Talk:Johto Pokémon

From Dexnet

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Hokay, so. I've got the list here of the Pokémon/evolutions that can be found within Johto - all the first-generations that aren't here have been weeded out, as well as the second-generations that were only findable on the Kanto side of things in the games.
Everything's pretty much unordered, although kept in family groupings. I figure when the official list is made, we should set it up by the rough ordering in the Johto 251-Dex, even if there will be holes. We'll just have to move the numbering down. Or up. Whatever, you know what I mean.
It's a big list, though. Don't forget to link to existing Gen-I Pokemon already found in the Kanto list, and there's probably explanations about some of these Gen-II ones in the Hoenn list if you want to link out to that, too.

Current revision as of 23:10, 23 September 2008

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