
From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 21:18, 2 February 2007 by Xgreyfeather (Talk | contribs)
Roxas: because showing your entire face is overrated.
Roxas is from Square Enix and Disney’s series, Kingdom Hearts, post Kingdom Hearts II, and is munned by the not-mod Kara, or Grey as she likes to call herself. Below may be found some spoilers for the game, or information made up for the sake of making this page more interesting. You have been warned.



Name: Roxas
Age: Could be anywhere between one and eighteen. We’ll go with eighteen.
Height: 5’5". Short in other words.
Weight: Around 123 pounds, we’ll say.
Hair: Blond, spiky, with a funny woosh in it.
Eye colour: Dark blue.
Nicknames: Rox, Rox Ass, Kid, Number XIII, Key of Destiny, Cookie Monster's Slave
In-Game Relationships: Axel (best friends; MAYBE MORE), Kuchiki Byakuya (Adoptive daddy :3), Reno (Reminds him of Axel.), Ling Yao (Current roommate), Riku (Current stalker), Matsumoto Rangiku (Likes her despite her giving him the nickname "Rox Ass"), Dante (sort-of enemies?)

Style: Roxas doesn’t have a notable choice of garb, really. He dresses how he wants when he wants, but usually opts to wear black or white, or a mixture of both, occasionally with yellows and blues in somewhat baggy clothing. Also has a strange preference—fetish, even—for zippers.

Sexual Preference: He’s got a perverted mind whether he admits to it or not, no matter how innocent and virginal he may act. Whether he’s straight or crooked is a mystery he’s never quite willing to reveal, though lately he just might be developing "feelings" for a certain someone.


When you first meet Roxas he can come off as quiet, reserved; borderline grumpy. If you can prove to him that you’re a decent human being he's more than likely to open up, but if you’re an ass he'll of course be a bitch and probably tell you to go drown yourself. He's fairly lenient and relaxed when around friends, however, even in Axel's case, and shows genuine emotion when with them. Or, you know, as genuine as emotions can get when you’re a Nobody.

Roxas is friendly to all who can befriend him, yet at the same time, he has the tendency to be sardonic and condescending to certain people—especially towards those he doesn’t favour. He delights in relaxation just as much as he does with adventure, and can be a bit mischievous at times if his life isn’t at risk. Furthermore, Roxas is somewhat naïve and thickheaded, which has led him to be viewed as the 'little brother’ of his friends and elders, much against his wishes.

If he has one flaw, it's that his temper can sometimes get the best of him. Violence overwhelms Roxas when he’s in a great furor, and he often seeks vengeance upon those who have caused him to feel this way.

Roxas has a large understanding of the meaning of honour, overall, though. He tries to keep true to this distinction, recognizing the difference between right and wrong in any situation that’s presented to him. It could very well be for this reason that Roxas has been called a traitor more than once in his life, even if it is merely his own foolishness that’s caused him to be given such accusations.


The youngest member of Organization XIII, Roxas is otherwise known as the "Key of Destiny" or Number XIII. He was brought to life when Sora was temporarily turned into a Heartless in Hollow Bastion, but rather then remaining in this form the boy was restored to his original self with the power of his own heart and a friend's, causing Roxas to lose all memories of ever being a part of Sora. He was promptly thrust into a world of Nobody's and the Organization, a group seeking to retrieve their missing hearts.

He soon became fast friends with the 'black sheep' otherwise known as Axel, or Number VIII, and for a while the two were inseparable—in fact, it sometimes seems that he gained his satirical humour and fun-loving side from spending so much time with said redhead. But for the sake of the memories of his prior life, Roxas soon deserted both his best friend and the Organization to find out why he of all people was chosen to wield the Keyblade.

He was confronted in The World That Never Was by a young man called Riku, who, driven by his need to help Sora regain his memories and awaken, fought against the blond. Roxas emerged victorious by the end of the first battle, but the older boy quickly realized he could use his powers of darkness to change forms—and in the end, Riku succeeded in defeating Roxas. He brought him to DiZ, who then placed Roxas in a virtual Twilight Town within Sora's memories, erasing all knowledge of the Organization XIII and giving him a new identity to throw off any possible pursuers.

But while the so-called witch, Naminé worked on restoring Sora's memories, Roxas began to see his other self in dreams, greatly disrupting the peaceful life he thought he'd always led in this simulated reality. Eventually, even Axel came back to haunt him as he accessed this false Twilight Town to rescue Roxas from DiZ's clutches.

Despite Number VIII's attempts, Roxas ended up successfully merging with Sora once again; to be used in DiZ’s plans to overthrow the Organization. After their defeat he and Naminé stated firmly that they will never fade, but live on within Sora and Kairi as both part of them and as their own separate entities, which leads a person to believe that they can indeed be detached from their 'Somebodies' to live as the individuals they once were, which, naturally, has been proven upon his arrival in Desai.


Roxas wields a mysterious weapon known as a Keyblade. Not one, but two. Oblivion; the embodiment of darkness; and Oathkeeper, of light, respectively. He didn't choose to be their master—they chose him, and for that reason he was deemed 'special' by the Organization and named the Key of Destiny. There have been a fair few cracks at Roxas' sexuality thanks to his habit of threatening to "Keyblade ______'s ass." Namely Axel's, though, which makes sense, considering... hee~

Classes and Dorm

Math 0310: Intermediate Algebra
Visual Communication 1351: Photojournalism
Science 2416: Genetics
Physical Education 2101: Martial Arts
Physical Education 2189: Melee Weapons
Magic 2301: Combative Black Magery
Paranormal Studies 2315: Demonology

Roxas currently resides in room 306B of the Vertigo Towers with roommate Ling Yao.

Random Facts

  • Enjoys skateboarding not to look cool but for fun.
  • Secretly gushes and has fits over cute animals, especially cats.
  • Hates being cold.
  • Is intrigued by Axel and Reno's similarities.
  • Adores sea-salt ice cream. Give him some sea-salt ice cream and he'll be your best friend forever.
  • Owns two inseperable kittens, Ghost and Kirby; both are gifts from Axel.

External Links

Roxas' Livejournal

Roxas' Scenes
Personal tools