Rufus Shinra

From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 13:41, 19 December 2006 by Tonearoni (Talk | contribs)

Rufus J. Shinra

In Desai University Rufus Shinra comes straight out of the Advent Children realm of Final Fantasy VII. Inflicted with Geostigma, he has gone to Desai despite his illness in order to learn more about other world practices. When he is finished with his extensive education, he plans to return to Midgar to continue rebuilding the city and the world economy.

The Basics

  • Name: Rufus J. Shinra
  • Game: Final Fantasy VII
  • Age: 24
  • Eye Color: Ice Blue
  • Hair Color: Light Blond
  • Major: Double Major in Business and Language
  • Other Attributes: Because Rufus is inflicted with Geostigma, the President of the Shinra Corporation has "marks" from the disease. Across his left arm, up his chest area, and across the left side of his neck, Rufus has black, blue and purple markings left from Geostigma. In times of great stress, the markings spread across his body and cause minor internal bleeding. However, if Rufus is severly injured, the markings cause a bit more damage and he is usually hospitalized for a week or so. Rufus also has lapses where he hallucinates. This is also a side-effect of the disease. It gets worse in the presence of high concentrations of Mako.

Rufus is played by Tony.

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