What you Really Should Be Asking Yourself (Character Generation)

From Destination

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[edit] Adult Character Generation

  • Standard World of Darkness Mortal character generation.
  • Characters receive two additional Merit points which may only be spent on abilities from Second Sight, on the Wolf-Blooded or Sleepwalker merits or upon the Relic Creator merit from Reliquary. Other merit points can also be spent on these abilities if desired.
  • All characters are 22 at the start of play.
  • All characters start play with three items of the player's choice. These items cannot contain obvious clues as to the character's past or identity, but are otherwise unrestricted.
  • All characters start play with two memories of their choice - one of an event from her childhood, one of an event as an adult. The event from childhood must have occured before the character turned 12, the event from adulthood must have occured before January 2006. These memories define the character in some way, but cannot contain any mention of the character's name, the supernatural, or his relationship with the other characters.

[edit] Child Character Generation

  • Child characters are 12 years old.
  • 5/4/3 for attributes.
  • 9/5/3 for skills, with two specialties.
  • Any merit points spent on supernatural abilities as an adult must be spent on the same as a child. Other merit expenditures do not necessarily need to be the same.
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