Kuchiki Byakuya

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Kuchiki Byakuya is from the manga/anime series Bleach and is played by Thessaly.


Vital Statistics

Name: Kuchiki Byakuya

Age: Appears mid to late twenties.

Height: 180cm

Weight: 64kg

Family: Kuchiki Rukia

Likes: Spicy food, nighttime walks, solitude

Dislikes: Most everything else.

Musical tastes: Classical.

In-game associations: Cloud Strife and Rufus Shinra are both counted as friends. Zidane Tribal is his tolerated roommate.

Background and Personality

The 28th head of the noble Kuchiki clan, Byakuya is said to be one of the strongest members in the history of their line. Presently, he is the captain of the sixth division of the Gotei 13. Outwardly, he seems very ruthless, cold, and emotionless, keeping a stoic expression most of the time. He believes that life isn't meant to be amusing, and takes a serious approach to everything that comes before him. Truthfully, he is far from heartless; he simply is adept at concealing what he feels and suppressing natural reactions before they have time to show on his face. More recently, it's been shown that he does possess affection for others, he just has a backward way of showing it. Even those people who have known him a long time have trouble getting close, because before anyone can really get to know him, Byakuya tends to project a stony silence and distance himself from the world around him. He does have a vulnerability, especially after Hisana's death, but it's extremely well-hidden and deeply buried. It is possible he is simply guarding his heart closely from further hurt or loss, but generally it makes him seem like a total asshole. This, in turn, intimidates people away from wanting to be anywhere near him. One of the greatest turning points of his life has been the two promises he made, one to his late wife, Hisana, to protect her biological sister, Rukia, and one to his parents, to never again break the rules. These two vows quite happily existed in the same reality -- until Rukia violated the law of Soul Society. If it were not for Kurosaki Ichigo's interference, it is very likely Byakuya would have stood by and watched her be executed, all for the sake of law and harmony. For in his view, as he states during the battle with Ichigo -- if they don't uphold the rules, then who will? He was deeply conflicted about the situation and saw himself helpless to move one way or the other, not wanting to betray either the woman he had loved or the parents who had given him his position. Now that things seem to have settled once again, Byakuya continues to look after his sister on his own terms, which may seem inscrutable to some, but it's certain he is protective of her and although he doesn't get in her way, he also won't let her come to harm if he can prevent it. It seems that at least part of his indecision about which promise to honour, should it come to a point where they're in contest again, has been resolved, although it has yet to be tested. Whatever the case, she's just about the most important thing in his life.

Byakuya at Desai University

Personally, his primary reason for attending again relates to Rukia, as he wants to look after her and guard her from potential harm. However, professionally, he is here on orders to keep an eye on things and observe and report on what he sees, but that is only secondary to his own interests.


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