Sieg Warheit

From Desaiuniversity

(Redirected from Sieg Wahrheit)
Knight of the Dark Glyphs, or misguided J-Pop star?
Sieg comes from the very, very under-rated game, Chaos Legion brought to us by Capcom. Years prior to when the game taskes place, Sieg was a proud member of the Order of St. Overia sworn in as a high-ranking Knight. He worked closely alongside Siela Riviere and Victor Delacroix.

Sieg is munned by Yunie, who wants to warn you... there are heavy Chaos Legion spoilers ahead in this page! You have been warned!

o7Iyye I appreciate you sharing this article post.Much thanks again.

[edit] Background

Sieg grew up, for lack of a better word, as a street rat. He was the sort of boy that you saw running through the streets with dirt and grease streaked across his face, and the (seemingly) only outfit that he owned. Despite these circumstances, he held fast to his morals and drew a fine line between right and wrong. He would steal, but only to calm his rumbling stomach or to make sure that those in the same position as he, were fed as well.

Of all things, Sieg hated the injustice of the world. He didn't see how it was right to scold or beat someone like him, who was just doing their best to survive. He had decided at a young age, to become a defender of what was 'right' and stood up for what he believed in, no matter what punishment awaited him in the end.

His efforts didn't go unrecognized, either. One of the local Priests, devout followers of the Order of Saint Overia, took note of the young boy's determination, and decided to take him under his wing. He was trained to use the Legions, and told that they were spirits who were meant to aid humanity against the horrors of the world. He had a knack for it, quickly proving his worth to the preist, who suggested that he join the ranks of Overia. They could certainly use natural talent like his.

Thinking that this was the best way to overcome and rid the world of all the misfortunes the people suffered, a still-growning Sieg agreed.

As the years passed, he finally made the ranking of Knight. As it was, because of his abilities, he placed into a team alongside the Order's most promising Knight, Victor Delacroix. They seemed to become fast friends, able to take on any challenge that was headed their way, thanks to Sieg's use of the Ultimate Legion, Thanatos, and Delacroix's natural abilities to perform countless miracles. Alongside both of them was Siela Riviere, one of the few female Knights, who had also certainly earned her way onto their brigade.

As time passed, Delacroix and Siela's friendship seemed to go ahead onto the next level, and it was obvious that they cared a great deal for one another. But Sieg never believed he was left out, and they certainly never made him feel like it. So the years went on, with one successful mission after another. It wasn't long until the current Superior announced that Delacroix would be the next head of the Order of Saint Overia, in light of his devotion and undeniable talents.

Everything seemed to be going well for the three -- until word came around of an Underground Group attempting to re-enact the Forbidden Ritual.

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