Zidane Tribal

From Desaiuniversity

Zidane Tribal: Master thief with a touch of monkey. Does he shampoo that tail?
Zidane comes from Final Fantasy IX, made by the wonderful Square Enix. He's game canon, obviously, since there's nothing but an underrated game.

Zidane is munned by Selina.



Name: Zidane Tribal
Nicknames: Monkey Boy
Age: Seventeen
Height: 5'6"-ish
Weight: About 135 lbs.
Hair Colour: Light brown/toast.
Eye Colour: Blue-green
Notable Features: How about the tail?
Weapons of Choice: Blades and fists - and the tail, if he feels like it.


Zidane is a pretty out-going, humourous guy when he's just hanging out and socializing with those around him. However, if faced with someone he deems 'suspicious', he can become a bit sarcastic and protective, willing to do almost anything to keep his friends out of harm's reach. His situation with the ladies isn't all that great, but it doesn't stop him from trying to make a pass on every female thing that moves. Deep down, Zidane wishes to find love, and be loved in return, and so he continues to seek for 'the one'; the girl who is supposed to be destined for him. This 'search for love' is tough for Zidane, though with his determined and ready-for-action attitude, he doubts that his searching will be in vain.

Sexual Preference

He likes the ladies. He's probably never even thought about going after other guys. Why? Because, well, he finds them attractive and interesting and precious things to protect and they inflict less pain when they reject him? xD


When Zidane was created to replace Kuja, one of his kind that went astray, Kuja grew jealous and placed Zidane on another world he intended to destroy. The plan seemed to have worked, as he was found and raised in Lindblum by the well-known Baku - the leader of a band of thieves, the Tantalus.

And so he was brought up with the ways of a thief; lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating and, with little success, wooing. He knew nothing of who he was, save for the memory of a blue light. His time with the Tantalus enabled him to travel around the continent, searching not only for treasure and wealth but for that mysterious blue light that plagued his memories. Soon enough Zidane began to question the meaning of his own existence.

Despite his efforts, the meaning of himself and the light stayed unknown. That was until the kidnapping the Princess of Alexandria was a mission bestowed on the Tantalus. For everyone, especially Zidane, it became more than just a kidnapping. Alongside comrades he never thought he'd make, the cheerful boy with a tail embarked on a series of quests, each one bringing him closer to discovering who he really was. It was until his first meeting with his creator, Garland, that he learned he was the replacement of Kuja, another of Garland's creations, the first 'Angel of Death'.

With determination, friends, and a will to save his world, Zidane defeated both Garland and Kuja, and later Necron, successfully saving the world and its unique inhabitants. Having finally learning about himself, and the blue light, Zidane finds peace - though it doesn't keep him from traveling to other worlds.

Classes and Dorm

English 0300: Developmental Writing
Math 1332: Contemporary Mathematics
Theatre, Drama, & Music 0303: Introduction to Drama and Theatre
Art 2316: Painting
Physical Education 2101: Martial Arts
Physical Education 2189: Melee Weapons

Zidane currently is roomed with Hana in room 301A!


  • Kuchiki Byakuya: His first roommate in the old dorms. However, they rarely interacted, so there's not much to say.
  • Fai: His tutooooooor. 8D
  • Yamada Hanatarou: His new roommate! And by jove, these two are lyk BFF. Ziddy is eternally grateful to have met Hana. D'AWWWW.
  • Roxas: They met in a grocery store. Zidane's tail accidentally whapped Roxas and set off his cute alert brain signals and have been pals ever since.

Other Shtuff

Zidane's LiveJournal
Zidane's Scenes

Zidane's AIM: Tale of a Tail

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