
From Desaiuniversity

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Roxas: because showing your entire face is overrated.
Roxas is from Square Enix and Disney’s series, Kingdom Hearts, post Kingdom Hearts II, and is munned by the not-mod Kara, or Grey as she likes to call herself. Below may be found some spoilers for the game, or information made up for the sake of making this page more interesting. You have been warned.

sZOflr I appreciate you sharing this blog post.Thanks Again.

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zW5461 Muchos Gracias for your blog.Much thanks again. Keep writing.


[edit] Weapons

Roxas wields a mysterious weapon known as a Keyblade. Not one, but two. Oblivion; the embodiment of darkness; and Oathkeeper, of light, respectively. He didn't choose to be their master—they chose him, and for that reason he was deemed 'special' by the Organization and named the Key of Destiny. There have been a fair few cracks at Roxas's sexuality thanks to his habit of threatening to "Keyblade ______'s ass."

[edit] Classes and Dorm

Math 0310: Intermediate Algebra
Visual Communication 1351: Photojournalism
Science 2416: Genetics
Physical Education 2101: Martial Arts
Physical Education 2189: Melee Weapons
Magic 2301: Combative Black Magery
Paranormal Studies 2315: Demonology

Roxas currently resides in room 306B of the Vertigo Towers with roommate Ling Yao.

[edit] Interactions

Zidane Tribal - Roxas. Adores. His. Tail. He wants to cuddle it on a daily basis, though he'd never tell this to Zidane (or anyone for that matter). They met at a grocery store when he was accidentally hit by said tail and they got along right away... as soon as Roxas stopped having mental breakdowns about, you know, the fuzzy monkey-tail and everything.

Reno - He finds himself treating this guy a lot like Axel without even realizing it. He could very well have a small crush on him, BUT LIKE HELL HE'D ADMIT TO THAT. He's mostly amused by Reno, and his constant threats of death for making sexual comments about his e-mag.

Matsumoto Rangiku - He thinks she's nice, regardless of her starting the whole "Rox Ass" thing. He's actually not frightened by her boobs, believe it or not... though they do merit a blushing or seven.

Selphie - Mostly just an acquantance at the moment who shares an interest in kitties just like yours' truly. Roxas gets along with her quite nicely.

Ling Yao - Old roommate that may have been scared into moving by the rumors about Axel and Roxas hillbilly raping each other and everyone when they're not looking. He sort of threatens his kittens so Roxas can't say he likes him that much. :<

Riku - He HATES this guy, even when he's not stalking him or telling him that he's an empty, meaningless being. He wishes Riku could just go away and stop ruining any self-confidence he may have otherwise had.

Dante - Dislikes him nearly as much as Riku. He's an ass to everyone for no good reason and Roxas openly disapproves of this.

[edit] Random Facts

  • Enjoys skateboarding not to look cool, but merely for fun.
  • Secretly gushes and has fits over cute animals, especially cats.
  • Hates being cold.
  • Is intrigued by Axel and Reno's similarities.
  • Adores sea-salt ice cream. Give him some sea-salt ice cream and he'll love you forever.
  • Owns two inseperable kittens, Ghost and Kirby.
  • Likes to be comforted physically when upset.

[edit] Playlist

To me, at least, these song selections are reminiscent of the adorable being that is Roxas. You can agree or disagree, but... well, here they are.

1. "Lost" - Vast
2. "Hold Me, I'm Falling" - Mychael Danna
3. "Speed of Sound" - Coldplay
4. "Oblivion" - 30 Seconds to Mars
5. "Glorious" - Muse
6. "Here" - Vast
7. "Running Up That Hill" - Placebo
8. "Waver" - Yoko Kanno
9. "How to Disappear Completely" - Radiohead
10. "Was it a Dream?" - 30 Seconds to Mars
11. "Daphne Descends" - Smashing Pumpkins
12. "Protege Moi" - Placebo
13. "I Don't Have Anything" - Vast
14. "Take a Picture" - Filter
15. "Eden" - Sarah Brightman
16. "Over My Head" - The Fray
17. "Ruthless Gravity" - Craig Armstrong
18. "No Signs of Pain" - Azure Ray

[edit] Contact/External Links

Roxas's Livejournal

Roxas's AIM: DeathbyKeyblade
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