male.
  • Their power resides in their ability to direct and focus their hives' attacks.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 55
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: EleSquirrel Pokémon
  • Common
    • Pachirisu can generally be found in treetops near the outskirts of forests, although they like the atmosphere of power plants, as well.
  • A popular pet, due to its cute looks.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 56
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Sea Weasel Pokémon
  • Common
    • Buizel live in streams and rivers near grassy areas.
  • Often quite mischievous in nature.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 57
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Sea Weasel Pokémon
  • Common
    • See Buizel.
  • Floatzel have often been used in water rescue operations - they have natural buoyancy, with their inflatable neck collars.
  • Incredibly speedy in the water.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 58
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Cherry Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Cherubi can usually be found spotted in trees.
  • When the small sac it carries with it begins to wilt, it's a good sign it's nearing evolution.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 59
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Blossom Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Cherubi.
  • Cherrim has two forms - normally, it is closed in upon itself, but when in the presence of strong sunlight, it opens up to reveal its cheerful blossoming face to the world.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 60
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Sea Slug Pokémon
  • Common
    • Shellos live alongside the seashore.
  • Its form and colour can change drastically depending on where it lives - two different forms have been documented in Sinnoh, one found only on the west side of Mt Coronet, and one on the east side.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 61
  • Type: Water/Ground
  • Species: Sea Slug Pokémon
  • Common
    • See Shellos.
  • Gastrodon also share different forms depending on location.
  • It apparently has the ability to regenerate lost body parts.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 64
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Long Tail Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Ambipom can be found hanging out in southern forests or jungles.
  • It only evolves once learning the move Double Hit - this seems to trigger the growth of its second tail.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 65
  • Type: Ghost/Flying
  • Species: Balloon Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Drifloon float about wherever winds blow.
  • Said to be the spirits of popped balloons. They tug on the hands of children to steal them away to the underworld, but are so light that they end up being pulled around instead.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 66
  • Type: Ghost/Flying
  • Species: Blimp Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Drifloon.
  • These can actually carry people around, but like hot-air balloons, they can only go where the wind directs them; they have barely any steering capabilities.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 67
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Rabbit Pokémon
  • Common
    • Buneary can be found hiding in forests.
  • Their rolled up ears, when they uncurl them and slam them into things, can actually sting quite a bit.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 68
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Rabbit Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Buneary.
  • As it evolves only when it is extremely happy, Lopunnys are somewhat rare to see outside of the care of a devoted trainer.
  • Although they look pretty girly, there are just as many males as females.
  • Reference






  • Dex entry: 73
  • Type: Ghost
  • Species: Magical Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Mismagius haunt dark places, especially forests and mansions. They're rather rare, though, since they evolve through the use of a Dusk Stone.
  • Their cries, incantation-like, often cause headaches to those who hear them - but sometimes can bring luck.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 75
  • Type: Dark/Flying
  • Species: Big Boss Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Honchkrow can be found in the thick of dense forests. Because they need a Dusk Stone to evolve, though, they're somewhat rare.
  • They organize bands of Murkrow cronies to gather food for them.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 76
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Catty Pokémon
  • Common
    • Glameow can usually be found around cities, although sometimes in forests as well.
  • Quite fickle - but then, it's a cat.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 77
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Tiger Cat Pokémon
  • Common
    • See Glameow.
  • Seen as something of a bully. It cinches its waist with its tails to make it look more beefy.
  • Reference






  • Dex entry: 82
  • Type: Psychic
  • Species: Bell Pokémon
  • Common
    • It seems to be found in places that emanate a special power - Mt Coronet and the lakeshores of Sinnoh.
  • Every time it hops, it makes a ringing noise. It only evolves during the night, when it's very happy.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 84
  • Type: Poison/Dark
  • Species: Skunk Pokémon
  • Common
    • It lives mostly in forests, although it's been creeping out into civilisation lately.
  • Sprays a noxious fluid from its hindquarters. Not even tomato juice can really remove it.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 85
  • Type: Poison/Dark
  • Species: Skunk Pokémon
  • Common
    • See Stunky.
  • Shoots the stinky liquid from the tip of its tail. This stuff is also highly flammable.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 88
  • Type: Steel/Psychic
  • Species: Bronze Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • It can most often be found in ancient ruins.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 89
  • Type: Steel/Psychic
  • Species: Bronze Bell Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Bronzor.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 92
  • Type: Rock
  • Species: Bonsai Pokémon
  • Common
    • While Bonsly prefer dry areas, they also tend to shuffle themselves into gardens.
  • They mimic bonsai trees. The only way to tell 'em apart is that they occasionally 'cry' - or shed excess moisture from their bodies.
  • They evolve once they learn Mimic.
  • Reference


Mime Jr.

  • Dex entry: 94
  • Type: Psychic
  • Species: Mime Pokémon
  • Common
    • Mime Jrs are likely to be found anywhere that they can get an audience - usually grassy areas, although sometimes closer to cities.
  • They habitually mimic others. They evolve once they learn Mimic.
  • Reference

Mr. Mime


  • Dex entry: 96
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Playhouse Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Happinys are rare to find outside of the company of a Chansey or Blissey.
  • Happinys are female-only.
  • They carry smooth white stones in their pouches in imitation of their mothers. If this stone is an Oval Stone, they may evolve.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 98
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Happiness Pokémon
  • Rare
    • The most common place to see a Blissey is hard at work in a PokéCenter! In the wild, they're pretty rare.
  • Blisseys are female-only.
  • They evolve from Chanseys when exceedingly happy. They're very compassionate Pokémon.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 99
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Star Shape Pokémon
  • Common
    • Compared to most baby Pokémon, Cleffa are pretty easy to find, at least in Sinnoh - there's a huge colony of them in Mt Coronet.
  • They're said to come out and dance on nights when the skies are filled with shooting stars.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 100
  • Refer to the Kanto Clefairy entry.
  • Region note: Clefairy in Sinnoh live within Mt Coronet.



  • Dex entry: 102
  • Type: Normal/Flying
  • Species: Music Note Pokémon
  • Common
    • Chatot often can be seen in rainy grasslands and forested areas.
  • Chatot can mimic human speech quite well, although it's questionable whether or not they actually comprehend the words.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 103
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Tiny Mouse Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • It's rare to see Pichu in the wild, as they're usually kept pretty close by their parents. Queen Astrid has a liking for them, though, and keeps a group in her trophy garden.
  • Reference






  • Dex entry: 108
  • Type: Ghost/Dark
  • Species: Forbidden Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Spiritombs can only be found in association with a certain item, the Odd Keystone.
  • It is composed of 108 evil spirits, all bound together to the Keystone after their misdeeds in life.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 109
  • Type: Dragon/Ground
  • Species: Land Shark Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Gible live in tunnels inside of warm caves.
  • They're said to hoard gems and jewels that they dig up inside their nests.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 110
  • Type: Dragon/Ground
  • Species: Cave Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Gible.
  • Medicine made from its scales are said to be able to heal even incurable illnesses.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 111
  • Type: Dragon/Ground
  • Species: Mach Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Gibile.
  • Garchomp are extremely quick, and flies at sonic speeds.
  • They're another one of those pseudo-legendary Pokémon, like Dragonite and Tyranitar.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 112
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Big Eater Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Munchlax can sometimes be found around honey- or fruit-bearing trees.
  • Unlike its evolution, Munchlax doesn't mind moving quickly from place to place to find food. They're actually somewhat hyperactive.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 114
  • Refer to the Johto Unown entry.
  • Region note: In Sinnoh, Unown can be found haunting the Solaceon Ruins.


  • Dex entry: 115
  • Type: Fighting
  • Species: Emanation Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Dwellings of Riolu are relatively unknown, although a few colonies have been found in the remote islands surrounding Sinnoh.
  • It cannot yet control aura energy, but can still sense and communicate with others using them.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 116
  • Type: Fighting/Steel
  • Species: Aura Pokémon
  • Rare
    • See Riolu.
  • Using its mastery of aura energy, Lucario can attack, or study the waves emanating from other beings to predict their movements or track them.
  • It is said to fully understand human speech, and may even be able to speak it using telepathy.
  • Reference







  • Dex entry: 122
  • Type: Ground
  • Species: Hippo Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Hippopotas live in deserts and other arid, dry areas.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 123
  • Type: Ground
  • Species: Heavyweight Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Hippopotas.
  • Male and female Hippowdon are quite different in looks - males are a light brown colour, while females are black.
  • Its rather big - its mouth alone is seven feet across.
  • Reference





  • Dex entry: 127
  • Type: Poison/Bug
  • Species: Scorpion Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Skorupi can only be occasionally found within the Great Marsh of Pastoria City.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 128
  • Type: Poison/Dark
  • Species: Ogre Scorp Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Skorupi.
  • It can rotate its head and arms a full 180 degrees, thus being capable of seeing in every direction.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 129
  • Type: Poison/Fighting
  • Species: Toxic Mouth Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Croagunk can occasionally be found within the Great Marsh of Pastoria.
  • It's actually the mascot of Pastoria City.
  • Its cheek sacs are filled with poison - it can focus this throughout its body, particularly into its hands, to deliver blows that poison its opponents.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 130
  • Type: Poison/Fighting
  • Species: Toxic Mouth Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • See Croagunk.
  • The claws on its hands secrete a poison that can be fatal to small Pokémon and humans.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 131
  • Type: Grass
  • Species: Bug Catcher Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Carnivine can occasionally be found lurking in the Great Marsh.
  • It lures its prey towards its mouth using a sticky, sweet-smelling saliva.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 134
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Wing Fish Pokémon
  • Common
    • Finneon school in shallow ocean water, and occasionally in rivers that lead to the ocean.
  • Their tails are luminescent after being exposed to the sunlight; kind of 'glow in the dark'-like.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 135
  • Type: Water
  • Species: Neon Pokémon
  • Common
    • Lumineon tend to live out farther in the oceans than Finneon, but occasionally school with them.
  • Even in the darkness of the deep-sea floors where they live, the edges of their wing-like caudal fins glow brightly.
  • Reference




  • Dex entry: 138
  • Refer to the Hoenn Feebas entry.
  • Region note: Feebas can be found in pools in Mt Coronet, but much like the Hoenn variety, they tend to only inhabit four spots at a time within the cavern complex that they live in.



  • Dex entry: 140
  • Type: Water/Flying
  • Species: Kite Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Mantyke can be found in the upper stratas of the oceans.
  • In order to evolve, a Mantyke must be close to a Remoraid when it evolves. This Remoraid then becomes the 'gun' under the Mantine's wing-fin.
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 142
  • Type: Grass/Ice
  • Species: Frost Tree Pokémon
  • Common
    • Snover are quite common in the icy northern regions of Sinnoh.
  • Reference


  • Dex entry: 143
  • Type: Grass/Ice
  • Species: Frost Tree Pokémon
  • Uncommon
    • Abomasnow inhabit the farthest, most rugged reaches of Sinnoh - on the very summit of Mt Coronet.
  • They can sense snow from miles away, and are even capable of creating small snowstorms when they gather in groups or become angry (which is not a hard thing to do).
  • Reference



  • Dex entry: 145
  • Type: Dark/Ice
  • Species: Sharp Claw Pokémon
  • Rare
    • Weavile can occasionally be found in the snow-covered forests of northern Sinnoh.
  • Very snide, and even though they often hunt together in packs, they often show little remorse, mercy, or respect to their fellows. Trainers should be wary of their tricks!
  • Reference
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