Kanda Yuu

From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 20:00, 20 January 2007 by Megan (Talk | contribs)
Ignore the sound effects written over him and pay attention to his girlish good looks. No wonder the university thought Kanda Yuu was a girl.

Kanda comes from the manga version of D.Gray-Man. This is likely not going to be an issue, since the anime is pretty much a joke. He's been taken from some random point during the long span he didn't appear in the manga, meaning that the events of the Edo arc haven't happened. Still, they will be mentioned under background to further show his personality, abilities, and relationships, so this wiki will be full of major spoilers for recent D.Gray-Man chapters.

Kanda is played by Megan.



Name: Kanda Yuu (神田 ユウ)
Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Weight: 134 lbs.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Dark blue.
Family: None known. Presumably deceased or estranged.
Style: Kanda's ever-present black and white trenchcoat is the big one; members of the Black Order wear such visible uniforms because part of their job description is to be walking targets and draw attention away from civilians. Under that he wears fairly standard, if plain, clothes from late nineteenth-century England: pants, a white shirt, and sometimes a tie. Kanda does not care about clothes whatsoever.
Notable Features: He has a tattoo on the right side of his chest that resembles khanda in Sanskrit. Presumably the language means it refers to the Hindu connotation and not the Sikh one. His hair's also fairly notable, since he wears it ridiculously long. And, well, the fact that he's pretty like a girl. The other characters even use this as ammunition to mock him.
Musical Tastes: Music is for people who have time to waste.
Weapons of Choice: Kanda uses a katana called Mugen, which is detailed in its own section.




Kaichuu: Ichigen. Yeah, the giant bugs from hell are gross.

Mugen (六幻, six illusions), Kanda's anti-akuma weapon, takes the form of a katana. Mugen generally means infinity as it's normally written, but in this case it's written in different kanji. Like all anti-akuma weapons, it's made of the consecrated material Innocence. Kanda uses it both as a normal sword (although interestingly enough, unlike most anime/manga characters-- who seem to be able to easily wield a katana one-handed-- he generally uses it two-handed) and for its special abilities, which are as follows.

  • Kaichuu: Ichigen (界蟲「一幻」, First Illusion: World of Insects). This attack summons a swarm of demonic insects. These oversized flying insects are fairly tough-- able to kill an ordinary human or a weak akuma-- but are fairly easily overcome. For example, Allen Walker was able to fend them off with his own anti-akuma weapon.


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