
From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 20:47, 11 December 2006 by Natalie (Talk | contribs)
Sae Kurosawa, Desai University's resident paradox girl and yurei.

Sae Kurosawa orginates from the Fatal Frame series, Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly. And it should be noted that she is the crazy, cackling ghost that chases you through All God's Village, and the Camera Obscura has NO effect on her whatsoever! For future references, Sae can be placed post Fatal Frame 2, giving her the ability to wander around as she pleases, as well as manifest a physical body.

She is munned by Natalie.



Name: 黒澤 紗重, Kurosawa Sae, Sae Kurosawa
Nicknames: Zombie, the paradox girl, that annoying ghost girl, Zombie girl, Wraith, "D:"
Age: Appears 15; actually well over 130 years old
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 93lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Pale grey
Family: Yae (twin sister), Ryokan (father), mother unknown
Notable features: Well, you would have to notice Sae's skin color, for one. Let's not forget that laugh
Style: Sae has a fondness for tradtional Japanese clothing, only in the darker colors. She even folds it the funeral style, even, and still has a red cord that was once supposed to represent the unbreakable bond between Yae and herself, but hardly ever wears it. Sae literally looks like a ghost, with her ghastly skin, and one can only imagine how creepy she looks with dark colors
Music: Slowly growing fond of J-rock, such as Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer, and Schwarze Stein
Weapon of choice: This yueri doesn't have any weapons, expect what is best known as 'Mourners' and her 'Failed Kusabi'. Other than these spirits, Sae's enveloped in dark, negative energy


First impressions of Sae can either be of one of her eccentric personality or her creepy ability to stay happy. If not for this, Sae can be best described as a lunatic. Sae is only a shadow of who she once was, she's sadist, psychotic, and completely lost most of her mind. Because of her death, Sae carries quite a powerful wave of negative energy in her, and she makes the most to use it, lashing out at others, tormenting people, or generally annoying the hell out of them. Why she does this, is only assumed to be that is how her nature is. That is not the case. Even if Sae is only a shell of her former self, her insane figure is only another layer that she projects herself as. It's her guilt and her grief over her missing twin that holds her down.

In reality, Sae is in eternal pain and the malice that fills her is her own purgatory. Her only wish is to be with her sister. This isn't without Sae's radical idea that stems from Buddhism and Shintoism from her village, that any sort of attachments (physical and emotional) must be eradicated. So by that, Sae firmly believes the living must abandon them and if they don't do this, she'll do whatever she can to do it for them, to make up her duty as a shrine maiden in All God's Village. Sae is very dedicated to her little 'cause', lurking within the shadows, watching others and waiting for that chance. She knows she's a freak and isn't afraid to flaunt it. Ironically (or pretty fitting for her), Sae is a social butterfly -- but more for the sake of driving other's up a wall.


In All God's Village, the people practice a divided sect of Shintoism and Buddhism, that practice human sacrifice. Since Sae and Yae were born into the village as twins, they have been purposely brought up very close, to have a powerful bond with one another. For years, the village has been sacrificing twins to appease a portal, a literal gateway to Hell. When the time comes for twins to be old enough or they just think the Hellish Abyss is unstable, twins are sent to the deepest part of the village, under the Kurosawa house, one twin kills the other. The powerful bond and the grief of the surviving twin appeases the Abyss long enough, before other twins are sent.

It was at least a year before the Kurosawa twins were to preform their own ritual, so the Tachibana twins were chosen, probably due to the high priest, being a Kurosawa, wanted to spare his daughters from the pain. While Itsuki and Mitsuki Tachibana completed the ritual, Itsuki's grief might have resulted in the Abyss becoming too unsettled, and thus, not known to the villagers, the ritual was a failure. Itsuki wanted to spare Sae and Yae this ritual and contacted Ryozo Munakata and Seijiro Makabe, two folklorists to help the twins escape when the ritual approached.

Makabe just happened to be a good friend of Kunichi Aso, the creator of the Camera Obscura. Since this was rumored to be a village of human sacrifices, Makabe became too interested in the rituals of the village. Any outsiders were said to become 'Kusabis', cut up and dropped into Hell, to hold the Abyss a while longer. And because the previous Twin Sacrifice was a failure, Ryokan Kurosawa (the twins' father), chose Ryozo Munakata and Seijiro Makabe to become Kusabis. Ryozo made it out a day early, for some reason. But Makabe drew too much attention when he questioned the twins.

He was taken in the Kurosawa manor, cut up, beaten, and thrown into Hell. Kusabis are supposed to be unwilling to die, not wanting to see Hell but Makabe wanted to see it. He became the failed Kusabi, that would result into the doom of the village. Sae and Yae escaped according to plan, Itsuki led them out, told them to look for Ryozo, and leave. As the twins were running, Sae couldn't keep up, begging her twin Yae to slow down. Yae wouldn't and Sae slipped down a small cliff, fell and hurt herself that prevented her from getting back up. She shouted to her sister for help, but Yae never came. Eventually, Sae was found and the villagers were upset and angry, they took Itsuki and locked him up, then he hung himself before they could kill him.

But Sae believed her twin would come for her, prayed and hoped. She waited for her twin, believing she would join her. It was too late for Yae to come back. Sae was hung, killed in the ritual area, her body thrown into the Abyss. That's when things went wrong...Sae's sorrow was too powerful, along with the Kusabi, the malice drove Sae's soul insane, corrupted her, and reanimated her. When it was over, Sae crawled back out of Hell, along with the Kusabi. Along with the two failed sacrifices, The Repentance, a great wave of darkness and malice, killed the villagers or drove them all insane. Since Hell had spilled over, the remaining surviving villagers all gathered to the Kurosawa house, to kill Sae. Sae killed most of them, along with the Kusabi. And from then, Sae could be remembered as the bloody kimono ghost, her laughter searing the minds of all who were sucked into the village, much thanks to Sae.

Many people have became lost in the village, from outside. Such as Mio and Mayu Amakura, two twin girls that were automatically presumed to be the missing Kurosawa twins, chased and hounded by the villagers who wanted to appease their gate to Hell. Sae was too much in a daze to not be able to tell the difference between Mio and Yae, since she still was bound to the village. While Mayu and Mio became separated, Mio was left to learn the horrors of the village, through countless diaries of the villagers. Eventually, Mio had followed Mayu to the ritual area. Before Mayu was thrown into the Abyss, she rescued Mayu who was possessed by Sae, letting Sae fall down back into the Abyss.

The twins escaped together, but not completing the Ritual. Since the ritual wasn't completed and the bound between the two Amakura twins wasn't broken, Sae's tie to the village, but not to the Mourners and the Kusabi, was broken. Angered and somewhat confused, Sae managed to crawl out of the village...And that's when she discovered nexus. Her mind is too far corrupted to know what's happened, but all she knows she's drawn to any sort of twin bonds or negative energy. And yes, the crazy undead Yurei has found herself in Desai. Her impulsive nature only led her to unroll. All Sae wants is to purge the 'unclean' and find another appropriate sacrifice to the Hellish Abyss. No, she's just not all there and would like to explore things once again...


  • Sae's most notable move in the game have been so far as going as tormenting Siela Riviere, for her lack of where she comes from. Since Sae can subtly pick up on energy, she senses something, but can be wrong about what she feels. She also likes tormenting anyone that comes across her journal, or anyone in a whole.

  • Apparently, the little ghost girl is also looking for a next Failed Kusabi for the sake of creating another Hell portal. She has yet to find anyone worthy for this. While everyone has their fusses, Sae is focused more on exploiting possible spirit energies, whenever given the chance. She's currently seeking a chance to use her spirits.

External links

Sae's Livejournal
Beyond the Camera's Lens, a comprehensive Fatal Frame information/media site
Sae's tag

Personal tools