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Practicing smiles and summoning Aeons.
Yuna of Bevelle originates from Squaresoft's tenth installment of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy X. She is headed down the righteous path of a Summoner, having completed a strenuous two-year Apprenticeship at the Yevonite Temple on the island of Besaid. This verision of Yuna, is very true to her canon counterpart.

To make things a little more confusing, her mun is also named Yuna. But let's go ahead and call this mun Yunie from here on to avoid further complications (hopefully!).

[edit] a summoner

Name: Yuna (of Bevelle)
Also Known As: Lady Yuna, Lady Summoner, Yunie
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Half-human, half-Al Bhed
Height: 5'3" (162 cm)
Eye Colour: Yuna was born with full heterochromia, meaning that her eyes are two different colours. The right is green and her left is blue.
Hair Colour / Style: Mid-brown (not a very dark brown), cut to a legnth where it brushes her shoulders. The strands are feathered, and seem to flip upwards slightly on the left side of her face. She wears a side part, which causes a slight puff of hair to stand above the rest at the top of her head. Her bangs are side-swept to her left.
Family: Braska (Father; deceased), Cid (Uncle; estranged), cousins Rikku and Brother.
Weapons: Various Staves. Currently armed with the Rod of Wisdom
Armour: Rings
Overdrive: Grand Summon

[edit] and her guardians

After all, a Summoner isn't going to get very far without her Guardians. To Yuna, a Guardian is someone that she would trust with her life, now matter how long she has known them personally as she has an unwavering faith in humankind. Following, are the people that she has asked to accompany her on the road to the city of the dead, Zanarkand.

Lulu: From the day that Yuna was brought to the island of Besaid, Lulu has been a constant presence in her life. Whether it be to chastise her for training too hard, or wiping the tears off of her cheeks after a Sending. Although Yuna never had the chance to formally ask the Black Mage to be her Guardian, Lulu sprang to the rescue of both Yuna and Rikku, destroying a Water Flan at the Yevonite Temple in Mayra. When informed that Yuna had already taken Rikku as a Guardian, the woman cooly replied "Well, not before me she isn't."

Rikku: The meeting seemed to be completely by chance. Yuna first came into contact with Rikku over Desai University's network, immediately interested in the other's Al Bhed culture. Through further communication they realized that they were actually cousins! Not one to want to break anyone's heart, the Apprentice Summoner decided then and there to tell her newfound family her intentions -- to defeat Sin. After some tears, Rikku announced that she would become her Guardian, all the while promising to think of a way to save her Yevonite cousin.

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