
From Desaiuniversity

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Reno of the Turks: Those red tattoos aren't just for show. They shoot out little death rays that Reno controls with his mind.
Reno comes from Final Fantasy VII, and in this case he's post-Advent Children. He found out about his boss staying at Desai, and like a good, obedient little Turk, he followed. Reno's only taking classes to prove Elena that he is made of awesome.

Reno is munned by Selina.


[edit] Basics

  • Name: Reno Risce
  • Nicknames: Red, Sir Reno Redheaded Turk Assmuncher
  • Age: 21 LOL 21 + 1
  • Birthdate: March 30 - Aries
  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 165 lbs
  • Hair Colour: Fire Engine Red
  • Eye Colour: Blue, with that good old Mako glow.
  • Notable Features: Red tattoos on his cheekbones.

[edit] Personality

To put it simply, this Turk is arrogant, cocky, and quick-tempered. Though these traits may have caused problems and inconveniences in the past, he just can't seem to lose them. With Rude around, though, Reno is less prone to hazardous situations caused by his acting-before-thinking attitude. In a way, Reno is 'complete' with Rude, because of their partnership. Rarely are they seen apart, if they can help it.

When it comes to work, he's a devoted employee. Albeit somewhat lazy at times, he takes pride in working for President Shinra and Tseng, whom he strives to please and protect. On the job, Reno's mischievous yet playful side peeks out, along with various new creations, devices, and weapons him and his partner conjure up from Shinra's technology.

'Tidy' isn't in Reno's vocabulary, either. Not only are the toys he builds wild and unorganized, his appearance alone isn't that impressive - untucked shirt, no tie, messy hair, and two red marks tattooed on his cheekbones. The goggles on his forehead don't exactly fit into the 'professional' classification either. But as long as the job gets done, and in style, his looks aren't his top priority.

[edit] Sexual Preference

Reno swings more towards the ladies. However, he is not responsible for who is hit on while he is drunk. Even if he is, it's not like he's going to remember.

[edit] Weapons

Desert Eagle 50AE Magnum.
  • The E-Mag. Also known as electromagnetic rod. His first weapon since joining the Turks, and he finds it difficult to leave behind whenever he travels.. anywhere, really. It's complete with the ability to retract into tRaVeL sIzE, plenty of voltage for hours of electrocuting fun, and its own set of dinner plates with matching cutlery. He's dubbed it 'Testicle Taser', after Evening asked for something to roast Ichigo with.
  • Since the mun felt Reno needed another weapon, he's got himself a handy Desert Eagle 50AE Magnum, which he uses only when a) Rufus needs better back-up than just a close range metal stick; b) big, crowded events that could put Rufus in some form of danger (which probably is the same as a); c) Reno decides Tseng someone needs a good pistol-whipping, and d) mostly for seriously serious business.

[edit] Classes and Dorm

English 2332: World Literature
History 2301: Intro to Inter-World History
History 1301: Intro to Desai History
Math 0310: Intermediate Algebra
Physical Education 2101: Martial Arts

Reno currently resides in Vertigo Towers, room 504B, roommates with Byakuya Cloud. SILLY BOYS.

[edit] Interactions

During his stay at Desai, Reno has encountered a number of people either over the network, random encounters, orgies, through business relations or because of dorm placements.

  • Cloud Strife - ENEMIES NO MORE <3 How sweet. Cloud even moved into Reno's dorm after Byakuya moved out (FOR REASONS THAT WILL REMAIN UNTOLD BD). So yeah anyway the only thing that these two fight about anymore is Reno's Mako addiction. And whether or not Cloud looks hot in drag.
  • Rufus Shinra - His Boss, of course! Who's lately been having to threaten Reno's pay because of rowdiness and whatnot. ALL THREATS ASIDE, Rufus is probably the only person Reno obeys the most. RENO EVEN RESPECTS HIS BOSS SO MUCH HE NAMED HIS FISH AFTER HIM <3 Beat that.
  • Dante - Reno was once Dante's friend. For like. A day. Then he got promoted to suck, and has been that way ever since. Reno's forgotten all about it. 8]
  • Matsumoto Rangiku - He likes saying her name. And usually seeks her advice when he's being threatened with rape death.
  • Tseng - His other boss. Mr Boring. Reno positively hates him at times, but deep down HE'S JUST A SOFTY FOR THIS BORING LITTLE TURK BOSS. EVEN THOUGH THAT'S SLIGHTLY CREEPY WHEN MUN THINKS ABOUT IT. (It's all your fault, Misao D8)
  • Elena - His beloved Rookie. Reno really does think she's a good Turk, though. BUT HE'S TOO MUCH OF A MACHO, MACHO MAAAAAAN~! to admit it. He just likes bugging her like mad.
  • Kurosaki Isshin (and his cow. xD) - Reno supported Eva getting classes at Desai. That's about it.
  • Roxas - Reno has yet to actually meet this dude in person. He's only spoke to him on the network. Well, actually, not spoke. More like.. threatened to kill and yelled at for cracking penis jokes at his beloved e-mag. HIS TRUE FEELINGS FOR THIS WEIRDO ARE UNDECIDED.
  • Ling Yao - Reno respects this guy because of his ninjas and because he roots for Reno's fish. And his pictures.
  • Kuchiki Byakuya - Reno's old roomie. Mrs Boring. Hates this guy over the network because of all the 'DOT DOT DOT' and 'B|' that he does. HIS MIND CANNOT TAKE IN ALL THE BORING.
  • Fai - Reno's own personal network stalker. They met once in the forest while Reno was on a Mako-high and Fai was all 'LOLOLOL BLUD PLZ' and just freaked Reno right out. HOWEVER Reno's finally acting like a man and not spazzing out every time Fai talks to him over the network.
  • Rude - Reno's partner and long-time friend. BFF, YO. THEY ROCK THE SOCKS OFF OF BYAKUYA AND TSENG'S BFF. 'NUFF SAID.
  • Axel - Cookie Monster. They spoke over the network a couple of times, then they met (unknowingly!) at an arcade, tied at DDR, and it wasn't till after that they discovered who each other was. Reno disapproves of this man because they look alike and are equally awesome at DDR.

[edit] Random Facts

  • Finds the giant pink thing that Cait Sithe rides around on frightening.
  • Likes candy but rarely gets it.
  • Thinks 'Mr Boring' is the perfect nickname for Tseng.
  • Obviously excels in the art of making MS Paint pictures, especially while drunk.
  • Thinks 'Mrs Boring' suits Byakuya splendidly.
  • Mako, booze, and cigarettes must be close at hand at all times.
  • Has matching DDR skills with Axel.
  • Piercing in his left ear was done by none other than his pardener. BACK WHEN THEY FIRST BECAME BFF 4 LYF AND CARVED THEIR NAMES INTO TREES AN- *shot*
  • Mun forgot his birthday. AHAHAAHA :D;;;

[edit] The Fish

During the course of Reno's stay at Desai, he's gone through quite a few fish, all of which he affectionately names 'Boss_', the space being the number of the fish.

  • Boss/Boss1: This isn't a fish. This is Reno's actual boss, Rufus Shinra. Nothing, not even the best darned fish there is, will top the Boss.
  • Boss2: Goldfish. Deceased. Reno believes that Boss2 died of shock because of Cloud, but really, Reno didn't know that fish can't live in tap water.
  • Boss3: Beta fish. Deceased. Reno claims that Boss3 protected him and bit the Tailor, who was obviously coming to murder Reno. In reality, Reno threw the poor fish at the Tailor.
  • Boss4: Neon tetra. Missing and presumed dead. Hitachiin Twins and Hisagi suspected.
  • Boss5: Goldfish. Deceased. Eaten by Boss6. Reno feels no remorse.
  • Boss6: Big ass goldfish. HE'S SO ALIVE HE'S LIKE THE HULK WITH FINS. The first fish to survive a whole week in Reno's care. Deceased. Heart attack and later popped. It is/was a disgusting mess. But at least the fish lasted a little over TWO weeks! :O
  • Boss7: Piranha. OOOOOHMIGAWD. (I keel you, Grey >B|) Missing in the plumbing of the school.

[edit] Links and Shit

Reno's LiveJournal
Reno's Scenes

Reno's AIM: Riscey Business

Personal tools