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MDEA: The Multi-Dimensional Exploration Agency

pronounced as a word, much like SWAT - "mid-ee-ah"

Orignal Mission Statement

When the war that transpired around three decades ago occurred split reality and created portals to other worlds, the people of Desai created MDEA. Their mission was to explore the unknown territory beyond the film that surrounded their own world, and learn what was beyond. If it was dangerous, they were to learn how to fight it; if it was safe, and potentially helpful, they were to create peaceful ties to the people, and learn their ways. Divisions and branches were created, to handle conflict and needs as they arose--that was what MDEA was originally designed to do.

Present Day

Under the guise of what they were thirty years ago, MDEA continues to thrive. However, MDEA has become more than an Exploration Agency, now having branches that stem out in an umbrella of control over all of Desai. Most branches will outright deny any and all affiliation to MDEA, and for the most part, they've never been challenged. Those who dare are quick to disappear, and never be heard from again.

MDEA Branches

The Travel Agency

The Travel Agency is the foremost, undenied, branch of MDEA. The Travel Agency is a massive building set on the shores that line Center-City, and resembles a hi-tech train station or airport. It's open 24/7, and is constantly busy at all hours, on all days. The way that the portals are controlled is unknown at this time, other than it's all technology. The portals are tamed, and held open, and special monorails carry individuals between their worlds and Desai. Tickets are rather cheap, but the rides are one to four hours long, for reasons that the Travel Agency never explains.

The Travel Agency is where all weapons must be registered. Mages/magic users are considered weapons, and are, by Desai law, required to register as such. All immigrants and tourists must register upon first arrival to Desai. Immigrants and extended-stay visitors are given ID cards to suit their classification; these cards will state if they have or are registered "weapons", and will state world of origin, along with physical appearance, name, age and blood type. They do have pictures, as well.

The Board of Affairs

Currently led by President Antonio La Spada (Sparda), the Board of Affairs resides over the entire education system in Desai, from pre-school, all the way through graduate school. They even have say-so over appropriate private tutelage, and the censorship that is involved with teaching Desai's youth. They also have full access to anything placed on the school network, unless hacked and protected professionally (as someone like Rufus or L could do).

Anything that seems just wrong in Desai University can be pretty much blamed on the Board of Affairs. Also, anyone from a dean/principal and up are considered to be in the Board of Affairs. This includes Dean Laguna Loire, though he is one of the lower members (with a heightened status, as Desai University is the largest university in Desai at this time).

First Contact Branch (FCB)

Coming from the early days of MDEA, the FCB is in charge of world exploration, and learning all they can. While on the forefront, they seem more concerned with learning culture and obtaining peace with natives in other worlds, their primary goal, not discussed to the public, is to learn how to eradicate any creature they learn exists in a given world. Not that they do eradicate them, but they're to learn how. Even if that means dragging in "test subjects" in private.

FCB members double as interrogators and investigators to immigrant affairs, due to their vast knowledge of how to handle immigrants from many worlds. On the outside, they can look as normal as anyone on the street, but can be brutal and ruthless if needbe.

The FCB's discoveries and knowledge can be seen in effect at both the Travel Agency, in the Security Department, and the below branch.

Desai Police Department

As could be seen the night Dante Redgrave and Vergil DeCleric were arrested, the police of Desai have the technology they need to restrain even some of the most high-powered people. Their uniforms are all black, and they look more like commandos than police officers, toting a wide array of so-called "non-deadly" weapons, and various, hi-tech projectile weapons. They function, pretty much, like an average police department, and most the lower ranked officers seem to honestly believe they're an average department, from Rituana to Center-City, Cordova to Tayon, but it's apparent they know how to handle things right, respecially when teams like SWAT have to get involved.

Border Control

The heads of the Border Control for Desai happen to be the Harbor Masters, currently Elly Jaeson from Center-City, and Axan Babyl from Mayra/Rituana's border. They are stationed in command of the harbor-points for the Desai River, the largest river of all of Desai (it's large enough to host a wide array of leisure and casino boats, especially in Center-City, and has several highways spanning over it in different regions). The Border Control is stationed, however, clear around Desai's borders, with the strict orders to not allow anyone to leave Desai's borders. If verbal warnings aren't heeded, they are to shoot to kill.

The Harbor Masters frequently visit Desai University, when something ends up in Axan's harbor that belongs to the university, as the river runs right past it, and is in Mayra. Well, things worth investigating. One wouldn't believe how many bodies end up in Axan's harbor. Both Harbor Masters, however, are required for investigations, especially when in regards to the university.



A tie-in to Vergil DeCleric, MDEA has an ambiguous relationship with the cults of Scala Caeli and Una Voce. Both cults are but rumors to the general populace, and are rumored to be tied in to the Starscape Casino.

The Government

MDEA is not, surprisingly, a branch of the government. However, ask any conspiracy theorist, and they'll tell you that they believe MDEA has strings on every politician and ambassador within the city/region.


MDEA is always looking to recruit students at Desai University, and beyond. Again, ask any swell conspiracy theorist in Desai, and they'll tell you they suspect MDEA controls the schools to purposely weed out the perfect members for MDEA.

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